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  Topic Replies Thread Starter Hits Last Post
Builders Beware: Best *****  3 ***** 7097 Jun. 26 2016 16:14:50
Escribano Go to latest post!
planing fingerboard  9 12850bd 6667 Oct. 23 2014 7:47:24
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Basket of luthiers  9 7thstring 4041 Feb. 11 2022 17:47:41
7thstring Go to latest post!
Paracho builders  4 a_arnold 9406 Aug. 4 2006 15:22:45
seanm Go to latest post!
What woods should I ask for?  2 a_arnold 6055 Aug. 26 2006 10:02:52
lukemoon Go to latest post!
need advice re Gerundino  2 a_arnold 5756 Feb. 18 2007 18:45:50
stephen hill Go to latest post!
source for graphite reinforcement?  5 a_arnold 6870 Feb. 19 2007 14:20:46
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Question on pair of Salvador Castillo Guitars  4 a_arnold 7872 Feb. 18 2007 23:41:32
legrec Go to latest post!
RAFAEL MORALES revisited  15 a_arnold 12037 Feb. 14 2008 3:59:32
el ted Go to latest post!
1934 J Ramirez on ebay  6 a_arnold 6571 Mar. 1 2007 22:36:54
Jim Opfer Go to latest post!
Flea market Ramirez?  2 a_arnold 5531 Mar. 2 2007 13:53:01
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Need for lexicon ...  2 a_arnold 5776 Mar. 4 2007 18:00:23
r0bbie Go to latest post!
micromosaic source?  2 a_arnold 7279 Mar. 7 2007 10:43:42
Per Hallgren Go to latest post!
What causes wolf tones?  8 a_arnold 10439 Apr. 11 2007 14:18:40
Per Hallgren Go to latest post!
tapered fingerboard on Ramirez?  13 a_arnold 8185 Apr. 21 2007 16:21:48
Per Hallgren Go to latest post!
The effect of mass on a guitar's sound  5 a_arnold 6183 Apr. 12 2007 13:35:58
a_arnold Go to latest post!
New Castillo negra  0 a_arnold 5583 Apr. 12 2007 14:25:22
a_arnold Go to latest post!
finish INSIDE a guitar  6 a_arnold 6888 Jul. 16 2007 8:46:56
stephen hill Go to latest post!
the consequences of NOT playing in a guitar  5 a_arnold 6388 Jul. 23 2007 14:51:51
a_arnold Go to latest post!
the Mexican National Luthiery prize  1 a_arnold 6290 Jul. 25 2007 15:48:43
ecgfc Go to latest post!
What do you guys use to glue MOP to ebony?  1 a_arnold 6271 Sep. 27 2007 9:01:03
stephen hill Go to latest post!
Chica and the use of light-weight bridges  3 a_arnold 5901 Oct. 16 2007 20:47:34
Armando Go to latest post!
figure in back and sides  3 a_arnold 5878 Mar. 28 2009 19:01:21
a_arnold Go to latest post!
headstock designs  8 a_arnold 6380 Mar. 28 2009 18:35:43
a_arnold Go to latest post!
library of Headstock designs now available  8 a_arnold 9166 Mar. 31 2009 11:21:33
Jim Opfer Go to latest post!
question on figured back/sides wood  3 a_arnold 5901 Apr. 1 2009 19:32:28
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Spanish for "French Polish"?  12 a_arnold 7872 Apr. 1 2010 19:41:35
HemeolaMan Go to latest post!
German vs European Spruce  20 a_arnold 9865 Apr. 19 2010 15:42:15
Peter Tsiorba Go to latest post!
Spanish for "set up?"  6 a_arnold 5815 Apr. 19 2010 13:37:22
HeavyWood Go to latest post!
Anybody ever seen this in a flamenco guitar?  16 a_arnold 9359 Apr. 21 2010 7:26:42
aarongreen Go to latest post!
What is a resonable price for B/S?  4 a_arnold 6205 Apr. 24 2010 22:06:20
kozz Go to latest post!
The effect of "silk" on spruce (Castillo guitar) 
[Page: 1 2 ]
45 a_arnold 28590 Jun. 24 2010 13:45:55
jshelton5040 Go to latest post!
I got a look inside a $20,000 Humphrey the other day.  1 a_arnold 5738 May 18 2010 4:51:36
aarongreen Go to latest post!
what is the best b/s wood for spectacular figure? 
[Page: 1 2 ]
40 a_arnold 26032 Aug. 6 2010 10:55:03
Flamingrae Go to latest post!
