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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in Mexico according to one source   You are logged in as Guest
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Peter Tsiorba

Posts: 130
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From: Portland, Oregon Pacific Northwest

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to gj Michelob


ORIGINAL: gj Michelob


To fake the country of origin is a criminal misconduct which offends the real country of origin along with the country falsely declared.

Well said Michelob.


Peter Tsiorba
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2010 15:00:57

Posts: 1766
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From: Eindhoven NL

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Peter Tsiorba

Recently I found something positve from AG.
Its the AGG-01™ (Andisolusional Golpe Gear™) and it works perfectly if you have week golpes. The get very loud after a while, just try it.
Its a non permanant sticker, so when you have your Fakemenco gig, just take it of.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Feb. 16 2010 23:39:54
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to XXX




ORIGINAL: jaggedsphere
He smiles alot and it is very apparent all he cares about is teaching, playing music and talking about Andalusian Guitars.

LoL this actually doesnt sound so good as you thought!
But yeah you might be right about him as a person (he probably IS nice), but that is the tragic thing, that he ruins it for himself by having offended the members here and trying to convince everything and everybody of his opinion on Paco and AG.
Btw, sorry, but working in a music store (if its not a flamenco-store) and being knowledgeable on Flamenco guitars are two different things.

I happen to enjoy his playing but don't care much for the sound of his guitars or their non traditional appearance. Just my opinion. And this list is for everyone, novice or pro, and I feel that if he wants to dialog, then fine, but let's show respect for the person's humanity if not for his knowledge. Every dang list I've been on is full of crap in some sense or other, so give the guy a break!


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 7:13:38

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From: Washington DC

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Tom Blackshear


so give the guy a break!

Been there, done that....didn't work out. Sorry, no more.

What do you mean you don't like the appearance or sound? They are clearly modeled after Barbero!


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 9:29:44

Posts: 1941
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From: Torontolucía

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Ricardo


What do you mean you don't like the appearance or sound? They are clearly modeled after Barbero!

Funny you should mention that, as I happend to see one in a guitar store here last weekend. No, I didn't try it - not what I was there for, but I did get a grim laugh out of it. The label had the brand name as well as the word España (really ) printed on it, and the word Modelo, followed by the hand-written Domingo Esteso, 1928. Pretty surprising on a cutaway that didn't seem to have anything to do with Esteso. The only honest part was that the actual year of manufacture was written somewhere too, it was 200-and-something.


Me da igual. La música es música.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 10:09:30

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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Peter Tsiorba


I can see you're trying to give the guy the benefit of a doubt, but he's proven over and over he can't behave in social environments. He is not interested in dialouge, he's bent on furthering his own agenda and with all the panache of a sociopath.

The line of guitars he promotes and has had a hand in creating are fradulent and have broken international laws of honest representation and trade. He is a scam artist and the unfortunate part is that he is a good guitarsist. He got away with this dishonesty and charged exorbitant amounts of money ( in the low five figures money!) for guitars which carry a dubious pedigree.

In the parlance of the younger set he is what's referred to as a "douchebag". It's true that occasionally a talented artist also has a side that is destructive to themselves or others. It is very sad as the creative output of a good artist is a blessing to everything it touches, but artistic ability does not elevate any individual above a fair code of public discourse and common good. I consider him persona non grata as a result of him defaming my guitars and me personally on an open internet forum. Even if someone has a clinical diagnosis of a personality disorder there's no reason to make excuses for or to tolerate that behavior. I hope he does not do anything like that to you or anyone else ever again.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 10:24:51

Posts: 7051
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From: Scotland

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Ricardo


Been there, done that....didn't work out. Sorry, no more.

Vale hombre..

Meester Tom, ees too much by now....Meester Ricardo no longer meester nice guy to thees guy now OK.
He no break nothing but get good friends to nail manos al suelo maybe...


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 10:32:21
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Ricardo




so give the guy a break!

Been there, done that....didn't work out. Sorry, no more.

What do you mean you don't like the appearance or sound? They are clearly modeled after Barbero!

