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Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

Just in case 

Should there some time from now be no posting from me for more than a couple of weeks, I want the friends of mine in the foro to know that I might then be where one neither has access to the internet nor the opportunity of playing a guitar.

It has just passed a year of trying events in police stations, police jail and in court sessions, for me being accused of having broken a sadist vandal´s jaw.
And under upside-down judical principles (when in doubt to the advantage of the suitor / arguments, evidence and advocat rendered facade as notwithstandingly all being legally left to a judges subjective and untouched opinion) where even evidently false witnesses etc. can be ignored to desire, while you maybe approached however pleased (example from judge: "You foreigners get drunk all the time, so you likely beat him up and don´t remember anymore". -Even ordered a drug test from me, while refusing to take one from the suitor, -which should had turned out positive.) I have been sentenced to the local equivalent of $ 26 000 and two years of jail.

Now, friends try to calm me down by saying that there maybe a chance for me in the next instance, but there have been so many reassuring suggestions before (in which I used to believe at first and take a breath) none of which in the end would come true.

For those who don´t know, besides. I know myself as an integer and empathetic person, have never been close to low-life routines nor entangled in sneaky or criminal cases, let alone jail.
Never mind the kind of imprisonment over here, where you´d be lucky to even just have a bed to your disposal to start with, being fully exposed to whatever come that way, and at best be sold cigarettes for about 2,5 or so bucks per stick. (Yeah, I am back to smoking since that day behind bars. -Even to the crappiest kind of premade trash product.)

If it be realized, first thing would be my dogs awfully perishing. Next, people running over my house so that when you return probably not even windows and doors being left over. Simply and literally ruining your life.

Another countless of cases making me wonder how on earth people all over cultures cherish the thought of that everyone was receiving what he deserves.

Now, maybe I am just a self-decepting moron about my own, but that aside, ever since am I seeing good or beautiful souls enduring miserable lives that more than not are even much too short.
And the careless and ogres settling way more on the sunny side of life, flourishing like weed in spring.
All just consequential in a world of the past 5 millenia. Only, how TF do hosts of folks keep that myth about justice in life upright; are they really totally blind?

Anyway, don´t mind the final excursion. Just wish me the best if you feel like it.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2015 13:33:47

Posts: 14938
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

jeez man, you should have moved and taken dogs with you when I told you years ago. I still don't know what city you live in... if I were you and IF what you are saying is true, I would sell those nice guitars and make a run for the boarder with those dogs. Just get the hell out of Dodge man.



CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2015 15:22:39
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Rufus, might be time to leave town?

If you stay... sorry to hear about what has happened.


Connect with me on Facebook, all the cool kids are doing it.

Arizona Wedding Music Guitar
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2015 16:44:10

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

They confiscated my land register. If leaving I would lose what´s been left over.
I would end up near broke. (And the minute that you exchange currency your pennies become 1/4 value on top.)
And all the horrible years that I stayed to get a hand on thieves would have been for nothing.

Am receiving calls and messages with the same suggestion, but it ain´t that easy for me.


And Ricardo, spare me repeated comments like "IF what you are saying is true". That is insulting.
I am on this forum since years, and if I was of the habit of lying there should have been some clues of it by now.

And what would be the use of making up a sick story like this anyway.
Finally, if you had an idea of how unworldly actually some ways of living can be, you´d know how events like this would rather be expectable.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2015 18:57:38
Sr. Martins

Posts: 3079
Joined: Apr. 4 2011

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

That must suck.

I bet you would prefer to have arguments with me everyday about tuning and stuff like that, at least there was some fun in there to be had.

Can't help you but I wish you the best, honestly.


"Ya no me conoce el sol, porque yo duermo de dia"
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2015 20:21:48

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


We may have been political and philosophical adversaries in the past, but I have always admired your consistent tenacity, even when we have disagreed. I wish you would just leave that place and move on.

Forget your land register that they confiscated. Forget your house. What is the point in spending two years in jail and afterward returning to a house that you know will be ransacked, and then continue living in a place that has been a hell-hole for you? It would be far better to get the hell out of that place and move to another country. So what if you end up broke and starting over! You will at least breathe freely.

