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Posts: 9413
Joined: Oct. 16 2009

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Ruphus


One can possibly get an airliner through it if only wanting to.

You need to read what happened:

The wings sheared off when they hit thick steel reinforced concrete walls. Aircraft wings are made of aluminum, concrete is harder than aluminum. It is typical for wings to shear off an aircraft in a crash where wings impact a solid object. Wings are fragile and light, that is why aircraft fly in the air. Aircraft are not made of steel rebar and concrete.

Go to the airport and ask any pilot who flies for Lufthansa, Taliban Airways, Terror in the Sky Overnight Delivery or any other pilot who flies for any air service commercial or military and they will tell you:


That is why pilots don't successfully fly aircraft into solid objects.

Here is the hole, 75 ft long.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 2:37:48

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to estebanana

You might be surprised but I knew already how wings look like.
I guess turbines are of aluminium too then? |O)

And then there is that phenomenon of kinetics and mass.
There is a magazin called GEO. They used to surprise with amazing photos.
I remember one taken after a tronado that showed a piece of wood that had chopped through and stuck in a massive metal beam.

- Remotely similar to my hands that used to break bricks and stones, eventhough they should had rather been damaged themselves. ( ... Once they were even poured over by a whole pot of boiling water and nothing happened. Today I would certainly be in for skin transplantation, the way you´d commonly expect.)

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 3:00:35

Posts: 5237
Joined: Jun. 8 2012
From: Los Angeles

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to estebanana


I guess turbines are of aluminium too then?

I dont get it, they found the turbines.....I posted a picture earlier......


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 3:11:01

Posts: 9413
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RE: AE911Truth (in reply to estebanana

Ever play Rock Paper Scissors as child?

Rock smashes Scissors, remember that.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 3:18:23

Posts: 1409
Joined: Feb. 18 2010
From: .fr

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to estebanana

I came across this cartoon

It's called "The Patriot"

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"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 8:33:04


Posts: 530
Joined: Sep. 14 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Jim Opfer


WTC7 was reported on the BBC news as having just collapsed and the tower can be seen still standing in the background through the news room window...

The other day I was watching BBC news 24 reporting on the horrific nightclub fire in Brazil. As events unfolded and information came in, the reportage was confused and contradictory in places. "We now know that at least *** people have died" said the reporter, whilst the figure quoted in the ticker tape text across the screen said something completely different and contradictory.

Happens all the time, Jim, it is the nature of lives news (I used to work at the BBC) and gosh, reporters sometimes make mistakes, more often now that we have 'real time' news.

When the whole world is watching, information is pouring in from dozens of sources, your producer is screaming instructions in your ear, and you are reporting from what is pretty much a war zone, it really is not a big surprise that when plenty of sources are telling you the building is 'about to collapse' or 'not sure if it has collapsed; that you report 'it has collapsed' by mistake.

The above blog reports in detail events on the day, I won't bother repeating it. Conspiracy theorists will never be satisfied because of the way their mind works - simple explanations, coincidences and human f*** ups are just not as sexy and are seen as 'part of the cover up', you cannot win.

If there was the slightest truth in the BBC 'predicting' the collapse, and therefore having insider information, journalists would be all over it like a swarm of bees, including BBC journos, just like they are with the Jimmy Saville scandal.

This is how conspiracies work Jim - you can connect anything you like to it and make it bigger if you really want to. If I wanted to I would look up what the Royal family were doing on that day and find something 'suspicious' that links them to the conspiracy too. Soon that would be round the internet.

If you could 'go on' you need to do a lot better than that.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 8:36:40

Posts: 4400
Joined: Apr. 14 2005

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to brandoscostumes


ORIGINAL: brandoscostumes

are you aware of the unimaginable quantities of money european countries, mainly france and germany, the loudest opponents of the war, made by selling saddam hussein weapons all the way until 2003 despite the sanctions? that is the real untold story of the war. this is what bush was talking about when he said you are with us or with the terrorists -- if youre not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
europe has always been a complete joke in terms of fighting terrorism even within the country of afghanistan where 99% of the 'coalition' fighting and deaths are from americans, brits, and canadians. for a known terrorist in the 80s and 90s the safest place to be was london. nonchalant attitudes about terrorism from europeans are based on sheer ignorance and resentment about being under US protection and generally incapable and unwilling to act militarily at decisive moments even in their own backyard.

in any case the official position of the US had been to remove saddam hussein since the clinton years. they didnt need 9/11 as a justification and indeed the biggest hole in the truther theory is bush's failure to conclusively connect hussein to the attack, much easier to manufacture than the conspiracy itself.

