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I came home from a gig yesterday, and my brother-in-law gave me this NSD Spinner PB-188. I had never seen one before. It is a ball-shaped device with a gyroscope in it. You get it started with a cord like a yo-yo, then rotate your hand. Once you get the hang of it, it is a little like a hula-hoop action, the gyroscope begins to pick up inertia and starts to strongly resist your ability to grasp it. The tighter you turn it, the faster it goes and the harder it gets. It's very strange, almost like holding that little metal ball from Harry Potter. It works your forearms and hands--after only a few seconds, I was feeling a burn!
He thought it might be good for an instrumentalist to get some grip strength. Perhaps it will help! I know Grisha said he had strong forearms, so... anyways, be carefuly, it is a little addictive and you will be sore if you overdo it !