To echo Ricardo, get the hell out of Dodge, man, while you still can!



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 25 2015 21:27:03

Posts: 1805
Joined: Nov. 13 2007

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

¡No jodas!

We'll miss you around here man. Good luck. I heard there are some cool places in Latin America. Could be a good chance to improve your Spanish. And the great thing about being an English speaker is you can rock up in a foreign country and find work teaching English if you need to. As the Chinese doctor once said to me as she administered a laxative, better out than in!


Ay compañerita de mi alma
tú ahora no me conoces.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 26 2015 4:30:35


Posts: 15
Joined: Jun. 5 2014

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Where on earth is this!?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 26 2015 8:18:49

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Thank you all (and specially my darling opponents ); it helps to see that there are spirits who understand the situation. :O)

After the sentence, in my lawyer´s office, I had brought in a note with many of the absurdities committed by the court, wanting the lawyer to submit these at the final instance to make clear how this sentence came about.

The man made me shout. All saying: "This is impossible. It can´t be introduced. ... It would make things only worse". So, the most blatant of bias conduct, dismissing each and all of my facts and witness while irgnoring all the inconsistencies, obvious lies, fake and contradictive witnesses of the other party, present just common procedure, whichs faulting could only be naive and useless approach.
So wrong of an idea apparently that the lawyer would not even hear me out until I began to shout.

And as it became more clear one other time that there is no way within an inconsistent judical routine to gain your right, I asked him how about engaging some connection in the way only common.
No, not with him.

He is an idealist. (And frankly, not really concerned about my life, so it seems.)
What kind of weird idealism is it when you stick to official procedure in a fundamentally incoherent judical construct that produces injust on default? But there is not enough intellectual background to realize that.

Your head explodes. Like all the time, you so wished to convey some basics on terms like subjectivity / objectivity, classic philosophy, ethics, mutual rights, psychology, neurology ... wanting to ignite some discovery, rethinking ...
Actually, I´ve had a couple of brief attempts in court, and there have been seconds where the judge appeared as if there was some surprised computing going on.
But then again, if you see the flabbergasting revealances of latest brain research, you get an idea of how chances are for an awakening on the fly. Lest where there has been no basic cognitive advance since so many centuries.

And then there´s me, with the weakness / inability to give in into lagging mainstream / to align taoistically since early childhood. Overly driven by dedication to entity and a hypersensitive sense of justice. Which is why I could had never got along in incapacitating routines like of any military or even in depriving ones like in prisons. From there it would be foreseeable how me would come out from local sorts of jail, if not with feet first.

You named it. Latin America. Frustrated by homeland´s youth´s decline of culture and intellect, in fact I was on the way to Central America when there came something in between and let me strand here.
(And while I was reconsidering to eventually return to Germany, the now even considerably increased influx of ancient mentality makes me reluctant again to return only to watch an enhanced adopting of improbity and backward culture.)

If I left broke no Central American country would permit immigration anymore. And with my age they would anticipate me only straining their health insurance system some ten years or so from now.

Ironically, just one day before receiving the sentence I got a phone call saying that my pictures of weddings had raised interest in the lofty quarter of the local capitol. I shall prepare a map and be ready for negotiations.
Cynical fate can be, can´t it.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 26 2015 10:32:56

Posts: 358
Joined: Apr. 11 2014

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


You've been good company over here over the years. You are passionate and highly intelligent - things that will carry you through troubled times. No doubt you'll have a better future soon.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 26 2015 21:48:39
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3435
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

I am reminded every day as I read the news that the most dangerous animal on the planet is the human. The plentiful wildlife here in Texas either know this instinctively, or learn it early in life.

But far more dangerous than the individual human is a group of humans united by belief. The most dangerous things so far, aside from giant meteors that wipe out whole genera of life, have been human societies. They have killed far more people, plants and animals than tsunamis, earthquakes or other natural disasters.

