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Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

Keeping abreast of things? 

Last night on a french TV channel there was an extensive documentary on energy and environment situation.

After maybe 40 minutes I got up and left the living room. It´s just unbearable.

Things are on the way to a 6° C. global warming.
In place of a turn around everything going backwards. Next year coal consumption will be back to superceeding mineral oil squandering.
Luckily US land owners and farmers succeeded with halting the destroyal of pastures through coal miners. However, paradoxically its following drop of price only enhanced the coal orders from China, where folks are blatantly vandalizing their own country. While the rising Asian middle class is yet aiming for their individual cars, for prestige reasons.

And then there are those complete no-brainers like fracking or logging of primare woods on behalf of oil palms to then produce of it what is labelled out of all "bio gas".

If there be no cardinal turn around within the next five years, the destroyal of the planet will be unalterable.

What they didn´t say though, was that if such a turnaround be at the end of such a 5-year phase most of what´s left from refuges and wildlife will be doomed by then anyway. (Environtologists do not count in dependency of human being from fellow species and eco system, yet.)

What is also not being pointed out in environmental works, yet, is how industrials are being reluctant to develop and swap new technologies, for being in love with current hyper profits; unwilling to let go the excessive accumulation. Just, as if one could buy himself anything from one´s hoarded trillions of $ on a soon deserted planet.

Instead its seems to be much more rewarding to manufacturing combines to cater the exploding number of rich and super rich.
Evident again just a couple of days ago on a car exhibition. With manufacturers concentrating on building super luxurious vehicles with fuel burning engine power from 500 HP upwards (and prices unseen before).
- Right, Porsche also presented a beautifully engineered and looking racer that is supposed to outperform the Tesla in speed, range (over 400 km) and charging time (80% in 15 minutes), but who knows whether it was just another remaining poster child, and with its price and small potential output in items it won´t exactly introduce a basic change of technology.
And then, if e-cars energy supply be coming from the currently expanded ways of electricity production it will be over 75% from the fatal resources, like mineral resource burning and nuclear reaction.

You might have been chalking up my personal description of the new raptor capitalist era as a leftist´s rant, but it is increasingly reflected by reputated observators that indeed the greed rage is being entertained by minds who are so taken by their bursting rates of astronomic profiteering that they do not care about repercussions for the global situation. Literally, not even anymore about the whereabouts of their own offspring´s future.
It is totally evident by now, that the leading people in the major industries are keeping in sight exclusively revenues and questionable glory within their individual life-time.

It might be out of the imagination for people like you and me. Hard to believe why someone could be so reckless, albeit already billionaire / unable to spend his fortune and stuffed with more mightiness than most of kings in historcial past. But it needs to be understood that we are talking about the irrationality and insatiability of a pschopathological state of mind.

In consequence, if you hadn´t realized it already by now, there is no more to be expected in terms of environmental policies than paid lip service from oligarch´s political puppets.

Unless you take action.
Not just by behavior as consumer. This praised panacea is much less effcient than spoon fed. Lesser even with the accelerating decrease of income and salaries in the aftermath of the big game, which will allow middle-class people less and less to be purchasing decently / way more expensive goods of social / sustainable agenda.

The only way apparently left over is discomfort. Focus on the situation and sharing your considerations with the surrounding.
Chances seem small that you could contribute to an awakening of the world´s population, but it quite appears as the only way of feasible approach if you are interested in this planets outstanding evolution staying alive.

Your essential discomfort however in the first place demands consciousness about what is goin on. Are you informed abou it?

Do you see how out of this world it is for us to continue living like all the while? Focussed on building homes or families, aquiring upgrades of gadgets or looking forward to our next guitar?
Not that they were bad engagements, but they could be pathway to absurdity.
Where is such engagement to be ending after a global break down?

Will you be looking at idle interiour of your new houses bathroom, while you can´t afford imported drinking water Nestle wants you to dearly pay for? Or may you even be looking at the spot of your former house in a then flooded town from a remote hill? Will you be a bum, dragging around his ragged family through a day after scene? A family and kids you were saving college money for until only a few years ago, now not even able to feed?

We need to understand what is at stake right now. It is not less than the living planet.
It has to be as much of priority in our intellectuality as it is of relevance in the practical world.

Currently, however, common sense obviously is far from realizing the actual situation.
From there, not meant rhetorically: Are you keeping up with the empirical and special news, muchachos?

And if you do; a personal question: How do you mentally stand watching the insane things going on?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 23 2015 12:26:37
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

I am reading a book called "Lies My Teacher Told Me", which examines the 12 best-selling history textbooks in the US and explodes various themes/chapters, such as Woodrow Wilson, Christopher Columbus, the first Thanksgiving, Slavery, etc. (you would love this book) The one on slavery, which I just finished, is interesting because of the documented amount of cognitive dissonance in contemporary sources. In this way, it seems similar to me to our continuing environmental catastrophe (which could be looked at as almost the history of human beings). Thomas Jefferson, our famous and much-loved president, wrote with fierce passion about freedom yet made his fortune as a slave-owner, and not an especially kind one. George Washington, the richest man in the colonies, also owned many slaves. He was aware of the imposition of slavery, as he freed them at his death. Patrick Henry, who famously wrote "Give me liberty or give me death!", wrote in private about his inner conflict of publicly holding these values, yet making his fortune as a slave-owner. In fact, half of the signers of the Declaration of Independence ("We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.") were slave-owners. The rationalizations used by the slave-owning South, before, during, and after the war, are a grisly wonderland of psychological disorder. Clearly, the Southerners felt it necessary to believe that they were better than blacks, that blacks were incompetent of self-governance, in short, that slavery was good for them; yet much of the significant political action of that time had to do with suppressing the slaves, closing the borders, eliminating any sort of legal rights, anywhere, even using freedom as a reward for blacks when utterly necessary (for example, when they were losing the war). The cognitive dissonance displayed by the Southerners reminds me of our own complicity in environmental disaster. Most people are competent to realize we are on a train going off a cliff, but few of us who admit it are willing to do anything about it; and a good half of us (in the US, conservatives) cheerfully raise a cigar and snifter of brandy, singing odes to patriotism and God and increase as we hurtle to our doom. Most likely, our descendants will look on us with the same horror and disgust--if there are any descendants!


