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Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger Nail 

Right now I'm shaping the middle finger according to the shape of the nail. I file the edges at an angle so that they do not catch. My problem is that the nail is always catching the string along the middle part of it slowing down my picado and general tirando strokes. I've noticed this is because the middle finger strikes the string at a much different angle than the index or the ring does. I've attached a photo of my middle finger and was hoping if someone could give me some pointers on an alternate shaping to avoid this problem. Thanks!

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 6:11:44

Posts: 15165
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From: Washington DC

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

You file all the nails contoured to the tip it looks like from this angle, and too long for my tastes anyway. Check out the video "pumping nylon", the section on nail shape is real important. There are different ways to get a smoother resistance free shape. Basically you file in ONE direction only so you end up with a straight edge. Nail length can still vary, but the thing is you need the sides to grow out. Meaning you have more white part on the left and/or right side of the nail than in the middle. A ramp can make things more comfortable depending on how you attack the strings.

Here are my nails seen at 3 angles. Straight on they look curved:
M/securedownload-1.jpg" style="max-width:800px;" align="absmiddle" border="0">
Actually, they are not so curved naturally. The ring finger especially you can see here. That is due partly to the fact I put glue on the nails. It ends up being a good thing.

From above also look roundish:
RicardoM/securedownload-2.jpg" style="max-width:800px;" align="absmiddle" border="0">

But from the angle I FILE at, you can see a straight line edge:
RicardoM/securedownload-3.jpg" style="max-width:800px;" align="absmiddle" border="0">

That is what the string sees too, and glides smooth right off the nails.

Sorry for the bad cell phone pics, I did it real fast.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 6:49:21


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

I feel really stupid. I've had the Pumping Nylon book for over a year now and haven't even opened. Been too busy with other learning books. I've been filing my nails the wrong way for over a year. Now that I watched the video I'm filing my nails with a straight angle for the 1st time. It's still going to take a while to get things where they should be, I have to wait for the sides of the nail to grow out again. But i'm back on the right track!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 8:36:41

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 17:18:21

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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to Guest

Thanks, Ricardo. I'm jealous of both you guys and your gently curving, conical nails, however way you got 'em. I know that this straight filing should fix my hooked nails, but I still can't make it work. It's almost as if at no vertical or horizontal filing angle does my entire nail touch the flat file.

That's why I'm also interested in your response to Lionel's questions. For me, it always either catches on the left thumb side during index up-strumming like in bulerias (or rasgueados or thumb-index work) or during picados, and it catches on the right side when playing tremolo or arpeggios, all despite trying different angles and being very conscious of my angle of attack etc... on various techniques.

It's funny to see from one angle your nails look quite short, but then in the second picture they look to be the same length as your flesh. That's why for me it can be misleading to see pro players nails on video or pictures.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 19:04:17

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From: Hamilton, ON

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

While we're on the topic, how long should the nails be (each one different, I know)? My thumb is generally noticeably past the flesh, as is my pinky (but less so). The index finger I keep a small bit longer than the flesh, and middle and ring fingers are either at flesh level or a tiny bit above it. Bad description, I know but is that generally a good idea?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 20:42:00

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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

I think you could sove all problems by using red colour on your nails. And there are these stones which look like diamonds which you could glue on the edges of the nails.... It would look pretty cute...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 21:11:02

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From: Hamilton, ON

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

Gross!! I prefer roses, myself.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 21:13:56

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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

I played classical guitar many years ago, but I am a flamenco playing beginner compared to many of you and certain not an expert, so caveat lector. However, I improved my playing recently by increasing the lengths of all my right-hand nails. I had been keeping all but the thumb nail near flesh length. I now have the centers of each nail end at these lengths beyond the flesh:

e = 5mm

a, m & i = 2mm

p = 4mm

The ends of e, a, m & i are filed flatter than flesh curvature, but they are not perfectly flat to avoid sharp points at the corners. The end of the p nail is shaped similar to the flesh. I don’t know whether any of that is ideal, but it is better for me that what I had before. My nails seemed too long and somewhat clumsy at first as they grew longer, but within two or three days of reaching their currently lengths I had become use to the longer lengths and my playing improved.

It seems intuitively reasonable that ideal nail lengths and maybe even end-shapes may vary somewhat from person-to-person due to variations in finger lengths, joint flexibilities (at least for us older players), nail strengths and durabilites, the precise hand and arm positions in all three dimension customarily used, and possibly other things such as the playing techniques such as picado, arpeggio, tremolo, alzapua, rasgueo, etc. a player is having trouble with. However, it probably is best for beginners like myself to follow the recommendations of experienced players at first, and then if necessary, to make minor adjustments to accommodate such variations.

