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More Conde Hermanos 

I saw the Conde on “For Sale” and the comments of Doitsujin. Very interesting. How much can a guitar be worth?

That Conde, assuming minimal tax and delivery, is 4000 euros. And it is used (although almost perfect so the ad reads). For that I could have a reasonable guitar, 50 one hour lessons, all the famous flamenco guitar courses on DVD, 40 mixed Flamenco CDs and a holiday in Granada (OK sleeping on Simon’s floor but the world’s not perfect). Or a blanca and a negra from Anders. A matching pair except they wouldn’t be matching of course .

But Doitsujin as I understand it you are a pretty good player so what guitars do you have? It just seemed strange a good player not having orgasms over a Conde .



nigel (el raton de Watford - now Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 15:19:22
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

Based upon reputations of lower end Condes (or just about any except the very best) and Anders, right now I think Anders has much higher stock. It seems all you hear about with the cheaper Condes is duds and I have never heard dud associated with the name of Anders.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 17:05:03

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

I made a cit when I wrote "over 2000 for a perfect guitar is too much".
Juan manuel Leon said that. He buyed a conde concert(new) for less than 2000 Euro in Madrid. Leon plays on la nueva escula de la guitarra flamenca and is very very good.
I play a conde studio model. I payed 1000 Euro and gave my old guitar.

So. 4000Euros are really too tooo too much for a guitar.All over 2000Euros are for the name and not for the quality.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 17:19:50

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to Miguel de Maria


It seems all you hear about with the cheaper Condes is duds

Is 4000 Es cheap I thought the A26 Felipe was well regarded.

I don't think it is fair to compare an Anders with a Conde. An Anders is unique and crafted to your specifications. The A26 may be hand crafted but I assume they are all meant to be equal?

Before I decided to go with Anders I visited Cayuela in Seville and they offered a personal service willing to discuss unique features and let you select the wood - but we were talking 6000 Es (that did include some incredible marquetry). Famous name or not it is a lot of money.

I guess the thing with a Conde is it has resale value but I really cannot ever imagine selling a guitar where you have been involved throughout its making. It will be like an extension of my soul. (that said I now have 4 guitars and have never sold one yet - sad or what! )


nigel (el raton de Watford - now Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 17:39:21

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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

I'm not in any way trying to start a war, but personally I take a bit (no make that a bunch) of exception to Doitsujin's statement. Basically what he is saying is its reprehensible for anyone other than top professional players to even consider owning a world-class guitar. It almost reeks of ethics as though my owning a high-end guitar will take something away from a more deserving guitarist. Well I'm sorry, but that's just doesn't cut it with me.

Personally I have busted my butt all my life, doing without so the family gets what they need and deserve. I'm no kid anymore and I'm not getting any younger. I am finally in a financial position to enjoy a bit of the fruits of my labor. Yes I own a couple of world-class guitars (a Green blanca and a DeVoe negra) that I certainly don't need at my level of playing, but I take offense when someone says I may not be deserving of such fine instruments.

Have I taken anything away from anyone? Call up Aaron Green and Lester DeVoe and ask them. They were more than happy to build the guitars of my dreams. They could have said "Oh I'm sorry, I only build guitars for known players". With that attitude how long do you think they would remain in business? And oh by the way, don't kid yourself, building guitars is a business.

To take this further, anyone that buys a BMW or Mercedes is morally and ethically challenged. Heck, a Honda will get you down the same street for a lot less money. I don’t think we want to go down this road (pun intended). So now I have to sell my nice beautiful home as well, or better yet donate it to someone that really deserves it more. After all its just shelter, I can move my family into the cave I saw the other day.

Doitsujin, I’m not trying to bust your chops (a US saying) buddy, but the real world just isn’t Pollyanna and roses.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 18:57:07

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to Patrick


They were more than happy to build the guitars of my dreams.

Pat don't want to get in the way of WW3 so just to one side - you had them built for you. I think that is an important difference. Did you get involved to any degree? Chose of materials, style, decoration, etc.? And was the result worth it? And did they cost more than the off the shelf equivalent? I would be interested to know.