Connect with me on Facebook, all the cool kids are doing it.

Arizona Wedding Music Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 23 2015 15:34:32

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

You are right, Miguel, with all matters of paradox appearing interesting to me, including the examples you just cited.

And while dragging around my share of inconsistencies, like for instance consumption of animal product -however small it be- I don´t see much that could be called complicity in regard of environmental carelessness or destruction. Already when returning to Germany in the mid seventies (when environment preservation was of no public concern yet), seeing how one-way goods like plastic cups or cellulosis tissues had emerged, I promptly wondered how such a wasteful living style could be endured by nature.

In my personal way of life the constructive part should be far outweighing the ecologically destructive footprint.

The suggestion made in this thread to realize and take offence on the ongoings and to spread concerns among fellowmen, is pretty much how living is for myself and where I invest enough energy to be close to exhaustion.
My main communication is about the drags of menkind and nature, with anyone who comes my way appearing intelligent enough to possibly grasp these things; which again is almost everyone, including the stubborness of yesterday men.

Consequently, it appears as if my surrounding, aquaintences and friends do take something with themselves. Many telling me how they changed, now paying attention to things and creatures they could had cared less about before. Most thanking me for that, some on the other hand distancing themselves after a while, as matters -or apparently me- seem too negative to them to bear through. (With them usually trying to reconnect a while later, though.)

You would be misinterpreting however if you thought of moralism behind my motivation.
Actually it is mere pragmatism, seeing how typically and strangely people don´t want to burden a fragile ego with threatening circumstances. Living blind-man´s bluff as if things could be passing by that way.

And as pushing as I might be perceived by some with my focussing on human matters, as much will I let go the minute that it becomes evident that matters have been noticed. For then it is up to everyone himself to decide what to do with the knowledge / consciousness.

Unfortunately, however in view of the vast majority of people on this earth, it is blatantly clear that they are having no remote clue of the actual drama developing. For most because of not informing themselves in the first place, and secondly for evading the eminence throug silly crutches in the way of: "There have been worse issues overcomned geologically", "The universe is huge and time relative" (beginners´discovery of `philosophy´) or "We may settle on another planet" bullsh!t. Apart of lunatic sub-evasions like believing that evolution would be spilling out the next substitutes for extinct species soon, etc.

I believe it every human´s inherent duty as a thinking species to realize the status quo on earth.
If individuals end up moved and motivating their surroundness to realize and revolt as well, just the better. (Which is what the very most will be doing inevitably anyway, after realisation.)
If they decide to keep on grazing the plains, however, it won´t be anyone´s business but to their own.

This is how I understand the situation.

Realize one thing, Miguel:
It is completely irrelevant anyway, whether being in complicity to a matter that I am pointing to or not.
What counts is the message. If the things pointed to are for real then they are just that, hence as valuable / worth noting as they be, notwithstandingly.

Finally, while the contradiction of the US constitutions authors´is still shining through, by its support for exploitation of fellow men and for plutocracy, the improvements to the foregoing societal statutes and custom are undeniable.
Sure would it be about time to implement all of human rights, but the achievement of the writers´ time remains, despite of original authors´quality.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 23 2015 18:26:06

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

I fear the feedback in this thread is indicating a general state of awarness with the people.

Obviously leaving superiour regards to a trust in god, just convinced that things may be continuing like in the ages before.

A cocktail of anthropologically inherited ignorance with the total dependency from medial directing (with actually Murdoch / Turner & Co. being todays gods).
Were environmental reports and predictions not abandoned into small paragraphs on page 5, after senators´ latest escapade and soccer matches, the situation would be looking differently.

In Germany for instance with the industry arranging for a fresh badge of cheap labour, the media have released the premisse of letting embrace masses of refugees, who will destroy the local culture. And the vast majority bravely follows the parol, fading out the fact that the new guests won´t be integrating, nor grateful towards the perceived infidels, neither planing to return.

Had the same spokesmen and press released the fact that Europe can´t just host tens of millions from Asia and Afrika, but that instead it must be invested into improving the situation in the original countries, German people would had adapted that premise just as well.

The perception and consideration of the people consists of medial spoon feeding. And if the planet they are living on be crumbling away under everyone´s feet, the situation won´t be realized still, unless fully addressed in the media first.

Had there been page-one headlines about the dying of the earth, this thread wasn´t needed in the first place, yet something like it would had been posted more than once and each been good for at least 30 or 50 sites. Just adequately, but blessed by father Murdock.

However that be with the background of perception; this will turn around to bite our sorrow butts.

Really am not sure if willing to witness the situation in maybe 15 years from now. People will be aghasted about their blindage of today, perplexed about how the indifference was ever possible. Probably trying to remember what the hell they were thinking.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 24 2015 10:23:27

Posts: 15165
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

Good grief guys, so negative and gloomy all the freaking time solving nothing. Meanwhile, some non complainers are on it:


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2015 12:12:36

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

Can´t follow your link, but your categorization indicates that you are not informed about the situation.