I will be interested in what others have to say about this subject.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2007 21:52:47

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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to bb

Hey Ricardo, where were you a few months ago when I requested pics of finger nails????!!! Thats exactly what I was after. Thanks. All I got was a series of comedy finger nail pics.

I have the same issues as you conrad, some techniques, I think I've found the perfect shape, then I switch to do some tremolo and strings start catching. only on a. argghh.

I find now that my nails are looking quite similar to ricardos, although I still make adjustment every time I file. My only prob now is my anular finger, which I can't seem to get right. tried sloping left and then right but still something isnt quite right.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 11:16:35


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

I highly recommend you all watch the Pumping Nylon DVD. Scott Tennant has an absolutely amazing section on nail care showing you exactly how to file and sand your nails to perfection. I still have to wait for the sides of my nails to grow out again, but now that I'm finally filing with a straight edge I can already see improvements.

I think it's sad that there just isn't much information on nail care out there. You will never be able to play like the pros unless your nails are good. Speed and quickness cannot be obtained unless your nails glide through the strings. I want to thank Ricardo for pointing me in the right direction. I will post some "AFTER" pics when my nails fully grow out so you all can see the difference proper filing makes.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 15:07:23


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays


ORIGINAL: oneofthesedays

Speed and quickness cannot be obtained unless your nails glide through the strings.

Really ?
Lets be honest guys of all those here who can play quickly, ever let your nails get into a disgracdeful state and lose more than just the top ten percent of your speed ? Its really only above one hundred and seventy in semiquavers where having real smooth nails becomes important. If anyone out there struggling to play evenly at moderate tempos, (80-120 say) unless they are playing on truly awful nails. then the nails probably aren't the primary problem.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 15:15:25


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

If your nails are catching the strings then you will have serious problems playing with any sort of speed
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 15:19:59

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From: Washington DC

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to Guest


BUT, you know how he says it's supposed to be "slanted"? Well, do you make the same slant for all your nails or just some?

IT depends on how you play. THat guy plays with a straight wrist so he attacks at an angle, so he needs the "ramp" to go up away from the thumb. But I play more square to the strings like most flamenco players, but of course when playing pulgar and index I change postition. I ramp up away from thumb on the index, and cut that thumb side corner so it won't hook when I do p/i flamenco style. The right edge is not so high that I let the string get caught underneath when planting picados straight on. If it were much longer, the string WOULD catch under there. After you shape, you "play on the file" as if it were a string. Just a little bit, that really helps.

M finger is straight across pretty much, I only play straight on to the string. If my fingernail were not curved like is in picture 1, planting the finger on the string might make it get caught under the edge. Like I said, the GLUE makes the curve a bit more exaggerated, so the string sits right on the straight edge of the nail. Again if the nail were much longer, the edge of the nail on either side might catch the string. Also when I do picado, I play with my m finger bent a little bit so tirando and picado have the same "planting on the string" feeling.

"a" finger is always attacking bent or curved so I realized when experimenting that the RIGHT side edge, near the pinky, was catching on the string to much, but the left side not at all. So I need a longer thumb side edge, and much shorter pinky side edge. So I think that finger has the most exaggerated "ramp", but again because the angle I play it is opposite to the Scott Tennant ramp. And it does not look like a ramp because the nail is so darn curved, more than the other nails. Again if I play with that classical guitar angle wrist, that thumb side edge would hook under the string, so you have to be careful not to change your postion of playing too much. Of course "a" finger is used just for arps and tremolo. (I played "Spanish Dance no 5" by Granados, and you know those octave harmonics? Well I have to be carefull pluking with the "a" finger, not hook that edge. Hope that makes sense to anyone that played some classical.)

For the other questions, I think if anyone has nails that look like mine from the first photo, curved a bit, then this filing flat thing will work for you somehow, you just need to experiment and let the nails grow out. As oneofthesedays said, even though the nails have not come out yet, filing flat right away you start noticing improvment. Like buddha, I would not say SPEED so much as the feel of the string and tone. YOu dont' feel resistence and the sound is more crisp and full.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 16:06:11

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From: Washington DC

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to Conrad


It's almost as if at no vertical or horizontal filing angle does my entire nail touch the flat file.

I would need to see your nails, but my guess is they are not long enough to work with. Even still, I dont' think you need ALL the nail, but rather MOST of the nail touching the file. The more the better. Curved or contoured nails touch the file usually at only one or two points. If you can get just like 50% of your nail a straight edge, it will work better. I have broken off the entire pinky side of my middle finger nail, and with just the thumb side edge to the center of the m fingernail, I was able to play with decent tone. I had to be real carefull not to push too hard to get that broken edge to hit the string or a brittle sound came out. But yeah, if you can just get half your nail a striaght edge, you will notice the difference. And if I am right, you will see you need to let that other 50%(whatever it is) grow out longer so you can file it down right.