The definition of a person or group as terrorists depends on whether they are acting in your against your interests. Countries have no problems to collaborate with islamic extremists if those extremists are fighting against a regime that said countries consider their enemy (ie Syria, Lybia, etc etc). In other cases islamic extremists are considered the enemy itself (ie Afghanistan) so they get called terrorists. Saddam Hussein was an ally of the west himself, but then he fell from grace with Quwait and suddenly he becomes an evil person? "Terrorist" my ass... not to mention that Hussein was defending his state AGAINST islamic extremists, same as Gaddafi.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 9:08:32

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to estebanana




I guess turbines are of aluminium too then?

I dont get it, they found the turbines.....I posted a picture earlier......

From inside the building, right? Stephen was implying that they would had been rejected ( thus the originally small hole ) and should consequently have been found outside the building.

How do you make sense of the alleged debris of an airliner and the initial size of the hole in the wall?
Maybe the terrorists prepared the plane with grease ... or with soapsuds ... Could that work? :O|

Or maybe the slick terrorists started the plane from the basement ...
... Hey, that could be a new likelihood to consider!


It is not just pimply teenagers who find too many details excluding each other.

You as someone who has worked in the information branch could have heard of the apparatus that is there to exactly prevent that some notorious fanatics and simple-minded dilettants, who on top had been observed and announced by European intelligence, to prepare a desaster in the USA. ( After all GB comes in second with most dense observation after the USA I think, so you might have heard sometime of corresponding efforts taken.)
I suppose you have come accross the unbelievable number of US tracking organisations, havn´t you.

And you may have noticed that towers held by remarkably solid steel cradle were colliding at rate of fall.
You believe a planes burning fuel together with what? ... 2, 5, 10, 15, 20% of load increase through impacting floors make a skyscraper dissolve in such ways. Wait, even two, no, three buildings all wrinkling that very same way?
And leaving liquid steel beams glowing still three weeks after the incident?

All conventional incidence through what kerosin and battery acid?

Up from how many bizarre coincidences will you start thinking of something else than ordinary live news contradictions?
Would under 1001 plain oddities do?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 9:39:16

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to XXX



Saddam Hussein was an ally of the west himself, but then he fell from grace with Quwait

For which invasion he had received *approval beforehand in a phone call with Bush senior.
He was obviously due and framed.

* Right, you guessed it; according to DER SPIEGEL of that time, who should had been sued the living hell out of if they hadnt had prove at hand to back up the report.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 9:46:56

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Ruphus

I stand by exactly what I said and saw with my own eyes, which is the huge gash in the side of the Pentagon exactly as depicted in the photo provided by Stephen. It was caused by the impact of the aircraft and the burning aviation fuel weakening the structure and causing its collapse. You could have seen similar photos as well and probably did, Ruphus. But you apparently chose to ignore them because they would provide evidence not only of the collapse caused by the impact, but the collapse of your specious argument that the US Government did this to itself through "controlled demolition."



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 10:15:20

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to mezzo


I came across this cartoon

It's called "The Patriot"

That cartoon accurately depicts a fringe group of idiots who join "militias" in the US and who are every bit as much conspiracy theorists as the "Truther" AE911Truth crowd. They and their beer-bellied confederates go out in the woods on weekends and "train" for the coming showdown with the US Government, who they view as the "enemy." This crowd also believes the United Nations is out to take over the US, and they are in the habit of sighting "black helicopters" that they believe are part of the conspiracy to take over.

There are plenty of nuts on the Right and the Left.