Unless, if sitting in a white sharks mouth you would be stirring your tea and wondering about the fuss. But I guess that wouldn´t really be anyone´s style.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 25 2015 12:48:59

Posts: 15165
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus



Can´t follow your link, but your categorization indicates that you are not informed about the situation.

Unless, if sitting in a white sharks mouth you would be stirring your tea and wondering about the fuss. But I guess that wouldn´t really be anyone´s style.


can't follow the link...but I am uninformed?


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 6:23:03

Posts: 3782
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RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

If you were informed, you would be knowing that reflecting on the global situation means to cite a dramatic condition.

Deeming such a reflection as "negative and gloomy" consequently means that there is no adequate overview on status and prospects.

Which again would not be surprising. Der Spiegel yesterday in regard of the pope´s, the Chinese and US president´s possible talks / coordination in respect of CO² plans, wrote:

Viele Amerikaner halten den Klimawandel noch immer für kein drängendes Problem.

Meaning: "Many Americans still consider the climate change to be no urgent problem."
Which besides appears to be an unfair description to me, for it applying not just to the American people but to the ones world-wide.

That aside, if your link was related to above trio´s ados or lack thereof:
I was positively surpised to hear of these latest news from yesterday and without doubt welcome them more than a great deal.

However, seeing past experience unfortunately there is not a lot of clue to believe that there would come out that much of actual unrolling from it. (Too much big game profiteering running against it.) And especially not in time.

What on the other hand could be doing wonders would be just a Murdock´s snipping finger followed by a headline campaign.
Mark Twain would confess to its efficiency, though not even having seen yet where common senses dependency on media has developed to these days.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 10:50:11

Posts: 79
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From: Panama (living in South Florida)

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

Ricardo's link was about this:

I think it is very important to create public awareness about this and about all the many problems that we face. However, as individuals, what we can do is very limited. Policy makers can make some progress, but the US is only a piece of the puzzle. Good luck getting the other polution giants on board (China, India, etc). So, since there is very little chance to have a global policy change in the near future, why would you freak out? You even say that even if we make the changes right now it would be to late! So what is the point? We are doomed! right?

Ricardo just pointed out one of the groups of people who are trying to be practical and come up with a solution. A solution that looks very interesting and feasible.

The whole topic about global warming (now climate change) is very controversial. But, why stop there? There are so many things you can worry about. Why don't you start worrying about governments not doing enough to have a program to intercept a potential asteroid hitting Earth? That would do it for us a lot quicker than climate change!

If everybody starts worrying and freaking out about things that we have very limited control of, what do you thing would happen? I can guess that it will not be a good solution or peace, either internal or world peace.

With this, I'm not advocating that we should ignore the problem. But becoming gloomy, depressed, angry... It's not the solution. And if on top of that, you start talking down or chastising other people for not sharing your level of anxiety...Good luck!

Back to practicing...

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 11:38:46

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

Thank you for the link. Really interesting and good to have.
However, it seems little like a pointer to a change, seeing the actual obstacle.

The problem is not a lack of technological means, and much less even a lack of potentials that could had been realized to date.

The problem is that the introduction of environmentally supportive means would mean basically two things:

# They would mean a need for investment and thus a temporary reduction of excessive profits.
# A realisation of potentials, possibly developed since about 35 years now, would had likely already ended the difficulties of conventional energy supply / replaced it and made energy supply so self-evident and cheap that the combines of energy supply by now would had long since no fields anymore to graze as affluently as to date.

The problem from there is not with technical possibilities for a turn-around, but the fact how conventional methods do allow for profiteering cockaign.

Whereas on the other hand the propaganda efficiency shows in how you consider the controversy of global warming to be very controversial.

However, validly / scientifically controversial the "controversy" is only as much as for instance the controversy was when phlebotomy or lobotomy were being defended. Only on a much less integer agenda.
Today the global warming, its sources and its effects are not being denied by any up-to-date and sincere specialists.

Yes, there are manifold problems that need to be addressed, but none as momentous and urgent like this one.
Even just noticing current effects of the climate change should suffice to realize that, let alone the effects to come.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 13:02:37
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to MikeC


If everybody starts worrying and freaking out about things that we have very limited control of, what do you thing would happen? I can guess that it will not be a good solution or peace, either internal or world peace.

MikeC, history shows that the people actually do have control. Due to neutered, blandly patriotic textbooks, we are raised (in America) with this idea that governments pass beneficial legislation in a vacuum, but most good things are the result of popular movements, spearheaded by active and passionate leaders. Very little good comes out of relying on our so-called leaders to take action by themselves, for they are pressured by corporate interests as a matter of course. This is a bad thing, unless you are a corporation or own one. Those who wish to despoil the environment, enslave or dominate the people, or profit from misery are pushing the other way simply because it is their job to do so. Getting riled up and being part of a counter-movement is a good thing.


Connect with me on Facebook, all the cool kids are doing it.

Arizona Wedding Music Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 15:02:20

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Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

With whichever means at individual hand.
Bet it at demonstrations in the streets, in orgs, or privately in communication with your surrounding.

Very well said, Miguel!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 15:27:10


Posts: 357
Joined: Dec. 5 2008
From: New Jersey USA

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

The link to the carbon dioxide removal site is interesting from an engineering perspective, as are some of the other geoengineering "solutions" being offered. But we all know that runaway population growth is the underlying pathology that drives almost all environmental maladies from rainforest loss, fisheries collapse, coral reef failure, acidification of seawater, species extinction, growing famine, climate destabilization, and ultimate biosphere depauperization. Yet nobody talks about it anymore. We need a minimum order-of-magnitude reduction in human numbers, and two and three order-of-magnitude reductions would ensure a viable long-term future, if tied to social mechanisms to ensure that the numbers stay low. Full equality for women, including full control over their own fertility, would do for starters; the best way to get to that goal would be the near-complete withering of religious "enthusiasm". Arthur Koestler also prescribed the prophylactic use of a drug to reduce testosterone levels in young men as another way to curb many social and, by extension, environmental pathologies.

