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Posts: 797
Joined: Jun. 1 2010
From: Halifax, Nova Scotia

What if there was no more internet? 

So here we are, a global community of sorts. There are a lot of things I like about the internet, yet even more that I don't like. So sometimes I wonder, what if the internet ceased to exist? I'm not the most eloquent writer, please bear with me as my thoughts are scattered

I've been thinking about this recently, with some romantic ideas in my head. I'll be 32 this year, and I use the internet daily for my job and for my own casual interests (mostly music related). I literally spend a minimum of 7 hours a day in front of a computer screen, if not more. I've become used to it, but I hate the thought of that! I'm at my happiest when I'm disconnected. I get to thinking about what the world would be like if there was no internet. You know, if people had to go back to actually speaking to each other whether by phone or face to face. Making a real connection. Or if we were forced to write letters, would we be more careful with the words we choose? Surely there would be a decline in know-it-all armchair experts?! I think we've become spoiled with the availability of information and goods, and to me things start to lose meaning in some ways.

What about how this relates to music? I'm not so young that I can't remember waiting in line at a record store for a new album, having that tangible thing that I couldn't wait to get home to listen to. Now it's like click-click-click and wow, I have this artists' entire library! I've been guilty of some illegal downloading in the past, but after some contemplation and discussion with some recording artist friends of mine, I started to see things differently. When one of my musical idols says to me that he worries about the future of recorded music and the feasibility of the time and money invested versus the return in this market, that scares me. What if our favorite artists just decide one day that they won't bother recording anymore?

I have a good, secure job. I live a comfortable life. Perhaps I should not complain, as technology has helped me to get here. However, some days I dream about the idea of a more simple, stripped down life. I wouldn't be able to have as much, but without all this artificial crap floating around maybe I'd finally realize that much of what I have is not needed to achieve happiness and fulfillment in life.

What a weird post - what say you?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 14:12:07

Posts: 797
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From: Halifax, Nova Scotia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

I also think about how I used to view guitar building. I ordered a custom guitar a few years ago, and spent a ridiculous amount of time online reading about wood properties (shades of OCD). Some of it was interesting reading and quality info, but most of it total subjective BS. It got to the point where I was writing these long emails to the luthier I was working with expounding about the perceived differences between European Spruce and Englemann, Koa vs Rosewood vs Padauk vs Mahogany. What about this wood combo, that wood combo. Boy, the patience he must have had to not tell me to pound sand! I'll have to give him a call soon and apologize for all of that foolishness
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 14:23:03

Posts: 2559
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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

I think if there were no more internet, people would get a lot more done. The internet is a big time waster. Like right now for example, I could be getting something productive done right now instead of reading up on the foro with my cup of coffee.


Tom Núñez
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 14:39:50

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From: Halifax, Nova Scotia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

So true, Tom. I guess like anything, moderation is important. This summer I'm going to make a strong effort to get away from it and experience more real life. Play guitar on my deck with a glass of vino, work on the house, in the yard etc. Hell, drinking beer on a patio downtown and watching the ladies seems a way more entertaining venture than clickety-clicking in cyberspace
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 15:30:10

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander


However, some days I dream about the idea of a more simple, stripped down life. I wouldn't be able to have as much, but without all this artificial crap floating around maybe I'd finally realize that much of what I have is not needed to achieve happiness and fulfillment in life.

I agree

[When one of my musical idols says to me that he worries about the future of recorded music and the feasibility of the time and money invested versus the return in this market, that scares me. What if our favorite artists just decide one day that they won't bother recording anymore?