Persistently challenging a society's core beliefs will put you in mortal danger. If they don't kill you outright, they will lock you up and let the guards and other prisoners work you over. It happens frequently here in the USA, where we have more prisoners per capita than any other country.

The country where you live has already put up barriers to your departure. It might be difficult, but isn't there some way to leave? One of my friends was in Iran working for the U.S. government when the Shah fell. He ducked the machine gun bullets that riddled his apartment the next day and fled to the mountains. He managed to live there for half a year until he finally made it over the border. Determination and resourcefulness saved him from imprisonment and likely execution.

Most other countries have legal barriers to indigent immigrants. But are you still a German citizen? Would some form of public assistance be available if you needed it? Wouldn't disappointment in the course you see your homeland following be preferable to mortal danger?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 26 2015 23:50:02

Posts: 9395
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


You need to cut your loses and move on from that hell hole. It's been evident to us on the foro for a long time that you did a noble thing by taking in the dogs and that we admire you very much for that. It's also been evident that this culture you have moved into is not friendly to you, or sympathetic to your cause with the animals.

You have suffered in this place long enough and there will be tough decisions to be made, but I think you can find a better a place to live in the future. I hope you move forward and out of that country, what ever faiths you hold give you the awareness that life will be fine on the other side.

I encourage you not to go to jail for the sake of the courts of this location. Leave if you possibly can. If there is anything we can do via the internet together do to help place your dogs in a Western country let us know. There may be a way to raise money and rescue the dogs. I have connections to people to know how to conduct these kinds of internet movements to place animals in safe settings. I have connections in .

You should also consult your embassy about emergency repatriation. If you are in the court system they may not be able to help you, but you should as them anyway as there might a possibility due to the animals. You never know.

Hate you see you suffering further, or worse.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 0:48:52

Posts: 5237
Joined: Jun. 8 2012
From: Los Angeles

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Your in Latin America? I always assumed the Middle East.....Sounds like you may be in Venezuela. Forget Central America, it's a war zone with all the street gangs right now. Except for Costa Rica and panama. Why not south? Go to Uruguay, my friend showed up in Monte Video 5 years ago with $300 on his pocket and no ability to speak Spanish. Now he's getting married and living on a farm and is the happiest I've ever heared him. It's all doable man, your smart and resourceful. Don't let yourself rott in Venezualin prison.....


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 2:28:50

Posts: 6422
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Good luck Ruphus with whatever you do. I assume you have talked to your consulate or embassy? Thinking of you.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 8:07:39

Posts: 9395
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

I have contacted my -ian friend who is an animal lover and she extends sympathy saying people in those areas are not dog friendly. She gave me the name of a dog rescue operation in Iran and also mentions German Shepherd Rescue of Northern CA. can possibly help.

Let me know if you need any information.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 9:54:23

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Wow, I am so touched by the empathy and good intentions from old and not so old friends, and from my foro pals. You have no idea how good it does in a situation of total exposed being. :O) (Where´s the love icon?!)

I have seen arbitrariness and exposed being in my homeland already (which is Germany, just to have that clear), where people intrinsically criticizing the grey area (not as conspiracy theory, mind you, but in my case with the clues and facts coming from serious media like the -former- SPIEGEL in the first place and investigative TV-transmissions of public channels) are being latently treated and deprived when daring to sue. But naturally, usually not in such blatant and threatening ways as in open dictatures (not these days anymore, I hope).

Almost like with Tourette-syndrom, the idiot that I am, can´t shut up in regard of incosistency, just as indignation against methodical approach had me pass on opportunities in life. (Just like here for instance. Without silly castles in the air about constructive projects, had I just followed the mainstream, and initially bought me a couple of shops to rent out, I´d now be literally a rich man, instead of facing ruin after penalty.)

Anyway, where I was actually getting at, is that all this should have been foreseeable, and that at times some Taoism must be the more useful way. Even though knowing myself as incapable of overcoming the betrayal of people who misused my goodwill, now entertaining themselves with the prey, as you all are saying, I should had left and not looked back.
- And while realizing this, my guts still rebel like a boa.