We can be confident that these remedies will not be adopted; our individual solace is to find a philosophical structure that will allow us to contemplate a stark future with some sort of equanimity. The tragedy is that, as Ruphus knows, these problems are solvable, but they will not be solved, and now and then the shelter of that individual solace is insufficient to reduce the hurt.


The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 26 2015 16:51:38

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to runner


We need a minimum order-of-magnitude reduction in human numbers, and two and three order-of-magnitude reductions would ensure a viable long-term future, if tied to social mechanisms to ensure that the numbers stay low.... Arthur Koestler also prescribed the prophylactic use of a drug to reduce testosterone levels in young men as another way to curb many social and, by extension, environmental pathologies.

You are correct, of course, Runner. We have vastly overpopulated the planet, and, understandably, everyone wants to reach a station in life that provides the standard of living and level of comfort that you and I, and Miguel, and many others enjoy. That's what we have been witnessing in China over the past 35 years. With your solutions cited above, however, particularly, "...if tied to social mechanisms to ensure that the numbers stay low," and Arthur Koestler's prescription for "the prophylactic use of a drug to reduce testosterone levels in young men," you are treading dangerous ground and run the risk of being charged with advocating "genocide" for "people of color." I put both terms in quotes, as those who would make the charge lack an understanding of what genocide actually is, and the term "people of color" is just the latest fashionable term to draw a distinction between European stock and others--we are all pigmented and "people of color" when it comes down to it.

Here's why I think you are on dangerous ground. Europe, Russia, and Japan have had declining populations for some time now. The United States' European-based population has held steady. The increase in population growth is all taking place among the Latin American, Arab, African, certain Asian, and other populations that used to be termed the Third World. In the United States, our population growth mirrors those same groups who live in the U.S. For as far as one can see into the future, the worlds population growth is going to occur within those groups termed "people of color." If implemented, the solutions quoted above would draw not only strong resistance among those groups, it would open you up to charges (false though they would be) of advocating "genocide." A prime example of such a charge is the arch-conspiracy theorist the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, who in his sermons accused the U.S. Government of "inventing the HIV virus as a means of genocide against people of color." Think how he would view the proposals cited above?!

Miguel, I do not have the faith in movements that you seem to have. My reading of history and experience to date suggests that most movements either accomplish little or nothing (reference "Occupy Wall Street"), or if they lead to a true revolution and upheaval in society, they do so with a strong leadership that ends up eating its own children and that becomes even more authoritarian than the Ancien Regime they replaced (witness the French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions). In fact, some political leaders in the U.S. have implemented reforms in the face of opposition. Theodore Roosevelt is a good example. Roosevelt's trust-busting achieved tangible results despite being opposed by some powerful business interests.

In the United States, I have long advocated a less dramatic approach, both to repairing our deteriorating infrastructure and leading to a decrease in the use of fossil fuels. I would implement an immediate $1.00 per gallon increase in the gasoline tax, rising gradually to $3,00 per gallon in five years. Studies have shown that people begin driving less when the overall cost of gasoline, including the tax, reaches $4.00 per gallon. By increasing the gasoline tax, we would have plenty of funding to supplement the pitiful "highway trust fund" and could begin major repairs on highways and bridges. We would also see a decrease in driving and, thus, in the amount of gasoline consumption. And here's the great thing about it, all studies show that at that level of taxation, the amount of funds collected would not be greatly affected by the decrease in driving.

Of course, there would be a public outcry if such an increase in the gasoline tax were implemented. And you know who would be shouting the loudest? Middle class people not much different than you and me. I'll tell you a little story that took place in your neck of the woods and illustrates my point. I was sitting in the Starbucks on Mill Avenue in Tempe three or four years ago having my coffee and reading the Arizona Republic. Gasoline had not reached $4.00 per gallon in Tempe, but it was $3.50 or slightly above. At the table next to mine I overheard a conversation between two people who were complaining bitterly about the oil companies and the high cost of gasoline as they sipped on their $5.00 lattes! Think about that for a minute. They were complaining about $3.50 per gallon gasoline while sipping on $5.00 lattes. And I'm sure that there were hundreds, nay thousands, like them. I doubt they were among the wealthy, heavily invested in corporations. They probably would complain about most corporations just as they were complaining about the oil companies and the high cost of gasoline....while sipping $5.00 Starbucks lattes.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 2:00:14

Posts: 9413
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

Are we talking about breasts? I'm in on that.

A breast, hmm not so much, I like them in pairs.

I agree with Bill that a higher gas tax would be one way to go. But the commercial trucking tax would be significantly lower than the private vehicle tax. And the tax shouldered by the public would in turn be used to create public transportation that works.

The problem is the gaining political will to do this. There is no incentive for a politician to fight this fight. The roads a highways of the US are a product of the Oil and Rubber industry who banded together and purchased the light rail and egress between cities as they gained political power in the early and mid 20th century.

The state of California used to have in inter connective light rail system which reached from Santa barbara to San Diego and from Los Angeles to San Bernardino. The lands upon which these systems were set could have remained as lines between cities and the train systems could have been updated as newer, better, faster trains became into existence. Instead the politician allowed the Oil and Tire companies to purchase the land, rip out the rail systems and sell the land to the state of California to build the CA 'Freeway' system for private cars.