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 10:24:25

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Ruphus


For which invasion he had received *approval beforehand in a phone call with Bush senior.

Another assertion that bears no resemblance to reality. Where do you get this stuff?



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 10:31:30

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to BarkellWH

Conspiracy theorists are nothing new. There is a certain type of person for whom no rational explanation, no amount of evidence, and no reasoned argument based on the evidence will suffice.

There are people today who genuinely believe that the earth is flat, and there is actually a Flat Earth Society to accommodate them. Evidence through the ages from the ancient Greeks to modern science, proving that the earth is spherical, does not sway them because it would disturb there congenitally-imprinted narrative that the earth is flat.

There were then, and still are, people who do not believe man walked on the moon in 1969. Against all evidence, they believe, among other alternatives, that the successful moon mission was all cooked up by the US Government, and what everyone saw on TV was actually filmed at a desert landscape with a meteor crater in Northern Arizona. No amount of evidence will convince them otherwise because it would disturb their narrative of the event as they want to believe it.

Although I facetiously referred to it in an earlier posting, there are people today who actually do believe that there is a secretive conspiratorial society at large in the world known as the Illuminati. According to those who believe in this conspiracy theory, the Illuminati are preparing to rule the world, and in some respects already influence us.

There are Right-Wing militia nuts in the US who believe that the US Government is the enemy, and by the way, so is the United Nations. They believe the UN is preparing to take over the US, with the connivance of the US Government, and they are always sighting "Black Helicopters" as evidence.

So the AE911Truth "Truther" conspiracy theorists are nothing new. They and their followers are just another in a long line of groups and individuals who reject rational thought and evidenced-based reasoning, and instead opt for what they consider more "sexy" explanations for events and phenomena. One could pile on as much evidence as possible and it still would not deter them from pursuing their dreams of conspiratorial activity. In fact, and here is the final irony, the more you provide reasoned argument and evidence-based conclusions that undermine their precious conspiracy theories, the more convinced they become that you yourself are part of the conspiracy. For if you were not part of the conspiracy, why would you argue against it if not to conceal and protect it from exposure?




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 10:58:27

Posts: 1409
Joined: Feb. 18 2010
From: .fr

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to BarkellWH


That cartoon accurately depicts a fringe group of idiots who join "militias" in the US and who are every bit as much conspiracy theorists as the "Truther" AE911Truth crowd. They and their beer-bellied confederates go out in the woods on weekends and "train" for the coming showdown with the US Government, who they view as the "enemy."

Are they linked to the Tea Party?


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 11:08:14

Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to estebanana

IMO conspiracy theorists have played a major role in opening the minds and eyes of millions of people to many important issues. Great work i say!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 11:26:01

Posts: 4400
Joined: Apr. 14 2005

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to KMMI77



IMO conspiracy theorists have played a major role in opening the minds and eyes of millions of people to many important issues. Great work i say!

You cant open minds with illusioning and wrong theories. I will admit that the vast majority of people are not that much more knowledgeable than the conspiracy guys. Its not like everybody is all rational and knowing, only the conspiracy guys being crazy and off. They are just the tip of an iceberg of a much broader amount of ignorance and dumbness, which is prevalent among common folks... most people cant even distinguish a condition from a reason. But still that doesnt make the conspiracy theorists any valuable.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 11:40:38


Posts: 530
Joined: Sep. 14 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Ruphus



It is not just pimply teenagers who find too many details excluding each other.

You as someone who has worked in the information branch could have heard of the apparatus that is there to exactly prevent that some notorious fanatics and simple-minded dilettants, who on top had been observed and announced by European intelligence, to prepare a desaster in the USA. ( After all GB comes in second with most dense observation after the USA I think, so you might have heard sometime of corresponding efforts taken.)
I suppose you have come accross the unbelievable number of US tracking organisations, havn´t you.

Sorry Ruphus, but I really have no idea what all this means and what on earth it has to do with the daft idea that the BBC propagated a 9/11 cover up.