Sorry it is so confusing to describe this 3D concept.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 16:27:26


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

If you have problems playing with speed then your nails catching wont help.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 16:27:54


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

oneofthesedays, you have very healthy and well-developed nails. They shouldn't be hard to maintain once you find the right shape for your playing!

I would probably not be able to play with the middle nail that long and would probably give the index a LITTLE shortening as well. I keep my ring and little nails as LONG as possible, and occasionally trim the ring nail

The angle of how you hold your hands is such a huge factor in shaping/angling the nails that nobody can really tell you the best way to shape your nails, just a general idea. You need to feel when you play where your nails are resisting unevenly, and this just takes time to find the "perfect" shape. You need to adjust the shape based on your playing style and that's where the bulk of rounding one side, making one side heavier, which nails are flatter, which are rounder, and that kind of decision will be determined. It took a long time to grow nails long enough, it takes just about as much time to figure out what to do with them to get them as nice as they can be!

If you have an extremely curved nail then you can't file the entire tip of the nail at the same angle. I would suggest doing the nail in halves to get it generally close, then smooth the middle section where the two halves met. After you have "roughed" this shape, go over it with a fine paper or very flexible thin fine board to get it very smooth and you should get to the point of least resistance this way
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 17:53:10

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 19:49:43

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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays


Thanks. All I got was a series of comedy finger nail pics.

And you shouldnt miss them here, too.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 22:33:04

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From: Washington DC

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to Guest


But just to clarify, when you say "I ramp up away from thumb on the index", are you looking at your nails with your hand facing you or away from you (as in waving)? I ask because the slant would be opposite in each situation.

Hmm. Your thumb stays on the same side of the hand no matter which way you turn it! LOL. Left and right side change, but I purposely said "ramp up (positive incline) away from thumb." THat would be index (/ palm down). Ring finger was the exact opposite(\palm down). I dont' do picado with ring finger by the way, but the occasional rest stroke sure. M finger is not ramped at all (_). Hope that clears it up.


And you shouldnt miss them here, too.

I am sure she has horrible tone.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 22:39:29

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2007 23:09:53

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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

thanks ricardo! thats one of the clearst descriptions i've read on shaping.
i'm curious as to how you use glue to curve your nails, do you use something to press the nail from the sides while the glue cures?

my p, i and m nails don't grow out in nice archs (when looking at the fingers pointing at your eyes).. i especially have problems with the i finger. i hit it with a hammer when i was a child, and since then it it grows out with a weak line running through the middle, which deforms the profile, i have to keep it really short so it doesn't beak, and even so, i still can't get it straight, much less curved like yours..
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2007 15:22:15

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From: Washington DC

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to mrMagenta


ORIGINAL: mrMagenta

thanks ricardo! thats one of the clearst descriptions i've read on shaping.
i'm curious as to how you use glue to curve your nails, do you use something to press the nail from the sides while the glue cures?

my p, i and m nails don't grow out in nice archs (when looking at the fingers pointing at your eyes).. i especially have problems with the i finger. i hit it with a hammer when i was a child, and since then it it grows out with a weak line running through the middle, which deforms the profile, i have to keep it really short so it doesn't beak, and even so, i still can't get it straight, much less curved like yours..

You can see my pinky nail is much flatter. All my nails are like that normally, but after I put the glue on and it dries, my nails curve. Can't say why exactly, but they just do. I dont' do anything, just a coat or 2 of Krazy glue type stuff, cyanoacrelate, on top and that is it.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2007 16:21:12


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

I just want to reiterate the improvement I'm seeing in filing my nails flat. It makes playing much easier when you just glide through the strings!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2007 16:53:35


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

This is SAD, a bunch of grown men sitting around chatting about how
best to do their nails!!!!

Glad I can just hack mine off with clippers, and then hit em with a nail
file, piece of sandpaper, or the odd rock and be ready to go again.

What a bunch of pansies!!!!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2007 17:21:07


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RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

Here is an updated pic of my "a" nail. It is the only nail in which the sides have grown out mostly. The rest are still in progress. My "a" nail glides through the string so quickly I had a hard time adjusting initally. The "a" nail was way faster than the rest. I have a very slight ramp that goes down from the left side of the nail to the right.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 2 2007 4:20:34

Posts: 533
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From: Toronto, ON, Canada

RE: Trouble Shaping my Middle Finger... (in reply to oneofthesedays

Hey, thanks for keeping us updated. Looks good. I'm happy for you. I know the feeling of little resistance, too. That's how playing is supposed to feel. I stumbled across that sensation long ago, not realizing what my nail shape was, and now I'm trying to find it again. I will keep working to find the correct flat angle so that my left side does not get caught on the string. They are too far short right now, but if I make progress I will post a picture, too. cheers


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 2 2007 17:42:46
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