The oil companies were brought to trial and found guilty of anti trust and were fined $5500.00 (five thousand five hundred dollars) And the rest is history.

It's not that we are unaware of problems, the problem is how to rid the world of the greed of a few who destroy the sanctity of life for the majority.

If you like Ayn Rands writings, well then you just take what you can get and forget everyone else. But most people who read Ayn Rand are desperate and feel powerless and her sociopathic world view compensates or replaces power in the interior of the reader. For most who read her work is it fantasy power. There are a small percentage of people in the world who are real embodiments of her sociopathic ideals, they probably don't bother to read her work as they are self actualized sociopaths and have no need for theory or moral support.

I can't imagine my wildest dreams that the men who raped California of the light rail systems had a vision of a future in which the autonomy of the private car was going to be superior to a system of rail that served everyone. All I can think of is greed, greed, greed. I can't imagine that there was an altruistic path of thought through the process of taking out farms and homes and rail systems in order to build freeways through the middle of what once was fertile land strung through with spiderwebs of iron rails. I can't imagine at all this was for the good of the people. It was for the profit of a very few families who controlled the oil an tire companies and the politicians and public officials they bought off.

Sometimes I would just rather look at beautiful breasts, than keep abreast of what the greedy few are doing. At least in breasts you have hope, and mythic imagery of recreation and birth.

I think the answer is to look at the history of the 'greedy few' and try to see patterns in the behavior, and then as best possible cut off the greedy few from harming the rest of the population. A terribly difficult task.

I'm against any kind of mass eugenically oriented experiments such as the one Koestler proposed, or any modern eugenically based treatment of the masses. It's morally, ethically wrong to punish the masses with control treatments. And once begun, where do they end? The only people who have control over the these kinds of mass treatments are the wealthy few. I propose we outright sterilize the most wealthy few who perpetrate misery on the innocent masses.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 2:45:29


Posts: 357
Joined: Dec. 5 2008
From: New Jersey USA

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to BarkellWH

Bill, if advocating full equality for women, including full control over their fertility, constitutes being on dangerous ground, that is where I want to be. If calling for the near elimination of religious "enthusiasm" constitutes being on dangerous ground, again that is where I want to be. How about you? Those two factors, among others, count for much of the population stability of large sectors of Europe, as you are fully aware. I added the Koestler nugget as an example of just how intractable many of our social problems are, with tens, nay hundreds of millions of unemployed young men loose in society, searching for gods to follow (again a product of relentless population growth); there is no chance that even Koestler thought his notion would be put into practice, again as you doubtless are aware--I put it forth as an example, like geoengineering the atmosphere, of how extreme the suggestions for escaping our fate often become. Your genocide-accusation theory has validity only in the sense that there are stupefyingly combative people everywhere who will see conspiracy because it is their nature.

Good luck meanwhile with gasoline taxes, infrastructure spending, alternative energy sources, etc. I also favor these things, but they really represent tinkering around the margins: rearranging the deck chairs while the band plays the Londonderry Air. Malthus, and later Garrett Hardin, got it right.


The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 3:20:47

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RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to runner


I added the Koestler nugget as an example of just how intractable many of our social problems are, with tens, nay hundreds of millions of unemployed young men loose in society, searching for gods to follow (again a product of relentless population growth); there is no chance that even Koestler thought his notion would be put into practice, again as you doubtless are aware-

I also favor these things, but they really represent tinkering around the margins: rearranging the deck chairs while the band plays the Londonderry Air. Malthus, and later Garrett Hardin, got it right.

Koestler was foolish to have proposed that. Even though he knew it was unviable. The counter arguments to eugenic solutions are obvious. There are battles being fought right now against eugenics in some countries. The poor always suffer, why not sterilize the rich?

Koestler was a smart guy, but he was too close to WWII to not understand the implications of eugenic population control. These solutions become racial wars, ethnic cleansing gambits; any way to rid the powerful of populations they deem undesirable. Eugenic solutions are selective and only the group in power can decide who is subjected to treatment. The powerful group plays God, but lacks the wisdom to make good decisions. History has proven that eugenic solutions to population control are chemical or surgical form of genocide.

There's nothing wrong with making sure the deck chairs are tidy. And good captain always goes under with the ship and keeps decorum as the bow passes under the sea. Malthus and company were whiners on a grand scale. Yes we know the ship is sinking, it's obvious, now keep playing that violin an lest the rest of us go down with dignity. ( I say metaphorically)

If the human race passed into darkness and earth were discovered by distant future space fairers. They would witness evidence of a dead class of organism. Perhaps they would see archeological evidence and understand that a few cared enough to set the lands in order in the face of their own demise. They might find archives in space from which Malthus' books could be deciphered and exclaim in some alien dialect "What a sour puss!" Or perhaps read Mein Kampf and say " Oh boy, not a team player at all."

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 3:37:50


Posts: 357
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From: New Jersey USA

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to estebanana

Koestler's proposal was not eugenics. But you knew that. Or did you?


The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 3:59:44

Posts: 3464
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From: Washington, DC

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to runner


Bill, if advocating full equality for women, including full control over their fertility, constitutes being on dangerous ground, that is where I want to be. If calling for the near elimination of religious "enthusiasm" constitutes being on dangerous ground, again that is where I want to be. How about you?

I agree with both, Runner, but you will have noted (or did you?) that I was not referring to those when I mentioned being on dangerous ground. I specifically referred to, "...if tied to social mechanisms to ensure that the numbers stay low," and Arthur Koestler's prescription for "the prophylactic use of a drug to reduce testosterone levels in young men," as being on dangerous ground.