Sincerely thank you for your heads up. It gives me hope.
Intelligence is a very questionable thing, and wise action again another one, but I know what you mean and wish for. :O)

You are speaking right out of my heart about the sixth extinction. One doesn´t know where to put oneself in view of the disaster, and the industrials who keep sticking to affluent profiteering, just not caring about burned soil and the threat to the planet 3 minutes before 12.

You prove every other time to be influenced by scientifical thinking, taking notice also of things that you / one certainly preferred to not be in existence. I respect that since the days on the classical guitar forum.
I suppose you being right. If tried leaving with my German ID, probably still no way. And maybe German officials don´t really mind.
The less as I´ve been protesting at the German Office for Foreign Affairs already years ago, about the local mission and how they beyond legal regulation left the office to local staff´s duty, putting into second row even German citizens and their concerns.

And when I asked the embassy for help, maybe half a year or so ago, saying that possibly my life was at risk, they gave me a short shrift at the phone so cold-blooded and almost impudently, you wouldn´t believe it. ("Well, you are living here, aren´t you?") They even agreed to give me their statement literally, though that one then came in much more forthcoming / civilized sounding.
They refer to a agreement form over 100 or so years ago, which would allow the local government to proceed things according to internal opinion. (And guessing why such an antique / ethically / constitutionally obsolete paper is being held valid, is up to you.)
And German media whom I asked to please have a look at this questionable condition didn´t even care to respond. (As I always say, the medial concertation is alarming, free press apparently been a post war intermezzo.)
Actually, I didn´t want to make a fuzz of it, and didn´t try further inquiring anyway. Just hoping there could be some pragmatism or even goodwill coming through. (Don´t know, making it public, could eventually be making things worse for me. Besides, please delete any terms that may name a country.[!] Thanks.)
Naive, I know, ever been.

And the German mission is having a new director since a couple of months, but I don´t see reason to expect him to necessarily be more feeling than his predecessor.

Guess, if I wanted to leave an only way would be similar like once with your friend.

Hey Stephen,

I appreciate a lot your sympathy, in spite of you been so annoyed by me in the past (and if I told you what a recent ZDF-transmission, actually meant to debunk conspiracy theories, stated in view of foregone US political history about the possibility mentally wise of 9/11 potentially to whether have been a Reichstags burning or not, you´d be taking my scalp right away; hehe)

I have been contacting several animal supporting orgs, among them a German one that had negotiated the Ukraine to stop shooting strays, and was shipping some to Germany. Also contacted PETA. All not replying.
Finally, contacted the maybe most known (and first) local shelter (whom I used to visit and support a little, until I saw that they breed) asking whether they could help me with getting at least two dogs to a German shelter / better even directly to any loving hosts there (as the shelter is all the time bragging about exports to the US). Fruitlessly.
Let alone the countless inquiring hosts I rejected here, for not being suitable (except of one dear woman in puppy-times, whose husband did not allow the adoption).

There also is a remarkable hindrance to giving them to new hosts.
As trusting, amicable and socialized as the dogs used to be, nearly four years of constant terror resulted in great mistrust if not to say panic against strangers and even hospitality against other dogs. (Displacement activity.)
In fact to the tremendous inconveniences since the poison attacks, and further unknown threats to their health (lots of food seem contaminated here, and analytical medical means being both rudimentary and exorbitantly expensive) there has added the difficulty that the same genders (they are 2 males and 2 females) can´t be joined because of risk of fights (with the males) and definite probability of fight (between the females). So, that I have to keep the extra efforts of keeping them apart, and daily several times pairing them differently for either yard / enclosure stays or feeding times.
From there only truly advanced hosts would be come into question.

I am convinced that the dogs (as their good nature still being in place) would change dramatically the minute of sensing the different culture abroad, but it would still be taking new hosts who would know how to patiently make the dogs finding trust into other dogs. All doable, but requiring special skills.
Without prepared hosts I would be worried things to be going wrong.

Jeez, I may sound like a pussy, but these are valuable concerns.


I am not in Latin America, but I was about to settle in Costa Rica, before life had me end up where I am.