Ricardo, the guitars I've seen him play on the Internet, not Barbero style that I know of, I don't care that much for, with the appearance or sound. I hope this defines it a little better. But I think he has a fair amount of playing potential, just like other players that I see coming along well in the arena of the ART of flamenco. I'm old enough to have been on the cusp of the old school and have seen a lot with most modern school music; Jazzmenco I don't care for, but some new age chords I like very much with a definititive old school, driving emotion and charm. The real fast stuff has to have a break somewhere or it gets to be rather monotonous and boring for me. I hope this answers your question, and a little more. Keep up the great playing.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 13:28:36
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to estebanana

It could be that he is a born teacher, mentally, and he has not arrived there yet with some of his credentials, or as many as you think he should have. This might be a clear reason for helping a person along instead of acting rude. Keep giving him suggestions and if you are insulted with his posts, then the most polite thing to do is not respond, or just say, "I don't agree." To degrade a person's character is not acceptable to me but I will speak out against any system of reference that I don't agree with.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 13:42:00

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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Tom Blackshear


To degrade a person's character is not acceptable to me but I will speak out against any system of reference that I don't agree with.


He went after us first. And his advances were derogatory, aggressive and improper.

It's possible to have compassion for a person that you don't want to have in your home. I acknowledge everyone's potential to grow spiritually, intellectually and socially, but I don't have to put up with their **** if they are hurting people and taking advantage of others. You can have compassion for criminals, but you don't have to let them continue to do ill in the world.

As for him being a natural born teacher, I highly doubt it. One of the traits of scam artists, who are usually borderline personalities of varying degrees, is that they are highly charismatic. They usually charm their way through doors and then take advantage of people. Often charismatic figures will only teach beginners because more advanced students will call them out on inconsistentcies. And peer teachers will certainly question methods and integrity. To me at least the thought that a dishonest person is in a position of authority over beginning students is a bit upsetting.

I'm not making fun of this person or making sport of him as some others have done, I'm simply laying it down that if this person is talented and dishonest then it's truly sad. But that does not mean the behavior should be condoned or rewarded.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 14:06:11

Posts: 4400
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Estevan



Funny you should mention that, as I happend to see one in a guitar store here last weekend. No, I didn't try it

Why? You should have, and then posted it here IMO. I would have.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 14:07:34

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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Tom Blackshear

Thank you Tom.


Free Palestine
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 14:30:03

Posts: 15165
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From: Washington DC

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Tom Blackshear


ORIGINAL: Tom Blackshear

It could be that he is a born teacher, mentally, and he has not arrived there yet with some of his credentials, or as many as you think he should have. This might be a clear reason for helping a person along instead of acting rude. Keep giving him suggestions and if you are insulted with his posts, then the most polite thing to do is not respond, or just say, "I don't agree." To degrade a person's character is not acceptable to me but I will speak out against any system of reference that I don't agree with.

You are a good guy, and have the right intentions. All here would agree with your intent in this thread....but there is much humor going on here that you are not seeing, and only seeing some sort of ridicule of an individual. You are not up to speed on history behind this character and the events up to date, so no one can blame you for not understanding what was going on here. It is quite extensive, and unfortunately much of the event have been deleted from the archives of this site. So no offense, but you simply are commenting and defending person without knowing what happened. I personally don't find the humor of it "fun" anymore, not because it is wrong to have a light hearted "gang up" making fun of someone, but because what I felt the individual in question was and has been doing is very seriously BAD, and recent events have made me really upset about it.

The polite methods you suggest are true, but were all done in the past, with surprising negative results.

My sarcastic comment about Barbero was not fair again to you since you are not aware. The individual selling this guitar, claims and refers to each one of the modern designs as "patterned after" either Barbero, Esteso, Santos, etc....even worse SPECIFIC instruments with dates (see Estevan's post above), as if these copies are capturing spanish guitar building purity and perfection. I hope you can see I was poking fun at the concept, and hope this also reveals a bit of the psychotic mind set we are dealing with here.



CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 19:36:05
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to estebanana


ORIGINAL: estebanana


To degrade a person's character is not acceptable to me but I will speak out against any system of reference that I don't agree with.


He went after us first. And his advances were derogatory, aggressive and improper.

It's possible to have compassion for a person that you don't want to have in your home. I acknowledge everyone's potential to grow spiritually, intellectually and socially, but I don't have to put up with their **** if they are hurting people and taking advantage of others. You can have compassion for criminals, but you don't have to let them continue to do ill in the world.

As for him being a natural born teacher, I highly doubt it. One of the traits of scam artists, who are usually borderline personalities of varying degrees, is that they are highly charismatic. They usually charm their way through doors and then take advantage of people. Often charismatic figures will only teach beginners because more advanced students will call them out on inconsistentcies. And peer teachers will certainly question methods and integrity. To me at least the thought that a dishonest person is in a position of authority over beginning students is a bit upsetting.