Regarding your statement that, "Your genocide-accusation theory has validity only in the sense that there are stupefyingly combative people everywhere who will see conspiracy because it is their nature," your use of "only in the sense that" is odd. If, as you say, there are "stupefyingly combative people everywhere who will see conspiracy because it is in their nature" (a statement, by the way, with which I agree), I would suggest that the observation that you would expose yourself to a charge of genocide is very valid, not with the qualification of "only in the sense that," but as a very real possibility. There are plenty of Reverend Wrights out there who would make the claim on behalf of the various ethnic groups they represent, and they would have plenty of support. And they would be wrong, but that's beside the point.

Your "Koestler nugget," as you call it, may have been added, as you now say, to illustrate the intractability of the problems we face. But your original reference to it read as if you were proposing it as a part of the overall solution, "tied to social mechanisms to ensure that the numbers stay low."



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 4:23:13
Miguel de Maria

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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

When I think of the work of the abolitionists, those who agitated for civil rights, and those who work for feminism and equal rights for gays, it seems quite obvious to me that popular movements are necessary to accomplish these aims. The Occupy Wall Street movement did not succeed in changing the horrid income disparities in the US, but at least it opened the discussion. We in the US don't like to talk about social class or the the rich or how the system works. Some transparency there is to the good. There may be occasional instances of political leaders who do something worthwhile and dangerous to them without such pressure. Perhaps Obamacare, or its descendants, will someday be thought of in this way. India and other countries had to mobilize their populations in order to kick out their European parasites as well. There have been many other movements that have not led to bloody revolt. Although the Civil War was quite bloody and probably half the (white) people in the US would be fine with a do-over there, if they really thought hard about it.

A simple gasoline tax is a nasty idea. It is regressive and hurts the poor the most, the middle class the second most, the rich the least. Industry pollutes just as much or more than cars and is the main driver of our runaway resource extraction.

I don't think ridiculing the silly Starbucks people or citing the terrible revolutions of other terrible regimes in the 20th century is the most productive way to evaluate policies going forward. These are very selectively chosen anecdotes. I happened to find someone's pay stub on the ground; he was getting $8/hour. I bet he cares about the price of gas, if he even has a car. I bet he isn't buying $5 lattes, either.

The overpopulation thing is indeed a mess. If we cut the population of the world in half, that would probably be a pretty good start. But how such a thing could happen, that I can't imagine. People want to reproduce, that's what organisms do. That being said, it's pretty obvious where the most effective population cuts would be--in the country that uses 25 or 35 or 50X as much resources as the people in other countries.


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Arizona Wedding Music Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 4:41:17

Posts: 3464
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From: Washington, DC

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to BarkellWH

There is a paradox in cutting both population growth and resource consumption in today's world. Stated simply, it has been unequivocally demonstrated that as families' standard of living improve and they move up the economic ladder, they have fewer children. This has been demonstrated time and again. Yet, the numbers that must move up into the middle class for this phenomenon to have a real effect in countries like China and India require continued high rates of growth (such as China's average 9% to 10% over the past 35 years) and the huge consumption of resources that accompany such growth.

China has been scouring the world for resources: oil, metals, and timber. One of the reasons oil prices were so high a few years ago was China's increased consumption, although that has eased now that the Chinese economy appears to have stalled. The "World Population Balance," a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization based in Minneapolis, lists the latest statistics comparing the U.S. population and energy consumption percentages worldwide with those of China: U.S. population 5% and energy consumption 20%, China's population 20 % and energy consumption 21%. China's aggregate energy consumption has exceeded that of the U.S., although the U.S. still leads by a large margin in per capita consumption. And China can be expected to increase its energy consumption as more Chinese enter the middle class and the increased consumption of consumer goods that that entails.

The same can be said for India, which will soon overtake China as the most populous nation in the world. Overall, I don't think we can expect an aggregate decrease in worldwide resource consumption any time soon regardless what the U.S. does, particularly as China and India continue their drive for growth and more of their respective populations enter the middle class. One does hope, however, that eventually that will lead to families having fewer children and a leveling off of population growth. And it will, if history is any guide. The problem is, by that time we may have done irreparable damage to the planet.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 6:22:32


Posts: 357
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From: New Jersey USA

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to BarkellWH

Bill, let me help you understand what I have written. I called for, as two powerful examples of the social mechanisms to keep numbers low, full female equality and the withering of religious zeal. I mentioned Koestler's notion--never endorsing it of course as we both know--as an example of how far afield people go for solutions to extraordinary problems. With me so far? You seize upon the Koestler remark and then derive a fantasy about me being on dangerous ground, while simultaneously scrambling to endorse my expressed views. You even outrace me in my dark assessment of our future with your specific, gloomy references to India and China. Be careful that a WHBarkell does not come along and warn you about being on dangerous ground by referring specifically to India and China. Next thing you know, someone may even be accusing you of advocating eugenic population control; I've seen it happen.


The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 9:42:40

Posts: 3464
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From: Washington, DC

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to runner


"...if tied to social mechanisms to ensure that the numbers stay low," and Arthur Koestler's prescription for "the prophylactic use of a drug to reduce testosterone levels in young men,"

Your phraseology, Runner. I understand perfectly well what you wrote, and in my opinion were you to seriously advocate such courses of action suggested by the cited quotes above, you would be on dangerous ground and at risk of being charged (as I emphasized) by the ignorami of advocating genocide against "people of color." I didn't suggest it was genocide; rather, I said the ignorant Reverend Wrights of the world, of which there are many, would likely put that spin on it, just as he did when he charged the U.S. Government with inventing the AIDS virus to commit genocide against "people of color." And ponder for just a minute the phrase, "social mechanisms that ensure (emphasis on "ensure") that the numbers stay low."