I agree !!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 17:43:47

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to kudo

if there was no internet i would be better off right now...sopossed to prepare for a show, getting close now..and spend the last 2 or 3 nights only practicing about 2 hours our of 8 wasting the other 6 on the foro...reading and posting on argument threads that aren't gonna help my playing...or anyone elses playing

i mean ....its fine..(we love a drama) .its not about complaining about the threads, and not all of them were arguments, some were worthwhile and even argument threads are important to those that need to get something of their chest...i accept the foro exactly as it is...i am complaining about me and my time management...i should know better ...didn't have this prob before the net...

but i also didn't have access to ricardos or anyone else expertise before it...the way i see it in a long run no doubt i gained way more than i lost...particularly with this forum...just wish i had the discipline to restrain myself and practice when i need to...

and I love the fact that any question u have u can Google it...about anything, anyone, any event...cmon thats cool...i have installed, learned and fixed many many problems cause of it...last thing being a festival director whos festival i applied for requested a proposal for a show ...i was thinking WTF is that ? and how do you write one...

without the internet my propsal would have read something like:

" Dear Festival Director

My name is Florian and I PROPOSE you hire my group for your festival and pay us lots of money...please.
We do good show for you.
Here is my bank account number: 0000 456 00

Thank you


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 17:47:21

Posts: 14935
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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

Depends how old everyone is. Younger people will have it super tough, but it could be good for them. Older people it won't be a big deal at all. I know many older people never even have gone on line once.

For me, I only miss 3 things, youtube, facebook, foro. But life would go on just the same as it has been for me. That's why I have recently taken issues with the whole "exposure" arguement .... I already have decent exposure as a musican locally and from travel and word of mouth. Internet exposure is more for the "spoiled" breed you describe that has gotten reliant on the net.



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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 18:31:10

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ricardo

The great thing about the Internet is that it has saved Florian a fortune on "Adult" Magazines and Tapes...
(Only kiddin Flo )

I'm pretty intrigued about the technology. In fact when a computer guy first showed me it back in 1995 I remember thinking is gonna be an evolutionary change to the radio was!

What's always made me laugh is that human experts come together and work hard to do things like put a broadcasting satellite into orbit using advanced electronics, engineering ,rocket and guidance technology and devise ultra high tech earth receiving equipment....and what's the first big thing on it?

I wonder if Arthur C Clarke ever sat back and thought "You day we could have full hardcore porn movies delivered to everyone on earth 24/7 via geosynchronous orbit...I must do the calculations and immediately publish a paper."

Same with the Internet.
In the beginning of this major achievement in human evolution, about 80% of it seemed to be porn! seems that no matter what new amazing thing awaits us, there is def gonna be the porn industry driving it!
3D porn...holographic porn...whole submersion porn...???

This must be the major driving force behind all human creativity IMO.

After the invention of film photography.....what were the best selling pics? (of ladies showing their ankles lol)
Then came "moving images"... guessed it..

Jeez I bet a month after Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone system, some pimp in a sleazy hotel room somewhere was thinking about a possible "sexline" business!!

Come on...when you think of male and female astronauts going on a 3 year voyage to can't deny that the possibility of a bit of this and that is not totally out of the question after the onboard cameras and radios are shut down for the night (day?) .... 3 effin years?? .... Come on man!

No doubt some NASA coms nerd will be secretly activating the on board cameras to capture the action and record it for future profit!

It never ceases to amaze me how man's highest achievements have always had it's central core... "gettin a bit of ass "

Bach? Beethoven? Haydn etc etc...

Bet all those mofos did their great stuff in the hope of pulling a bit of skirt.

True though!



  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 20:26:32

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ron.M


The great thing about the Internet is that it has saved Florian a fortune on "Adult" Magazines and Tapes...
(Only kiddin Flo )

no its exactly what i was thinking lol...i even said it here but removed it cause i ...i dont know...didnt wanna take you all down that naughty road again

did you read it just before i deleted it ?

i love porn watching ...its like a hobby to me i am like a watching girls naked enthusiast

problem is ...i have seen so much weird stuff by now i am desensetised (what the hell is that word ?-) ...i am now down to watching gang bangs between midgets and grannies if i wanna see anything different...if my girlfriend ever figures out how to use the history thing on the browser i am a dead man

answer to my problems..its either a midget or a grannie so if she ever sees what i looked at she wont feel insecure


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 20:30:44

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian


problem is ...i have seen so much weird stuff by now i am desensetised (what the hell is that word ?-) ...i am now down to watching gang bangs between midgets and grannies if i wanna see anything different.

Thing is 62 the fire in my belly is beginning to die down now after years and friggin years of sh*gging and I can now relax and see the absurdity of it all. LOL!