I think you might be pointing to failures in intelligence to spot and prevent the attack, if that's the case I would agree.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 11:43:15
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to BarkellWH


I'm sorry to have to say your hole in the wall belief is false. The press and TV made big play on the later collapse and that was broadcast everywhere. That established the base for the story a plane hit the Pentagon. It's a bit like learning bad technique playing guitar, the longer one persists, the harder it is to remedy.
If you look at those photos after the collapse of the facade, you'll see a computer monitor and papers pinned on walls. When you compare this to the fire ball that's meant to have destroyed the towers, it's clear it was not a plane crash. Unless you can clarify otherwise?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 11:46:15

Posts: 1821
Joined: Jul. 26 2009
From: The land down under

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to XXX


You cant open minds with illusioning and wrong theories. I will admit that the vast majority of people are not that much more knowledgeable than the conspiracy guys. Its not like everybody is all rational and knowing, only the conspiracy guys being crazy and off. They are just the tip of an iceberg of a much broader amount of ignorance and dumbness, which is prevalent among common folks... most people cant even distinguish a condition from a reason. But still that doesnt make the conspiracy theorists any valuable.

I like that conspiracy theorists often take an interest in subjects like corruption, injustice and sneaky behavior etc.. This is more what i am referring to rather than unproven theories.

They often present information in an apposing format to the mainstream norm. True or not, it is interesting to be able look at compiled info from many sources, Rather than the pre internet days of most information being presented from limited, controlled, and often just as bias sources.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 11:58:49
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Blondie#2

Hi Blondie#2,

'Happens all the time jim,

I!m working off an iPad and can't figure out how to capture YouTube videos and paste, so apologies.
If you take 5mins to go on YouTube and type in WTC7 and BBC Jane Standley, you'll see original on the day report that building 7 had collapsed yet it is standing in the background. The point is that whilst for sure misinformation and cross wire shouting in the ear goes on all the time, it's not just a mistaken report.... It's a statement of fact broadcast before the event.
Then if you dig a bit further and realise this building as the twin towers, collapsed at almost free fall speed (if you had jumped off the roof as the building started to fall, you would have landed on the pavement at the same time the roof hit) that defies physics and is impossible unless the resistance from lower floors was removed.

An independent enquiry is needed.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 12:06:19


Posts: 530
Joined: Sep. 14 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Jim Opfer


If you take 5mins to go on YouTube and type in WTC7 and BBC Jane Standley, you'll see original on the day report that building 7 had collapsed yet it is standing in the background. The point is that whilst for sure misinformation and cross wire shouting in the ear goes on all the time, it's not just a mistaken report.... It's a statement of fact broadcast before the event.

Yes, I have seen Standley's report. Did you read the link I posted? Really Jim, this is a total non story. She said it had collapsed when it hadn't - when multiple sources said they thought it was about to, and Reuters had got it wrong too. Big deal.

We do not live in North Korea with the media controlled by the state, and the BBC is not controlled by the pentagon - if it was I think they'd have been a littler kinder to the Bush administration during the WMD fiasco, don't you?

This really is utter nonsense. Bill Barkell's post above sums it up neatly (I was thinking of the moon landing one too).
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 12:49:30

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Blondie#2




For which invasion he had received *approval beforehand in a phone call with Bush senior.

Another assertion that bears no resemblance to reality. Where do you get this stuff?




according to DER SPIEGEL of that time, who should had been sued the living hell out of if they hadnt had prove at hand to back up the report.

Not that it escapes your blinkers again.

I don not wonder what you would do if you found my statement correct and that the paper was never sued to revoke. ( = not apologize) ... And that countless of such lowly items have been reported over the decades of which the very least were picked up by any other media anywhere, but mysteriously quietly left to faint away by an international press that according to you would be all so eager to follow whatever they feel to.
( Yeah, often times I would call up friends to tell them of appaling things so freaking to them that I had to name them edition and site so that they could read up themselves. Some, formerly just as neglecting as Joe average, became critical minds over the course of so many years with yours truely pointing to the untold.
- And correspondingly accidentally the papers slogan used to be: "Spiegelleser wissen mehr" = "Our readers know more". Which was just as simple as it used to be true as long as reading was only regular and attentive.)