You needn't advise me of what you wrote. I am fully cognizant of your statements. You would do well to take a second look at them yourself, particularly your reference to Koestler's suggestion which you presented as if it could be a part of the solution. Only after Stephen and I brought its possible adverse interpretation to your attention did you qualify it by saying it was meant to illustrate the intractability of the problem and did not represent an endorsement. And do not flatter yourself by suggesting I was "scrambling" to register agreement with your views on full equality for women and the elimination of religious enthusiasm. I was advocating those positions 40 years ago. Self-flattery does not become you. Neither do your attempts to appear as if you are the only one who understands the issue of environmental degradation. But I repeat myself.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 10:36:56

Posts: 79
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From: Panama (living in South Florida)

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to BarkellWH


I partially agree with some of the things you say. I'm not saying that is not a problem or that we should sit and hope that our governments do the right thing. I was talking mainly about getting all gloomy and bitter about the problem. I really don't think that helps.

Creating public awareness and urgency about the problem is definitely the way to go. This awareness begins in schools. I can see how it has made an impact on my children, although, I'm not sure if it has the same effect in others. Mine seem to be sensitive to the issue.

But I'm not an idealist, I'm a realist. And I don't see enough of a critical mass (in our current adult generations) to start a movement to protest and demand changes. Unfortunately, we live in a very polarized country were there are mainly 3 groups of people when it comes to climate change:

1- The ones that see it as an urgent issue. They believe it is maybe too late, but with drastic measures, it is possible to make a difference.
2- The ones that believe that the whole thing is a hoax created by Al Gore (Fox News viewers, etc). This is a significant portion of the population. The same people who came up with legislation in your State of Arizona to allow cops to detain people for looking "Mexican".
3- The rest of the population doesn't care at all.

A higher tax on gas is probably not the solution. Even though I agree that expensive gas creates more urgency to invest in alternative energies. But the whole thing about green energy becomes so politicized that it gets ridiculous. People tend to follow their party's ideology blindly without stopping to think for a minute.

About the rest of the discussion on population control, etc...I had those a ideas when I was younger. But the reality is that such measures will only happen in totalitarian regimens.

In today's society of political correctness, these measures will never be implemented. It always turns into a racial issue. If you look in the US and Europe. You see how easily this turns into a racial issue. In both, the more educated populations, mostly whites, have lower birth rates (about 2 per family in the US and less than 2 in Europe). Whereas the less educated segment of the population (less called them "non-whites") have higher birth rates. So, guess who is going to have their birth rate controlled? And Runner, I don't disagree with all your points (except the testosterone reduction) I know that you know this things will never happen anytime soon.

About the political correct environment, I think it is a more current serious problem in this country. You cannot call out any bad action by a group of people without making it a racial issue. This country is painting itself into a corner and that is a dangerous situation. I once hear an Iranian comedian, Maz Jobrani, say something like (paraphrasing): I come from a tyrannical country where you can go to jail or lose your job for saying something "wrong". And now I live here in the US, where we are supposed to have Freedom of Speech. But what I see is that in this country we are "PC'ing" (political correctness) our way into a tyrannical state. Where anything that you say can be offensive to a certain group of people. Then you lose your job and become chastised.

This was in the context of a discussion about of some US Universities banning the use of words deemed offensive. The list included, among the usual offensive words, words like "crazy", illegal alien", "insane", "gypsy", etc... Look up "University of Michigan banned words"

Well, I got a little off topic. But, it is the "off topic" section after all.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 12:47:49

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RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

The thread has come to life, and that with very thoughtful contributions. A pleasure to see when I entered the internet today. Giving a glimpse of hope. Love you guys!

- Even though, there is little agreement to my understanding that we must put this topic into the core of our lives and communication to hopefully lay an igniter chord among fellow men.

Some thought to points of yours above:

# Over here gas prices have been nominally raised to about x 10 over the course of the past 7 years. When you consider hyperinflation and humbly adapted wages, it still means an effective price increase of 500%.
I was certain to be seeing less traffic, but there has been zero thelike. To the opposite, traffic density appears to have increased notwithstandingly.
Obviously people keep conducting even their needless rides meant just for pastime. (As there exist almost no opportunities for spare time amusement.)
And we are talking about an extremely looted population of -as I estimate (it used to be 40% before the hyperinflation)- meanwhile 70-80% empoverished people, of whom I really don´t know how they manage to buy their food or pay rent, not to mention fill their (howsoever worn down) cars.

One has to consider the vehciles role as status symbol, especially in underdeveloped countries. Owners and potential owners are willing to go through extremes to obtain and entertain motor vehicles.

I remember reports that revealed how CO² findings were manipulated to blow up the estimation of traffic exhaust and distract from industrial pollution. Only plausible, seeing common policies.

# There obviously exist three main causes of overpopulation. In order of relevance:
1. The economical exploitation of the people, which leaves them without pension scheme. (So that they produce more children who shall serve as suppliers in age.)
2. Children mortality. (Extra births in response to potential losses with offspring.)
3. Clerical calling for reproduction of disciples.

I agree into the paradox of decreased reproduction of better situated, albeit worse resource-wasting people.
However, this being circumstance and perspective under current principles of economics. (Obeying the prime principle of established schools of economics, which strictly ignores lion shares distracted from the market discretely from both, the world´s poor and middle class.)

The essential question however is whether there could be a meaningful consideration and solution under given policies and ways of economizing.
Equalling the quest whether chicken breeding could be improved under engagement of foxes.