As one old un to another


nigel (el raton de Watford - now Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 19:44:17

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From: San Francisco

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

I'm not sure that Doitsujin was saying only good/great players should own these expensive guitars-I think what he was saying what that no one should pay more than 2000 or so for a great flamenco guitar-and I happen to agree. Of course, if you want a devoe, or some other name guitar, and you go to the builder and have it made to your specs, it's going to cost plenty. but it's also true that professional players have contacts the average guy doesn't. they know many other pros, and many pros flip instruments a lot. Deals can be had. Opportunities arise, and great guitars are sold for 2000 or even less. I have no problem with a person who decides to reward themself with a 5000 guitar, no matter how they play. Or a mercedes, etc. Heck, I spent close to 3k for a prs last year and have only played it a few times. But I'm a lefty, and there are only a few of them to be had. I'd have a hard time paying more than 2-3 k for any flamenco guitar, unless it had perhaps some historical value.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:01:48

Posts: 1189
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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


Sorry, but I still don't agree. I have played (and owned) a bunch of flamenco guitars in the $2,000 to $3,000 range and I have never (repeat never) played or heard any of them that came even remotely close to my Green and DeVoe. A lot of intangibles come in when you step up to that level of guitar that many players just aren’t aware of or can appreciate and it isn't always tone. For instance, when I had the two built I had the actions set just the way I wanted them. They both nailed it. They both play effortlessly.

So if the question is, "can you get a world-class guitar for $2,000 to $3,000" that's one thing. But if it's "you are a fool for paying more" than that's a whole different issue. I would be the first to step up to the plate and put down my $2,000 for the Holy Grail of guitars, but I'm not holding my breath.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:20:36

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From: Scotland

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to Patrick

Hey Pat,
Don't take offence to what Doitsujin was saying...
I totally agree with you, that if you've worked hard and can afford a few nice things then why not buy them?
A really nice guitar is very inexpensive compared to the many thousands of dollars more you can spend on hyped up "image crap" that leads so many young (and older) folk into acquiring a heap of debt.
Doitsujin's English language is not really refined and it's a credit to him that he can post on an English language forum, since I couldn't post on a German forum.
So I think sometimes he comes across a lot stronger than he would in his own language.

Jim Opfer had a really nice Blanca with him at Dundee.
Probably one of the best I've ever heard.
As well as sounding great, there was a lot of lovely inlay work.
Obviously somebody knowledgeable and experienced had spent a LOT of time on it and deserved being paid for that time taken out of his life.
Now maybe the care of the finish and the delicate inlay work doubled the price of the guitar, had Jim asked for it in it's most basic version.
On the other hand I asked Anders to build me a "no-frills" guitar that had feel and sound...and it was under 2000 Euros.
So it all boils down to what you want.
Anders' guitar certainly has the feel and sound of guitars twice the price, but hasn't got a lot of ornate work on it that takes so much time to do.
So therefore I would agree with Doitsujin, that it is possible to buy a properly built, hand-made Flamenco guitar for under 2000E.
Then it's up to the player....
As Jose Ramirez himself said...
"After all...there is only so much you can do with wood"


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:32:47

Posts: 1189
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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


Pat don't want to get in the way of WW3 so just to one side - you had them built for you. I think that is an important difference. Did you get involved to any degree? Chose of materials, style, decoration, etc.? And was the result worth it? And did they cost more than the off the shelf equivalent? I would be interested to know


I must be missing your logic. Yes I had them built for me, but all Green's and DeVoe's are custom built. They don't build "off the self" guitars. Every guitar they build is custom. I had repeated conversations with both about materials and what I was looking for in a guitar. And I can say without any reservation they came through 100%.

Personally I have wasted more time and money trying to find that rare, unknown builder that miraculously turns out a masterpiece for two grand. The reason the Green's and DeVoe's of the world are not cheap, is because they are the best and incredibly consistent builders.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:33:20

Posts: 1189
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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


I have no qualm with what you say, or for that matter Doitsujin, if that was really his intent. All I can say is his original post must have been even more over the top as the forum administrator altered it to be a bit more palatable.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:41:06

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From: Scotland

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to Patrick

You need an emergency 3 fingers of a good Scottish Single Malt.!
And a drop of water and ice and sip it slowly...ahhhh!


PS... If I'd left Doitsujin's original script, then your wife would have been dialling 999 (or is it 111 over there?) due to a bust blood vessel in yer heid min!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:57:39

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From: San Francisco

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

Patrick I would not say someone was a fool for paying even 10000 or 15000 for a guitar. If it's worth it to them, it's worth it. I have played a devoe, and it was superb. But it was close to twenty years ago and would have cost.....about 2k. That's my problem-I'm in a time warp. I have a conde and a ramirez 1A blanca and I paid less than 2k for both together. They are both nice guitars. Of course, I'd like some microsoft stock for .50 a share too, but that isn't happening. So, I guess I'm lucky in that I invested early, and I'm content with what I have. It's kind of like a guy who bought a 65 mustang new for 2500. He can't stomach the idea of paying 30k today. Sure wish I still had that 1963 mint condition candy apple red left handed strat I sold for 800.00 in 1980............
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 20:59:53

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From: Israel

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to Ron.M


it is possible to buy a properly built, hand-made Flamenco guitar for under 2000E.