As a pal of mine used to say "we can't help's the breeding instinct.."

If a Martian had to watch a porn movie he'd think it was a comedy!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 20:55:10

Posts: 9282
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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ron.M


at 62 the fire in my belly is beginning to die down now after years and friggin years of sh*gging

have you considered midgets ?

please excuse my vulgar and silly sense of humor...i tried using "little people"...just dosent sound as funny


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 20:57:10

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian

Well my ex wife was only 5' 0" so that's pretty close!

To answer your get sick of that as well...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:03:23

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian

what the hell just happened ?

you replie was on my post before it even came up here...pressed edit and i had your text on my post and the option to edit it


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:03:39

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian

Cos as Mod I have access to the God controls!
And because I'd had a few beers I pushed "Edit" instead of "Reply".

Jeez I could make anybody say ANYTHING!

The power, the power...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:05:21

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ron.M


To answer your get sick of that as well...

well i am pretty low in the gutter with my porn viewing now...don't tell me that...god knows whats gonna take to surprise me and make me feel like i am watching porn in a few years when i grow tired of midgets

the thing about porn is not about watching a woman naked...i see that almost anytime i want (well if i clean the house or buy flowers)...its seeing something i am not allowed too...

ok i better stop there before i paint a terrible picture about myself and you guys wrongly think i am weird

just to sum it up... if women whore bras on their noses and tried to hide them...i would want to see the noses

i hope i never hit the low point of ...err damn i dont know what its called ...(when u get turned on by death)...i would be the only man in the world having nightmares with an erection.
wouldn't make a very good funeral guest either
can you picture my own funeral ? they would have to give me a service with my hand stiffened on my crunch cause just before it happens ...i can feel i am dying...and...its turning me on

you're shocking Ron


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:10:29


Posts: 294
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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian


have you considered midgets ?

please excuse my vulgar and silly sense of humor...i tried using "little people"...just dosent sound as funny

That's what we like about ya.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:15:56

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Kevin


That's what we like about ya

i am glad to hear that cause my above post is really testing that

come to think of it... i dont know that i wanna associate with the kind of sick individuals who tolerate my sick sense of humor i have principals


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:29:16

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From: Scotland

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian


god knows whats gonna take to surprise me and make me feel like i am watching porn in a few years when i grow tired of midgets

Alien life forms.
That's the next big thing in porn.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:43:41

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ron.M


Alien life forms.

Avatar is a great movie ...and the girl is sexy dont say it in that tone of voice like theres anything sick about that

all right , i am just getting sillier and sillier now..better stop before i say anything weird and distasteful...practice time...excuse the silliness


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:45:00

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From: Scotland

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian


i hope i never hit the low point of ...err damn i dont know what its called ...(when u get turned on by death)...i would be the only man in the world having nightmares with an erection.
wouldn't make a very good funeral guest either
can you picture my own funeral ? they would have to give me a service with my hand stiffened on my crunch cause just before it happens ...i can feel i am dying...and...oh what the for the road

You bloody well kill me Flo....I'm crying laughing!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:54:05

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ron.M

u got the old version, i edited that out for being too graphic..i made it more pg now


You bloody well kill me Flo

and.....what are you wearing right now ?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:55:48

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From: Scotland

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Florian


Avatar is a great movie ...and the girl is sexy

Hey this weird?

I find Marge Simpson sexy!


I wish she would cheat on Homer with me..
But then I wouldn't like her anymore...
Cos she wouldn't have the principles of Marge.

Heavy dude...heavy...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 21:58:54

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to Ron.M


Hey this weird?

I find Marge Simpson sexy!

yes, you are sick! i cant believe you not ashamed to bring that up
thank you for making this thread weird and inappropriate now always take it too far .

<----------------------backing out slowly

now i am really gonna have nightmares .........hey ..nightmares



err damn i dont know what its called

was just practicing alegrias and it just came to me...necrophilia!! was pissing me off i couldn't think of the name

btw...i didn't say any of the sick things i a mod here Ron can get into any post and edit anything and say anything under anyone's name


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 21 2012 22:00:10
Anders Eliasson

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

I´ve only been flying over this thread. I havent got the time to read it all, but is my conclusion right?.. That we would have more sex in our life without the internet?