If there was a way to preserve the blue planet (* in a rather basic sense anyway, as much of species diversity and functioning eco system will not be preservable anymore, even under most perfect foresight of prompt international measures), it quite seems as if certain preconditions were to be indispensable:

1. Common sense´s acknowledgement of the situation.
2. The medial condition to allow for aforementioned point No.1.
3. The understanding that global affairs cannot be left to the strategies of a self-centered and careless minority.
4. That economizing with a votive of capital means a reverse strategy to a social human species and its environment.
5. That the only viable economic procedure would provide a return of the over 2000 billionaires´ and their upper court´s economic accumulation to the world´s community, and more important even the minority´s reign and control of states reassigned to a democratic public.

The leaders of the plutocratic systems have proven to not only be lacking social skills and ideal to reign for benefit of the planet and its evolution, but even just the intellectual facility to realize how mentally deficient it is, to fancy an autocratic governing of national, not to mention international affairs.

This misconception (leaving aside the other trivial motivation of inferiourity complex and pathological greed) grounds on an underestimation of profane complexity.

Me has been due to observing this phenomenon over the past years, in a realm of specially neglected level of education (where, for an example, an engineering degree hardly includes the know-how of what a skilled manual worker in Europe provides).

I am talking about the living-style of a mind´s home-grown spin. Hence, people -including authorities of all kind of fields- takling matters, even scientifical subjects, simply just by their individual and groundless idea of the subject; which again not even encompasses a mere particle of the factual material.

Autocratic mind-sets tend to neglect their education / the continuing of education, and to drastically underestimate the world´s complexity. In view of single subjects relatively not even overlooking a single molecule of an apple, and much worse than that: Not nearly anticipating the dimension of the missing overview on specifics.

And so, they go on classifying and deciding freely on intellectual no-man´s-land at whim, where you and me would be hesitating, counting on being corrected (and embarrassed) by specialists.

Typically, autocrats live far away from updated circles and remain blithe about their comprehension, for no one amongst their surrounding daring to point out to them a lack of education and insight.

Anyway, a preservation of the planet could only be had by communal aims and efforts.
The ancient Greeks called it "democracy"; ... - meant authentically though, not as cynical fig leaf.
There´s no way out under autocracy.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 13:00:49

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RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to runner


Koestler's proposal was not eugenics. But you knew that. Or did you?

Putting a segment on the population on testosterone reduction drugs is a form of eugenics.

Eugenics: the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.

A further definition of eugenics is a reduction of population of undesirable traits or numbers of organisms to the genetic benefit of other segments of the population.

Giving a drug that decreases sexual drive is form of controlled breeding, that means that what Koestler suggested is eugenically based.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 13:25:34


Posts: 357
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From: New Jersey USA

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to estebanana

It appears to be my fate here to be parasitically afflicted by people who enjoy seeming to be incapable of understanding what are the key elements of this discussion, or maybe actually don't understand. It seems this is instead to be a discussion of genocide, or accusations of genocide, or of eugenics, or of things that people think are eugenics. My first post is clear, even to the meanest intellect; those confused by it are encouraged to talk among themselves and try to figure it out.


The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 13:53:51

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RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

I just said I like breasts and then explained why many of us don't feel like keeping abreast with too much bad news. Because politics and a few greedy families and corporations try to control politics. Many times they don't succeed, but some times they do.

As far as Koestler, I got what you were saying and my response was leveled at Koestler's comments in light of his place and time in history. It was foolish of him to have seriously proposed that even if he knew it would never be implemented. If he were joking is was also a dark, dark joke, shady enough to cause darkness at noon.

You got one thing right however, universal women's sexual-reproductive rights would go a long way to solving a lot of problems. And that is a doable and win-able battle in the next several generations.

One great victory on that score is that Nigeria has just outlawed female genital mutilation. They put it on the books.

BTW the ice caps are melting. I mean the ice cappuccinos.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 14:36:06
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus

A few quick responses:

1. The schools are not the proper places to create social change. They are the proper place to reinforce the status quo, sort children by social class/race, instill nationalism, and convince them that history is boring or dangerous. Schools, in short, reflect and recreate the dominant society, they do not change it.
2. The beliefs of Americans regarding global warming are influenced by propaganda and self-interest. You will see that they break along party lines, with white male conservatives being the most skeptical.
3. Political correctness is far down on the list of problems afflicting the US. It is an effort to fight the casual racism, which seems to be largely invisible to most whites, inherent in all aspects of US society. It is good that blacks don't have to be called "n___r" or "boy" and that, as in my state of Arizona, Indians don't have to drive down Squaw Peak Highway every day on the way to work. It will be good when the Washington Redskins adopt a different name; and future generations will remember Dan Snyder as an ass. When conservatives complain about PC, they are resisting simple decency and the act of considering other stakeholders--new and troubling developments for them. The largest problem in the US is racism. The second largest is the amount of power the rich have accumulated.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 15:44:54

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RE: Keeping abreast of things? (in reply to Ruphus


Thank you for the link. Really interesting and good to have.
However, it seems little like a pointer to a change, seeing the actual obstacle.

The problem is not a lack of technological means, and much less even a lack of potentials that could had been realized to date.

Hmm, I find it a rather matter of fact logical and simple solution to the big problem at hand. Invested ($) interest in Recycled energy of the stuff of the global warming cause to begin with. I am optimistic that for the other "problems" there will also be simple beneficial-to-many solutions along the way. Cheer the F up people.

Population growth exponential....problem is WHERE it happens, not to which group of people it is happening to. (Chinese, Indian, and mexican food is too darn delicious!) Anyway, one solution it reducing population is worries there as it's always around the corner, just be patient.

lastely, giving women control over reproduction responsibility? Horrifying thought!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 27 2015 15:49:12
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