Sure it is, if that's what you are looking for.

The 80/20 rule works here as well. You can get 80% of the quality for 20% of the price. So what you are looking for is bargains, you can get it.

But the more quality you want, you need to pay much much more., Quality may not necessarily mean sound quality, it means many things, and probably different things to different people. It all depends on how much you are willing to spend, and can spend, to get what you want.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 21:01:35

Posts: 1189
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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


You need an emergency 3 fingers of a good Scottish Single Malt.!
And a drop of water and ice and sip it slowly...ahhhh!


Trust me if I had three (or even one) finger of Scottish Malt, I'd be howling at the moon all night long.

Dr Pepper, now that's my drink!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 21:24:46

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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


Sure wish I still had that 1963 mint condition candy apple red left handed strat I sold for 800.00 in 1980............


Or that Telecaster that I bought new in 68 for about $300 and sold in 70.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 21:27:24

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From: San Francisco

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 21:29:08

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to Ron.M


Estás mareao, ´quillo?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 22:32:49

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From: England, living in Italy

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to gshaviv

Phew, what a thread! Keeping my '65 Mustang convertible though; Ferraris and Aston Martins will not park next to it

As for guitars, I am sticking with my cheap Bernal because I can't play better than the guitar.

In the other world of rock, I never met a guitarist who gave his guitar the credit though we all wanted the pre-CBS Strat, '55 Les Paul or SG Standard. Go figure.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 3 2005 23:26:03
Miguel de Maria

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From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

I just got back from helping my friend Miguel Rodriguez play my gig. He's subbing for me because of my finger thing. He had a Yamaha for his gig guitar! He said he had to file down the frets to get it to play right. It was pretty good, man! He said he had two of them and he would sell me the other for $150! That's a pretty good deal...

On the other hand, when I bought Patricks' Tezanos, ahem..I mean as I am buying Patrick's Tezanos, there really is a difference. This damn guitar plays like butter, and the notes pretty much jump right off the soundboard. When you fret it, you don't really push down the string, you just touch it. It's a Mercedes. I don't care how many Fords you sift through, none of them are going to be Mercedes.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 0:13:06

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From: Portland, Oregon

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 3:12:44
el ted


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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

It strikes me that the Flamenco guitar is going down the same route as the violin market did decades ago. People are applying 'investment potential' values to them, and I think a lot of good old fashioned greed is coming in to play.
In time, this will result in us all paying 'Mercedes' prices for 'Ford' standard guitars.
Support new luthiers, and leave the overpriced rarieties for the aniques market.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 8:16:33

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

Well, I posted this on the other Conde thread. I post it here as well, because, I think you are forgetting that there are people working behind the guitars.

I also uploaded a photo on the other thread, something I cant do on this one.

Well my prices will go above 2000 euros very soon, and they will still be very cheap. It's so easy to say frases like "paying more than 2000 for a guitar is a waste of money" but reality is different and peolpe saying these things just show me that they know very little about the world, and that they forget that good guitars are made by people and not by machines, people that have to live in modern society as well as everyone else.

A normal output of handbuild guitars is around 12 a year.
I now leave it to everyone to calculate a normal income of a guitarbuilder. Remember that materials and workshop are expensive things.

You will always be able to find cheap guitars. Some even good, but people with the attitude like this one above, will play factory guitars and thats it. If you want something special and personal, and you think that it's worth keeping a traditional way of building alive, you have to respect that we, the builders also have to live.

And, the last thing. Remember that the factorys never invented anything. They only copy. The real work is been done in the small personal workshops.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 8:34:32

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

Well some thread this turned out to be. I started it here because I felt that the seller of the Conde didn’t deserve to have his simple ad highjacked – c’est la vie! I hope he gets his price.

I must agree with Pat. He has not done any harm to anyone by buying his quality guitars. All parties seem to have won and to be happy. So I cannot see how anyone can have a problem with that.