I'm not making fun of this person or making sport of him as some others have done, I'm simply laying it down that if this person is talented and dishonest then it's truly sad. But that does not mean the behavior should be condoned or rewarded.

In response to all of you, I don't know a lot about this thread, from where it started, but I have to respond the way I've been taught and this is not to try and embarrass anyone in public, for it would be as if I killed them.

This is not my requirement for anyone else but myself, so please feel free to respond the way you know is best for your own ideals. I certainly would not disagree with your feelings about it.

My position here is too disagree with certain systems of thought in reference to guitar models that don't necessarily interest me. I know how difficult it is to build a replica of a Barbero; to make it come out with certain articulation for the modern school.

And if there is intended advertising stating that the guitars made in Spain, were actually made in Mexico, then I would want to be sure this is fact, not some hearsay that is traveling around the chat lists, that could potentially hurt someone's reputation.

I know you guys like to kid around on occasion, and I'm not your thought policemen concerning these issues, so just know I love you guys and want the very best for all of the ideas that come through this list. I'm glad we finally have a flamenco dialog. There is a lot of good information here.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 20:27:21
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Ricardo




ORIGINAL: Tom Blackshear

It could be that he is a born teacher, mentally, and he has not arrived there yet with some of his credentials, or as many as you think he should have. This might be a clear reason for helping a person along instead of acting rude. Keep giving him suggestions and if you are insulted with his posts, then the most polite thing to do is not respond, or just say, "I don't agree." To degrade a person's character is not acceptable to me but I will speak out against any system of reference that I don't agree with.

You are a good guy, and have the right intentions. All here would agree with your intent in this thread....but there is much humor going on here that you are not seeing, and only seeing some sort of ridicule of an individual. You are not up to speed on history behind this character and the events up to date, so no one can blame you for not understanding what was going on here. It is quite extensive, and unfortunately much of the event have been deleted from the archives of this site. So no offense, but you simply are commenting and defending person without knowing what happened. I personally don't find the humor of it "fun" anymore, not because it is wrong to have a light hearted "gang up" making fun of someone, but because what I felt the individual in question was and has been doing is very seriously BAD, and recent events have made me really upset about it.

The polite methods you suggest are true, but were all done in the past, with surprising negative results.

My sarcastic comment about Barbero was not fair again to you since you are not aware. The individual selling this guitar, claims and refers to each one of the modern designs as "patterned after" either Barbero, Esteso, Santos, etc....even worse SPECIFIC instruments with dates (see Estevan's post above), as if these copies are capturing spanish guitar building purity and perfection. I hope you can see I was poking fun at the concept, and hope this also reveals a bit of the psychotic mind set we are dealing with here.


Thanks Ricardo, I realize that I'm a little late getting into this thread, so I'll have to agree that everyone here is probably more knowledgeable about this issue than I. But I hold to a certain dialog that doesn't come back and cause me problems, in the mix. If I treat all men with respect, then it turns out better in the end; at least for this lowly guitar maker :-)

Keeping playing in good health.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 9 2010 20:39:10


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 10 2010 20:41:41

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From: The land down under

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Peter Tsiorba

The recycling bin is filling up,


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 10 2010 20:43:44
Tom Blackshear


Posts: 2304
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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to KMMI77



The recycling bin is filling up,

I think there might be some miscommunication do to a language barrier or just plain lack of writing skills. I had to practice a lot before I could make myself understood, and not accidently insult list members in other lists. To compose any e-mail takes quite a bit of thought from this poster.

And Grisha is certainly a flamenco guitarist, and he has followed the greats in his music.

But I would like to mention America's Miguel Rodriguez of San Antonio Texas who was and is an extremely accomplished musician. Miguel now lives in Arizona but when he was younger he grew up in the Barrio here and learned from the locals, including me, and then excelled far beyond our abilities to become one of the great guitarists of this art.

I would have to say that his music skills have surpassed the names I know in this business but it is due to his longevity in this art, and this is to be respected.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 11 2010 5:35:42


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Post has been moved to the Recycle Bin at Mar. 13 2010 6:39:55
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 12 2010 18:55:22
Tom Blackshear


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Grisha




No, it was not the language barrier. I just wanted to share a comment that was posted on my Spanish Guitar YouTube video about 3 days ago, but changed my mind. Well, since then the same comment has been posted on all my other videos as well. Here it is:

"Here in YouTube
you can hear some real
guitar if you search this:

Chords & compas in Solea por Buleria - Flamenco Guitar Lessons Toronto Royal Conservatory "

I never ever had any contact with Ruben, never posted anything good or bad about him, and never shared my opinion about him, his music or his business with anyone. I think he is a fine guitarist. Why is he having people spam my videos with such comments? Would he like it if I started posting on his videos telling people to go to my channel for the real thing? This is very negative! He must have some sort of mania or something. I feel sorry for him.