The more as I had feelings of being dismissed by you, I am truly obliged to see that you are actually still with me. :O)

Besides, the puppy diary was maintained to quite an extend, but it is such an utterly unbelievable Abysses of fierce ogre that I wouldn´t know how it could be processed to ever make it digestible to common mentality.

Where would I be now without the goodwill of the people.
My friends abroad (who sometimes even cry), you guy´s good feelings and all.
And not at last the endeavors of several people here. Really great deal.

Just today there came a bunch of folks from the capitol (through that hell of a traffic), wanting to hear the story, so that they can check whether there be anything they can do.

And before all the vet, who has been trying to help me with the animals, and who over that became a friend.
You wouldn´t believe what he has been doing. Run here, run there, try finding a decent lawyer, come to court diverse times, and what have you.
And while because of his decency being not really all too stuffed with funds (he´s been the one who took me to welfare projects for strays, where he invests time and expense regularly), none the less, leaving aside his work / income so many times only to come for me from far, trying to help, again and again. Especially with this legal case.
(And that while I am such a nasty client [whom he cuts bills short for all the time to keep my exhaust low], only to see me with my layman knowledge critically intervening into veterinarian concepts all the time. Appearing almost ungrateful on first sight / sometimes.)

The good thing about this nightmare, is seeing the good of the people coming through, which over long periods and in global perspective you almost thought gone lost.

Thanks, muchachos; sincerely!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 13:50:23

Posts: 9395
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


I understand you have traumatized dogs. I am going to write to the No. Cal. German Shepard rescue on your behalf and ask if they can help or have an inside route to other European organization for dog rescue.

Try to keep yourself out of jail. I think you are unfairly being punished.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 14:02:01

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Thanks a bunch or any efforts, Stephen!

And about unfair treatment: I am being told that the law holds no place of jail sentence for brawl. There has apparently been made an exception, indeed.
Please don´t forget to delete name of countries in the thread.


These are no German shephards though. Their main genetics stem from oriental livestock guardian dog.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 16:24:07

Posts: 9395
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


Thanks a bunch or any efforts, Stephen!

And about unfair treatment: I am being told that the law holds no place of jail sentence for brawl. There has apparently been made an exception, indeed.
Please don´t forget to delete name of countries in the thread.


These are no German shephards though. Their main genetics stem from oriental livestock guardian dog.


If you are are unjustly being charged, or punished in way the is out of proportion with an offense you must contact your embassy, because in cases of unjust legal treatment the embassy may be able to help you.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 22:37:32

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Thank you, Stephen, but I told them what was going on and supposedly why so, and their answer was still clear.

Obviously the only thing that could make them move would be media presence, which again could turn out contra productive, ... depending on what actually be in the trenches for me. Which again I could be finding out too late. It all seems a bit twisted.
(There is still one country mentioning in that same post left over.)

Just decided to not post a 606-words comment on the music & arts thread. Re-reading it, it was clear that it ought to be perceived fiercely offending to you, though aimed at the scene. Darn, all the passion to the bin.


The horror: One of todays visitors, obviously in the know about these things, said that if I was to really be arrested I would not be sent to the capitol´s jail (where politicals are usually kept), but into the close by prison of the local provence.
There, he said a character like mine would not come out alive. For both, inmates and supervision.
And the place would be gross. Folks all living on plain floor (no beds) under unbelievable conditions. Like keepers for matters of harassment for example sometimes preventing prisoners from getting to the toilet, so that you´d be having inmates running around with the faeces coming down their pants.

Sounds a bit too strange to me (wondering whether keepers wouldn´t be suffering themselves from the abnormal stink et al), but the man otherwise made a serious impression. Don´t want to be exaggerating about the situation, just that bits keep spinning in one´s head somehow. Not all the time, though. -Not yet at least.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 27 2015 23:18:16

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


It appears that you do not intend to try and depart the country. If you choose to remain in-country, regardless of the legal and judicial consequences you may face, my advice would be not to give short-shrift to your embassy. Having spent a career in the U.S. Foreign Service (our Diplomatic Service), I have had considerable experience dealing with issues such as yours involving U.S. citizens overseas. And while each country's diplomatic service and embassy may have policies and procedures unique to that country's legal system, they all more or less follow the same procedures involving their citizens who face legal and judicial challenges overseas.