I personally find sex to be boring and I get more turned on looking at German websites with old musty caravans. So thumbs up for the internet.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 22 2012 7:43:35

Posts: 797
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From: Halifax, Nova Scotia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

I'm afraid to touch this thread now, it's a bit sticky

There are things I would miss for sure, and I think youtube would top my list. Right now I'm at work (shhhh) listening to a Fiesta en Utrera with Moraito, Pedro Bacan, Paco Valdepenas, Fernanda y Bernarda - it's great! One of the things that keeps me sane at work.

It never ceases to amaze me how man's highest achievements have always had it's central core... "gettin a bit of ass" LOL Ron, it's funny because it's true!!

Midget v Granny porn, necrophilia, Flo's hand stiffened on his "crunch" - I got nothing! I'm laughing, but I got nothing.

Yes Anders, I think your conclusion is sound - less internet = more sex, or at least more human contact which could lead to sex.

I feel like if we arranged some sort of traveling flamenco caravan with dancing midgets in afghan coats we might really have something
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 22 2012 12:37:51

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander


would miss for sure, and I think youtube would top my list. Right now I'm at work (shhhh) listening to a Fiesta en Utrera with Moraito, Pedro Bacan, Paco Valdepenas, Fernanda y Bernarda - it's great! One of the things that keeps me sane at work.
ME TOO here right now at work !!

I cant stay sane for 1 day without internet. thats where all my flamenco is from!! If there was no internet, then I go and live in jerez and I would call my friends and family via phone instead of writing emails and etc.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 22 2012 13:10:01

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From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander


It never ceases to amaze me how man's highest achievements have always had it's central core... "gettin a bit of ass" LOL Ron, it's funny because it's true!!

that is precisely true

everything we do...the working out, the showering, the brushing our teeth, the studying to get the good jobs to buy the nice clothes, the nice car, the big ultimately and subconsciously for the "piece of ass " or impressing the opposite sex...its at the core of everything


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 23 2012 5:37:13

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

Complaining that you're not getting anything done because of the internet is like complaining that McDonalds is the reason you're fat.

There are sites that you can go on, make a profile, and find people to have sex with (, craigslist casual encounters, etc), so less internet != more sex.

I'm sure people would find a different way of being anti-social even without the www. If you're socially awkward it's because you don't know how to behave around people, not because you use the computer. Hiding behind a screen name makes it easier to interact with others -- whether you take that out into the real world is up to you.

Personally, I've met quite a few people through this and other forums, some turned out to be friends for life, some led me to other people or ideas that I wouldn't of found on my own. Without the net I would of never heard of Moraito or learned how to play por bulerias. Do I sometimes find myself spending too much time surfing? Sure, but that's up to me.

It's all about adaptation. The internet's a tool, learn to use it and don't let it use you.

btw -
The porn industry is also taking a huge hit now because of all those streaming sites (ask flo for the addresses).
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 24 2012 3:37:32

Posts: 797
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From: Halifax, Nova Scotia

RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

My post was meant to be more of a "suppose if..." than me complaining, although I did use the word complain. I have no problems with being socially awkward, was that directed at me? See, I'm already having trouble with figuring out your tone and whether you're generalizing or directing that at me Could you attach some pics of your facial expressions to your post so I can try to understand better?

The problem with your McD comparison is that McD's has no redeeming qualities At least with the internet, I have also expanded my knowledge and met several great friends over the years!

I've actually been doing a great job of reducing my usage outside of work. It was a perfect lazy rainy weekend, and instead of staring at the computer I read some more of Pohren's Art of Flamenco and practiced a couple extra hours of guitar. It was great!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 25 2012 12:32:25

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RE: What if there was no more internet? (in reply to ralexander

dont forget Ryan, that without the internet and without the forum, I could not have possibly met you in person and I would have never had that mic that made a huge difference for me. thank you again for everything! .
I am playing at the Seahorse Tavern this thursday, june 28 with Bob, Enrique and the dancers at 7pm ! hope to see you there!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jun. 25 2012 16:14:18
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