Where to find white golpeador material?  5 a_arnold 8899 Sep. 12 2010 15:30:54
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Need luthier advice on never-used 1969 Ramirez  13 a_arnold 8043 Nov. 10 2012 11:15:38
tele Go to latest post!
Setup technique  3 a_arnold 5997 Jul. 31 2012 15:15:55
a_arnold Go to latest post!
cajon making advice from luthiers  9 a_arnold 7078 Dec. 31 2012 21:36:14
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Finishing: what would happen if . . .  10 a_arnold 6526 Dec. 29 2012 18:14:36
Sean Go to latest post!
urethane vs french polish  7 a_arnold 7728 Dec. 9 2014 1:10:21
estebanana Go to latest post!
Built a Hauser, now a blanca! (Questions)  11 Aadi 9077 Apr. 2 2009 15:18:01
jshelton5040 Go to latest post!
Golpeador over fresh shellac  1 Aadi 5861 Oct. 10 2009 1:11:10
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Ervin Somogyi's "Principles of Guitar Dynamics and Design"  13 aaron peacock 5439 May 16 2020 22:51:08
Tom Blackshear Go to latest post!
Rameriz for sale  5 aarongreen 7135 May 4 2004 12:31:24
Jim Opfer Go to latest post!
Another track on 51 Barbero  1 aarongreen 5998 Jun. 7 2012 18:39:49
Don Dionisio Go to latest post!
New Guitar Day  25 aarongreen 7557 Jun. 2 2013 13:36:52
Tom Blackshear Go to latest post!
flat sawn cypress needed  2 aarongreen 6781 Sep. 30 2014 13:53:16
aarongreen Go to latest post!
List of Madrid luthiers  15 abraham 26357 May 20 2010 7:19:25
Ricardo Go to latest post!
Humidity question(s) 
[Page: 1 2 ]
31 abu7maid 13451 Apr. 28 2024 17:54:02
Filip Go to latest post!
Just restrung, have a nasty buzz, help!  8 Adam 6174 Feb. 18 2007 20:01:13
a_arnold Go to latest post!
Basic stringing question  3 Adam 5484 Feb. 17 2007 20:10:51
ramparts Go to latest post!
Applying a golpeaor - bad for the guitar? 
[Page: 1 2 ]
36 Adam 38973 Apr. 26 2020 22:07:19
aaron peacock Go to latest post!
Buying an intermediate guitar (and anyone familiar with German Vazquez  11 Adam 11641 Mar. 21 2008 22:00:17
HemeolaMan Go to latest post!
Guitar humidifier?  10 Adam 6047 Apr. 27 2011 6:08:05
erictjie Go to latest post!
Manuel Rodriguez C3F  26 affect 27142 May 28 2009 20:56:53
Domingo Go to latest post!
Buying a Navarro Student from La Falseta: Review and Recommendation  12 affect 13105 May 19 2009 4:36:43
TANúñez Go to latest post!
Why have the recent posts been deleted?  2 agujetas 3523 Jun. 16 2021 10:38:27
agujetas Go to latest post!
Not bassie Flamenco guitar  19 Agustin Castellon Campos 10088 Jul. 12 2013 3:44:58
oc chuck Go to latest post!
Payed for guitar not shipped yet  12 Agustin Castellon Campos 14823 Sep. 4 2013 0:45:42
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
How to remove a dent from a polished surface?  11 Ahmed Flamenco 6034 Feb. 26 2014 18:13:56
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
Flamenco neck relief  7 Ahmed Flamenco 6815 Feb. 27 2014 21:37:08
Ahmed Flamenco Go to latest post!
What kind of back braces and top braces  5 Ahmed Flamenco 6081 Jun. 28 2014 23:45:04
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
difference in length between 1st and 6th strings?  9 Ahmed Flamenco 6023 Aug. 4 2014 3:21:19
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
How can I make the 7 top braces?  7 Ahmed Flamenco 6446 Aug. 4 2014 14:38:29
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
Can I make the back from many pieces or it should be only 2?  5 Ahmed Flamenco 6152 Aug. 6 2014 16:51:51
koenie17 Go to latest post!
Solid wood vs laminated  3 Ahmed Flamenco 5678 Aug. 7 2014 22:42:00
Leñador Go to latest post!
Can I use cedar braces on spruce top for a flamenco guitar?  4 Ahmed Flamenco 6258 Aug. 10 2014 7:14:02
Echi Go to latest post!
What makes an awesome flamenco guitar?  13 Ahmed Flamenco 6882 Sep. 1 2014 17:08:27
Turner Go to latest post!
Wenge wood for bridge?  7 Ahmed Flamenco 7096 Oct. 15 2014 13:20:22
estebanana Go to latest post!