Much of it is governed by two conventions: The 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and the 1963 Convention on Consular Relations. Between them, these two conventions govern diplomatic and consular relations among nations. To be more specific in your case, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations governs the host country's responsibilities regarding the treatment of foreigners facing legal challenges, including arrest, detention, trial, and imprisonment; as well as the Embassy's responsibilities and limitations in looking after its citizens facing those legal challenges.

Generally speaking, your embassy cannot provide you with legal assistance. Most Embassies maintain a list of local attorneys, should there be a need for legal assistance. Likewise, contrary to what many think, your embassy cannot get you out of prison. Nor can your embassy provide you with protection should you feel threatened. That is what local law enforcement authorities are for, even if in many cases they do not adequately provide such protection.

What your embassy can do, and what is very important, is maintain a register of citizens who are living and traveling in the host country. In order to do that, of course, you must register with the Embassy. It is important to do so in order that the embassy is aware of your presence in-country. If you face a court proceeding or trial, most embassies will monitor the trial to see that you receive the same treatment as do citizens of the host country facing trial. In other words, you are subject to the laws of the host country. Many people don't understand that the laws of their own country (the United States, for example) do not apply in the host country in which they face a court proceeding. Good examples of this are Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia, whose laws mandate the death penalty for drug trafficking, which is determined by the amount found. Some people, including many in the U.S., are stunned when a "Westerner" is sentenced to death in these countries for trafficking, yet they don't bat an eyelash when citizens of Singapore, Malaysia, or Indonesia are executed for trafficking.

My point is that your embassy is limited in what it can do for you, but there are, nevertheless, some things it can do. Whatever you may think of the German government's policies and actions, I would not let it color your view of your embassy. That is your one link to civilization. Don't let ideological issues lead you to sever that link.

As always, good luck. I wish you would leave that hell-hole, but if you choose to stay, maintain contact with your embassy.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2015 0:24:28

Posts: 14938
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


And Ricardo, spare me repeated comments like "IF what you are saying is true". That is insulting.
I am on this forum since years, and if I was of the habit of lying there should have been some clues of it by now.

Sorry to put it that way, don't mean to be insulting...but I am still confused about your situation. I only have your soda straw view point. If you could answer some simple questions I could be more sympathetic understanding and helpful. From my view we have your story and complaints and your refusal of advices as per your excuses only.

1. what CITY do you reside in (what location is this all occuring in)?
2. did you actually BREAK that guy's jaw bone?
3. when is your sentencing supposed to kick in?
4. are you being detained currently or are you in your home?


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2015 4:03:10

Posts: 9395
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


Just decided to not post a 606-words comment on the music & arts thread. Re-reading it, it was clear that it ought to be perceived fiercely offending to you, though aimed at the scene. Darn, all the passion to the bin.

PLEASE POST IT. You are my best Arch enemy ever, and no one could replace your level insanity. Besides that book is 50 years old and out of date. Don't bother. Read some thing newer.

However arch enemies or not, I would do not want you to suffer in jail and I feel bad for your life real situation. So I hope it works out and if any of us can help we will try.
I imagine realistically the thing we can do is just listen to you and give support.

Good luck and try to stay out of more trouble. That means what Bill said, make sure you don't sever ties with your embassy. You may not like them or they may not be helpful in the way you wish, but if things get really touchy, they will probably be the only people who can help you.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2015 9:27:57

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Hey Bill,

Thanks a lot for all the pointers.
I am registered with the embassy. With the info from you that they are supposed to step in when the court operates outside of the law, I shall contact them correspondingly. This must be a valuable hintside, and be it just for a clue that my friends at home might try engaging if the embassy was to stay idle.

Also, as my passport is about to expire soon I am due to visiting the embassy (very likely still on the loose) and will try talking to the chief there, though from what I understand at least with his predecessor staff wouldn´t let you through that easily. (Persistently refusing to settle an appointment for me.)