The truth is that there usually is distinct preselection of what can be medially pursued and published and what not. And what is so phenomenal about it is how strictly the media control actually works in firm degrees throughout nations, international formations or sometimes worldwide, depending on the subject and quality of action.

Just like that OK of Bush for Saddam´s invasion in Kuwait.
Other than in the SPIEGEL it - like other thelike dispatches - was never heard of it anywhere. Where only have been those sensational colleagues in the world that would had quoted this remarkable note? And if it would had been merely to question or ridicule it?

Maybe they had some dilpomatic staff like Bill around who might have informed them that such sinister levels were simply impossible under the sincerity of the White House.

While he is trying to pontificate and ridicule about conspiracy theorists, his stand presents the most odd, with that Alice in Wonderland coloring of sheer incredibly inhumane policies, crime and destruction.
Trying to refurbish conditions that at least for their basics scale are known to the worlds common sense, including even of the apathetic majority.


ORIGINAL: Blondie#2

I think you might be pointing to failures in intelligence to spot and prevent the attack, if that's the case I would agree.

Worse, unfortunately.
I claim that such "failure" was absolutely impossible.
First of all for the sheer giant apparatus that these awkward amateurs would have had to slip through, and moreover and at the latest for the fact that numerous European intelligent services had announced the crossing over assassins to the CIA.

What more could you be needing? A soap bubbling elephant in a bathtub that you would be overlooking while reading your readers digest on the loo?

Somewhere there ought to be a cognitive sensation for limits of plausibility, or may wishing for an ideal world justify any degree of polishing turds?

Can on principle there be what shouldn´t, or can it not?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 13:01:55

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to mezzo


Are they linked to the Tea Party?

Some probably are, Mezzo. But on the whole, my impression is that most are way beyond the limits of even the Tea Party.




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 13:06:39

Posts: 3464
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Jim Opfer


I'm sorry to have to say your hole in the wall belief is false. The press and TV made big play on the later collapse and that was broadcast everywhere. That established the base for the story a plane hit the Pentagon. It's a bit like learning bad technique playing guitar, the longer one persists, the harder it is to remedy.
If you look at those photos after the collapse of the facade, you'll see a computer monitor and papers pinned on walls. When you compare this to the fire ball that's meant to have destroyed the towers, it's clear it was not a plane crash. Unless you can clarify otherwise?

Easy one, Jim. The Pentagon is located in an area where major roads pass by, and there were motorists on the road who saw the plane come in low and hit the Pentagon. They provided their stories to news programs at the time. Not only that, as has been noted above by me and others, the force of the impact and burning aviation fuel not only caused the structural damage that led to the collapse of that side of the Pentagon, it also led to the virtual disintegration of the plane itself, although there were sufficient parts left to identify it as an aircraft.

One of the "Truther's" favorite theories is that a missile destroyed the side of the Pentagon, and, of course, that leads them to believe that the US military launched the missile and then blamed it on the plane. I guess the "Truthers" believe that those identifiable elements of an aircraft found at the site were "planted" there the night before, and that the motorists who claimed to have seen the plane come in low and hit the Pentagon were part of the conspiracy as well. And, of course, none of this even begins to explain why the "Truthers" think the military would want to destroy their own headquarters.




And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 13:25:56

Posts: 4400
Joined: Apr. 14 2005

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to KMMI77


True or not, it is interesting to be able look at compiled info from many sources,

The only reason that would make an info interesting to look at would be that you assume it is a true information. You can create wrong stuff on your own, dont need others for that, but whats the point of having wrong theories only for the sake of diversity...


And, of course, none of this even begins to explain why the "Truthers" think the military would want to destroy their own headquarters.

Because they wanted to make it a heptagon :P
No, but seriously... i would assume that the real important personnel is not sitting in a public building its position the whole world knows of


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 13:39:40

Posts: 1409
Joined: Feb. 18 2010
From: .fr

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to BarkellWH


And, of course, none of this even begins to explain why the "Truthers" think the military would want to destroy their own headquarters.