Oh! Now I get it :-) I thought he was inviting people to see his work on his website and I didn't understand that it was a competitive comment about your playing/musicianship on your you tube. I thought he or someone else was just saying to take a look at his website for some interesting music.

But then again, it's next to impossible to control what's said on you tube. Some person mentioned to Don Soledad who was playing one of my guitars on you tube; that he had ordered an Aaron Green guitar. Aaron is a good maker and I would not care if this person used Aaron's name on the you tube about me. This is a public domain thing, and I'm not bothered with it.

I think players and makers are always going to have people who think the world of them, so they have to speak loads of hype to help them out. You know what they say, call me anything you want, just call me.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 12 2010 20:12:21


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Tom Blackshear


I think players and makers are always going to have people who think the world of them, so they have to speak loads of hype to help them out. You know what they say, call me anything you want, just call me.

Except that we have seen first hand from posts he has made here and videos he has directed us to that Ruben is the one who thinks the world of himself, and has to speak loads of hype to help himself out. Maybe if he had just "shut up and play" people would think the world of him
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 4:49:55
Tom Blackshear


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to chapman_g


ORIGINAL: chapman_g


I think players and makers are always going to have people who think the world of them, so they have to speak loads of hype to help them out. You know what they say, call me anything you want, just call me.

Except that we have seen first hand from posts he has made here and videos he has directed us to that Ruben is the one who thinks the world of himself, and has to speak loads of hype to help himself out. Maybe if he had just "shut up and play" people would think the world of him

Sometimes it's very difficult for me to figure you guys out. I post on this list about the Reyes plan that I drew up for the GAL and I catch all kinds of flack for that :-)

However, now that a significant number of builders are trying it out and like the plan, there is not so much negative excitement.

If a person wants to plug his work or anything else on a chat list, in a manner that might seem competitive, then the worst thing to do is to take offense at it.

Just return their post with high energy about your own accomplishments. Don't get mad at them and blow a fuse, it doesn't look good when we become reactionaries instead of just having fun with it.

Jason can tell us how to have fun :-)


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 6:21:44


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Peter Tsiorba

Tom, you are right. It was just an innocent ad posted on all my videos. I deleted my original post (again ). Sorry about that.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 6:45:23
Tom Blackshear


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Grisha



Tom, you are right. It was just an innocent ad posted on all my videos. I deleted my original post (again ). Sorry about that.

I don't know about innocent but I do know that most complaints fuel the fires of ultimate confusion and malcontent. Life is too short to live in a defensive mode :-)

And you are too good a guitarist to let it bother you.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 8:23:55

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From: Iran (living in Germany)

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Peter Tsiorba

edit: beating a dead horse


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 8:33:19


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Peter Tsiorba

Well, another version of this comment is telling the viewer to go to the same page to hear Marcelo Barbero guitar models. Great way to advertise!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 8:41:51
Tom Blackshear


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RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Arash



Tom, with all respect, you don't have a clue about this Ruben guy, .

Probably not :-)

But I see the brighter side of things that aren't necessarily connected to a person's character but toward interesting topics about systems and things.

These issues I can debate all day long, and have fun with them.

But it's also true that once there are negative qualities brought into a fray, then it is difficult to change the subject to a more positive train of thought.

Personally, I would love to hear more about Ricardo's and Grisha's playing techniques and musicalities, as a balance to the other fellow's; perhaps misguided way of trying to introduce his product.

I'm sure he has learned a better way to handle things from some of these posts. If nothing else, the posts have provided a certain element of acknowledgment against his way of advertising. And if he is smart, he will change his methods of delivery.

I think he should be able to handle it.


Tom Blackshear Guitar maker
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 9:12:52

Posts: 1821
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From: The land down under

RE: Andalusian Guitars are made in M... (in reply to Grisha


Well, another version of this comment is telling the viewer to go to the same page to hear Marcelo Barbero guitar models. Great way to advertise!

I agree! This would have been a non offensive and positive way of guiding people to his videos.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Mar. 13 2010 15:42:58
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