Santos Hernandez design question?  5 Ahmed Flamenco 6357 Oct. 23 2014 11:28:57
Andy Culpepper Go to latest post!
Sitka spruce vs Canadian spruce?  2 Ahmed Flamenco 7103 Oct. 27 2014 0:31:44
estebanana Go to latest post!
Can I use Swedish wood for fan bracing?  14 Ahmed Flamenco 9148 Aug. 25 2023 12:27:37
estebanana Go to latest post!
I need your opinion in this spruce  12 Ahmed Flamenco 8001 Nov. 10 2014 7:49:35
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
Please help me complete this guitar  5 Ahmed Flamenco 6497 Jan. 31 2015 23:16:45
Jeff Highland Go to latest post!
Strings lengths calculations?  1 Ahmed Flamenco 5444 Feb. 16 2015 5:16:56
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
I failed to do french polishing properly  6 Ahmed Flamenco 5996 Feb. 16 2015 5:13:42
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
I made a mistake while fretting  13 Ahmed Flamenco 6870 Feb. 21 2015 22:08:57
Ahmed Flamenco Go to latest post!
That what happened after the completion of the guitar  4 Ahmed Flamenco 6449 Mar. 18 2015 18:59:04
constructordeguitarras Go to latest post!
Why each luthier has his own characteristic tone in his guitar?  4 Ahmed Flamenco 6988 Mar. 23 2015 18:50:59
Ahmed Flamenco Go to latest post!
How bridge is removed?!  8 Ahmed Flamenco 7232 Apr. 4 2015 11:06:15
Ahmed Flamenco Go to latest post!
Should I continue in making guitars?  4 Ahmed Flamenco 6241 Jun. 9 2015 10:25:14
krichards Go to latest post!
I need to choose lightest wood ever for the neck  10 Ahmed Flamenco 7186 Jun. 9 2015 16:50:52
Anders Eliasson Go to latest post!
What makes the difference between the flamenco sound and the classical  11 Ahmed Flamenco 8331 Jun. 18 2015 18:35:17
Johnvsch Go to latest post!
Suggest many different tone woods for flamenco and classical guitars  3 Ahmed Flamenco 6069 Jun. 18 2015 7:29:58
keith Go to latest post!
What is idea of soundboard calibration before bracing?  17 Ahmed Flamenco 9293 Jun. 21 2015 10:07:29
estebanana Go to latest post!
What do you think of skewing one of the harmonic bars for a classical   1 Ahmed Flamenco 5924 Jun. 22 2015 11:27:58
Ahmed Flamenco Go to latest post!
Can wenge be used as a tonewood for a new negra?  18 Ahmed Flamenco 12043 Jun. 25 2015 11:46:20
estebanana Go to latest post!
Thin vs thick back and side?  17 Ahmed Flamenco 14377 Jul. 4 2015 2:36:46
estebanana Go to latest post!
Does the grain direction matter in a mahogany neck?  10 Ahmed Flamenco 7114 Jul. 6 2015 15:24:49
estebanana Go to latest post!
How can choose the right top piece?  16 Ahmed Flamenco 8464 Jul. 14 2015 19:42:40
Jeff Highland Go to latest post!
I need good guitar machine heads with decent price  2 Ahmed Flamenco 5903 Jul. 8 2015 9:53:07
SEden Go to latest post!
Secrets of guitar sound?!  1 Ahmed Flamenco 6150 Jul. 8 2015 17:08:10
keith Go to latest post!
I want to make rosette from solid wood  5 Ahmed Flamenco 6798 Jul. 23 2015 9:10:43
SEden Go to latest post!
Bending guitar sides using air gun?!  2 Ahmed Flamenco 7356 Jul. 23 2015 13:17:24
tijeretamiel Go to latest post!
What should I look for in a laminate trimmer?  20 Ahmed Flamenco 9250 Aug. 13 2015 8:42:11
long123 Go to latest post!
palisander vs wenge?  4 Ahmed Flamenco 6668 Aug. 21 2015 14:52:27
estebanana Go to latest post!
paduk is driving me crazy  23 Ahmed Flamenco 9223 Sep. 2 2015 22:52:44
jshelton5040 Go to latest post!
something wrong with santos hernandez design  5 Ahmed Flamenco 6511 Sep. 9 2015 18:02:20
SEden Go to latest post!
How to adjust proper string height with proper neck angle?  16 Ahmed Flamenco 7890 Sep. 13 2015 18:33:04
Escribano Go to latest post!
How relief is perfectly adjusted?  2 Ahmed Flamenco 5683 Sep. 10 2015 21:10:27
Ahmed Flamenco Go to latest post!
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