You certainly know that speech Rumsfeld pronounced the day before (10th sept) where he pictured the pentagon bureaucracy as an internal threat to fight.

Don't get me wrong, I do not claim that the 2 events are linked, but it's 'funny' to acknowledge it.


But on the whole, my impression is that most are way beyond the limits of even the Tea Party.

It's hard to understand from a european point of view how this kind of organization could be allowed to exist legaly


"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 13:41:36


Posts: 530
Joined: Sep. 14 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Ruphus


Somewhere there ought to be a cognitive sensation for limits of plausibility,

LOL! You can say that again!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 13:45:45

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to BarkellWH



One of the "Truther's" favorite theories is that a missile destroyed the side of the Pentagon, and, of course, that leads them to believe that the US military launched the missile and then blamed it on the plane.

That is why they fabricated that photo with that small hole.
But we ain´t dumb and will look at the one Stephen provided with nicely square entrance of an airplane that hit the building at an angle.

One more time physics being so much more flexible than I used to thik. Should I ever be about to crash into a halting car, I only hope to bounce off the street square instead.



And, of course, none of this even begins to explain why the "Truthers" think the military would want to destroy their own headquarters.



Of course. Not their own!
Whose? Of US tax payers?
In a world that has never seen any routines of draining states budgets into private caskets through produced demands of overblown bids for construction projects. Naturally no; not ever.
And such standards of draining off wouldn´t be international common ways of proceeding anyway. Would they.

Just what a coincidence that this kind of casting off budgets through large-scale projects ( like of the Brandenburg airport e.g.) just of late has become a topic even in main stream media in Germany.

But hey peanuts of how many insurance and rebuidling billions for ground zero and pentagon are not worth first grade instigations, are they. Let alone far outshining economical aspects of pursued strategies for an unindependent Near East and rivaling Asia as discussed by folks like Zbigniew Brzezinski.

For in Joe average´s and Bill´s perception the pentagon is the strategists´ "own" and thus already paradoxical to demolish / rebuild of. Ain´t things nicely plain. What a fabulous and lucid world that is.

What have paranoids been spinning conspiracy on Iran-Contra affairs alike tempers. How could they ever fancy so foolishly. tsk, tsk, tsk

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 14:31:35
Jim Opfer

Posts: 1876
Joined: Jul. 19 2003
From: Glasgow, Scotland.

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to BarkellWH

Hi Bill,

It is said the Pentagon is the most heavily protected and secure building in the world and perhaps you will be able to confirm if this is wrong? I understand there's a flight exclusion zone, a missile defence system and full high security camera system. I mean that stands to reason doesn't it?

I can't therefore, understand why video evidence has not been released showing the plane. I'm sure this could be done in a sensitive manor to respect crew and passengers and finally silence those who doubt the official story.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 17:50:52

Posts: 15165
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: AE911Truth (in reply to Ruphus


The pentagon hole as opportunity for general dismiss, huh?

I got to perform a flamenco show inside the pentagon after 9/11. My friend was in traffic on GW parkway on 9/11 and watched in horror as the plane hit while listening to the news about NYC. I got a guided tour inside and in order to get to our destination took a very significant detour of the EXTENSIVE internal damage. I saw and heard the construction going on. Driving by on 395 you could see 3 stories square of black soot and smoke after it happened. I don't think even bothering to talk to people like yourself about this stuff is worth anybody's time.

As for others that choose to follow the conspiracy crap rather than find out facts on your own, well, I feel bad for you.


It's hard to understand from a european point of view

AS are so many other american things...and vice versa, we don't always get you guys either.


Don't get me wrong, I do not claim that the 2 events are linked, but it's 'funny' to acknowledge it.

The most fun of conspiracy people is to connect unrelated dots with lines that are not there to complete a perfect picture in the mind. It's almost an art form, and for sure a simple part of human nature and investigative instinct to discover "truth". I remind of percilval lowel that litterally connected lines to dots he saw in a telescope image of mars...CANALS of martians ferrying water to drought inflicted cities. So exciting except, not true...and even today people STILL looking for those pesky hiding martians.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 31 2013 18:03:51
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