I know it will not be popular with some but I think the guitar market seems to have more supply than demand so if anything I would suggest the prices are in general low. If I buy a guitar for $5000 and use it for ten years for on average 30 minutes a day that amounts to less than 3 dollars a day. But at the end I still have a guitar and if cared for I might even get most of my money back.. My football team cost $15 per hour and at the end of ten years I have nothing but broken dreams .


nigel (el raton de Watford - now Puerto de Santa Maria, Cadiz)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 10:08:42

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

No I dont think that there is any problem for me if someone buys a guitar over 2000Euro. The guitars are often really damn good. Easy to play very good sound. And Handwork is allways expensive. I too would be very happy with a reyes. I love these guitars, but they cost 8000Euros.Right?
What I meant was, if you search good, you will find a perect guitar..ok around 2000Euro. But if you buy it here in my country the sellers wanna have much shipping cost and some more so that they earn a bit on that. Than a 2000Eu guitar costs 3000-4000Euro here. And guitars with a good name cost as much as a car. Which player can pay that? Me not.(-_-)..What a pitty..:.( So Its cheaper to buy a 30Euro ticket to Madrid and look for my self.

I can understand why some guitars are so expensive. Many people wanna buy a special model so the price goes up coz of many customers. And it takes time to build good guitars. When you only can build 5? guitars a year and need the money to live... Its expensive. Its really ok.But it doesnt increases the quality of the guitar. And if I would have the money I would try to buy my dreamguitar for 8000Euro.
Guitars over 2000E are often perfect, but there are professional guitars for less money.
So please no war. Im not against somebodys opinion here.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 10:16:01

RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


Guitars over 2000E are often perfect, but there are professional guitars for less money.

Very few, and things are changing a lot. Most of these guitars you mention are made here in Spain, and inflation is sky high. (16% in house prices last year) So be prepared, prices will keep going up very fast.

Guitars are still very cheap. Go to a pro symphony orchestra and ask everyone there how much they've payed for their instruments!!!!!!! You'll get a new Conde Hermanos for a Violin or Cello bow!!!!!

I will raise my prices to a little above 2000 euros this year, and they wil continue to raise. Why, because I have to live and also because in a guitarbuilder society like Spain, there's a limit of how long I can stay so cheap. The other builders (around 3000 euros is standard price) are starting to say things........ That's life and I understand. You can be cheap when you are new and unknown, but when you start having an order list etc. You have to follow the unwritten rules. It's always been like that.
What do you think would happen if I went to the market and sold tomatoes for 50 cents a kilo, when everyone was asking 1 euro a kilo? Well, they would probably start throwing tomatoes after me


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 10:35:25

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


Anders said exactly what i wanted to mention. When i picked up my Bellido and met Jose Bellido in his shop, i could see that he is really hard working to the extent that he has to deal with several physical problems by now, due to age and the systematic problems of hand building guitars. From what he told me, especially the french polish application procedure takes forever and he has to do this movement bending over a bit, massively hurting the lower back. He showed me the twelve guitars that he was working for half a year on, and planned to finish in the next six months (4xblanca 4xindian rosewood and 4xRio classical). So yes, a builder as experienced as Bellido does 12 guitars per year, plus some repairs and customization. Now, subtracting the rent of the manufacture, the tools, the material costs, the costs for storing the woods for ten or more years, and considering the excellent quality of his instruments, i dont think that 2000 euros would be an appropriate prize for his efforts. Yes i paid mre and i dont regret anything

On the other hand, i can understand Doitsujin's point. Since i couldnt pick up the guitar directly when i was in Granada, i took a Ferrer Guitar from their shop which is close to bellidos. Met Antonio Duran there, a guy who builds guitars with one arm...remarkable! The guitar was most likely not built by the master luthiers there but rather by some apprentice, but nevertheless its nicely done, the sound is lively and mucho flamenco, an indian rosewood that people in my guitar shop here loved...and it cost 1.000 euro. So, yes you CAN get lucky and find a good instrument. For me, i wouldnt notice any deficiencies with the cheap instrument ever, until i get to play it along with one excellent instrument. And from then on it would rotate in my mind endlessly that the music would sound a lot better with a better instrument. It was really only to silence this voice in my head that i bought a new guitar...
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 12:10:06
el ted


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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

errrhhh...... How do I put this..... Reading Anders post agin, but more carefully this time. I realise that I currently earn at least three times more than he does, and there is no finished product at the end of my working year. So I think I had better shut up and sling my hook from this debate!
Cheers from rainy Hull.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 12:26:57

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh

I have a question. For how much could I sell my conde studio model year1999?
I think its like the EF5 model and its from Atocha. Details are different.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 12:49:26

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RE: More Conde Hermanos (in reply to flyeogh


i had a similar instrument, i learned its NOT an EF5 but its very similar model from Conde. I sold it for 1.200 euros in Berlin.

Good luck!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 16:13:22
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