For some reasons there should be no good in mentioning country and city, nor in talking heard details of the process.
The sentence would be executed within very short time from now, if I was not to object which I will. Afterwards following procedure should be taking some months, unless it were sped up by any eager staff. (Like that judge did so far "for this special case".)
I´m at home. If detained you couldn´t communicate with the outside world.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2015 9:36:47

Posts: 14938
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


For some reasons there should be no good in mentioning country and city....

I still don't understand why, but the reasons can only be your own. I want to at very least avoid this place! As for not discussing details before anything proceeds, that is understandable.

Good luck to you amigo



CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2015 15:43:44

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ricardo



I still don't understand why, but the reasons can only be your own. ...

Good luck to you amigo


Maybe someone of our pals can give you a hint in a PM as to why.
Thank you for the good wishes.

Ok, Stephen I will post even if it may feed your mixing up insanity with sobriety.


... try to stay out of more trouble

You are saying something there.
There is no other mentality as capable of untiringly pushing yet the most peaceful soul into losing one´s mind.
Yesterday evening I was in the yard when a gang of the common intruders came by (not seeing me, as they finally succeded in me disfiguring the outer wall and closing its openings with brick walls) and tried stiring up the dogs as usual. And I had grabbed already the door handle, when an inner alarmed raised in a way like: "Man, aren´t you in enough trouble yet!! Imagine what could -almost defintly will- come out of it!"

The day before they had thrown two eggs into the yard, while I was out to groceries. All aware of poisoning attacks, luckily the dogs were locked inside.

And today while busy with teaching someone on photographing from around early afternoon to near 11:00 pm, we had at least some 15 or so pesterings.
"Just the usual procedure like every year, James."


I was explained by a friend today that the judge omitted illegality by justifying the jail sentence not with brawl, but with `endangerment of public safety´or however it should be spelled in English language. Guess that leaves less formal room for objection.

I am a threat to a sphere of regular deviousness and constant crime, you know. (Just got a call ten minutes ago from another friend whom two cell phones were stolen from, today. Messages of a kind, as well as of way more severe ones down to killings, that I get to hear like several times per week in a virgin environment.) Shame on sly me for having thrown a very vast of my worthless properties after traditional innocence and purity.

There clearly exists no upside-down thinking, for there will always be ground under one´s feet, independtly from where you stand on the round planet.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 28 2015 19:41:44
Richard Jernigan

Posts: 3435
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


You are speaking right out of my heart about the sixth extinction.

In fact I was speaking about the potential extinction of Ruphus.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 29 2015 3:13:20

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Hehe, thanks Richard. :O)

One may be pulled into trouble all the time.
This morning I was woken up by dogs squeaks. Saw a group of men, one with blast pipe benumbing strays, they then putting wire around the poor creatures necks and throwing them on a pickup. Among the victims the mother and their two puppies who we some months ago had safed from sure death through so many large scaled actions and expenses (specially from amico dottore veteriano who also covered the bills, blessed he be. -Someone had hit the demaciated mother dog with a shovel or such, so that she could only crawl under inspeakable pain. All three totally against our expection finally fully recovered and had even become overweight through dear folks feeding who heard of the stroy and then contributed lots).

Dressed, went down and urging the men. Somehow managed to climb on the truck and take the mother dog down and aside, but they wouldn´t let me get the puppies. Then taking the cellphone me captured the loaded dogs and was about to film the truck and its license plate when the chief stood before my nose, wanting me to delete.
Meanhile folks gathered, no one supporting.

Did not give in / hand out the film to threatening guys, but missed out on capturing license plug. (Can be of help when handed to rescuing orgs.) Then came by a good soul and animal friend who had his car right there, we jumped in trying to find back the truck who had left the scene by then, but to no avail.

All these evil actions of yours truly.
And later today I´ll be at the bank to lend 10 grands to a needing fellow. Totally messing up custom and public security, you see.


