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RE: New Flamenco Guitar Maestro Clas... (in reply to johnnefastis)
I was pretty lucky that it was advertised here at a fraction of the cost of purchase and shipping to Australia. Gigs and teaching are pretty steady So am buying a lot more these days The easy way to get new releases Figure with the next big pay cheque ill skimp on the new car and buy the other three volumes
Saying all that the la sonanta production is pretty schmick and pristine Books are so well laid out.. That old school approach .. Great photo's and awesome glossary Good value if you have the bucks
Anyway found this ( you tube link below )....the influence of noted Brazilian guitarists like Raphael rabello, Romero lumbabo and Yamandu or Luis Salinas seems obvious to me.. ..or the other way round, figure players at this level have a symbiotic understanding of modern guitar these ideas are also at play in jeronimo's video Talks a bit about his 'Jazz' teacher ... Whoever that maybe Also a focus on Improvisation ( not often mention in flamenco DVD's generally ) But there are some great pieces and exercises in siguiriyas, solea, buleria and granaina..
On cano roto ' the school is 40-50 years old, it originated with a gypsy called Caracoles, along with El Nani... it's a school that's been there for many years..but what it is known for is the distinct personality of each guitarist, and that is the most important thing to us.. People think the cano roto school is just about technique...but really it's Rythmic.. We are very Rythmic people...like the buleria played by jose Romero 50 years ago or Ramon Jimenez today...it's not about technique '
Some fairly dysfunctional harmony in traditional palo's...
Finally ... Not a capo in sight..( except for the bulerias with Felipe, Leo and Jeronimo in the extras )
RE: New Flamenco Guitar Maestro Clas... (in reply to Guest)
quote: Niño de Pura one.
Geert from La Sonanta mentioned it in an email. I am sure its no secret as I don't really know him.
He said they are a lot of work and really time consuming to make and it should be out in 2015. Maybe email him and get more details it would be good to have the info posted here.
I think they deserve a lot of support as these sort of DVDs are so invaluable to learning.
A bit off topic but does anyone know what happened to Encuentro productions ? Will they ever do any more ?