The vet who managed to fetch the states order about the strays (a big deal of profit, I hear of sums of 300 - 700 bucks paid per cought stray) in this provence, used to be mine, "taking care" of my dogs and back then cat. He made a fortune of me and the pets sick.
I heard he throws the strays all in one lot without water nor food, until the animals tear apart each other. Then lets the rest be burried alive. So, I don´t want to think of what is awaiting the dear creatures who´ve been cought today.

Even though meanwhile animal lovers are giving him a hard time, also trying to privately supervision his mean operations.

These strays were all totally harmless. Really, really dear and amicable.
What happened, so I hear, is that last night around 1:00 am a larger group of this pestering kind of women passed by here, and as the mother dog is in heat with some males from around now gathered in this street, the women lurked the dogs as they tend to do, and when the dogs actually approached to see what´s up (food) the sick boots started yelling of fear and made a hysterical fuzz and big noise (folks being so completely denaturalized in a way of detouched urbanity living that they even fear of cats!)
That´s how came the municipality was called for `protection from the beasts´.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 29 2015 8:37:46

Posts: 3462
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus


Over the years your posts have detailed the cruelty toward dogs demonstrated by many of the people where you live. You have not mentioned, and I'm wondering if you are aware, that the predominate religion in the country in which you reside is inherently biased against dogs. Dogs are considered to be unclean, especially the saliva. There are several Hadith (sayings of the Prophet) that explicitly condemn dogs. Turkey has been an exception, but then Turkey has been a secular nation in its civic life since Ataturk. This religiously-driven phobia toward dogs makes your kindness toward these creatures all the more admirable and important.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 29 2015 9:13:24

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Just in case (in reply to Ruphus

Hey Bill,

Thank you for the kind words. :O)

Indeed, dogs have to go through the most of meanness, but it´s not just them.
It starts with people sans philosophical background and empathetical skills upbringing offspring often times worse than themselves, goes over a weird understanding of hygienics and ends with what appears like a principle perception of that the world was owing to the Subject.
The first being absence of an association and premise that could allow for the idea that you shouldn´t do to others what you wouldn´t like to be done to yourself. Widely and simply just causing hardship when the opportunity is there. Just for the heck of it*; to anyone if only there be no penalty to be expected. Self-caused drabness and shortcoming in life deflected onto whoever come that way unsuspectingly. (Far from the basic sophistication needed to recognize oneself operating for which psychological reason. -And in fact from self-observation anyway.)

* Today, been asking the fellow mentioned in last post above why only he allowed that people demolished his passionately refurbished 320 BMW. He and my guitar student then explained that this is how it just goes when you leave a car in the street long enough for it to gather dust and worse its license plate to have expired, so that it may look as if it was neglected. Starting with maybe unmounting of smaller parts, then breaking windows, then jumping on trunk, hood and roof until it be completely smashed, next seats set on fire and finally leaving it on bricks. And that was the state I came to see that car.

Then the odd figuring of hygienics. A mixture of mythology with blurry awareness of microbes, resulting in paradox routines of hysteric phobia here and filth there. And with children growing up far from anything natural. Usually with no pets, certainly not in the house and if, birds or fish at best (only modern minds keeping dogs & cats).
Animals regarded as infernal hosts of germs and dumbness, and treated with an attitude that quite appears to not only me, as if fellow creatures were deemed as guilty of evil being from birth and obligate to pay bloody tribute for being on earth. Generously treated when not pestered.
Just like in the end the world ought to be owing anyway.

Folks tell me that actually the main book isn´t that fierce on dogs, almost in balance with telling them as good and bad.

It´s to be followed sub literature, where a matter of condemning that creature which used to be in the way of rurally wandering missionaries, as well as mere aiming to add personal glory to scripts, must have presumed into plain aversion.
And the same kind of mental method potentially again with any single coloring `heardsman´ in his individual village / ambience, and even any transmitting individual and his personal preference of spreading things to his kids or charge. That so it seems, often enough in conjunction with wilfulness, must be what in the end springs a blind rage, that originally was not ordered.
In the end it´s so handy to take it out on the defenseless where there is so little of worries / caution about doing injustice.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 29 2015 14:59:43
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