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I was at the Dentist this morning and was sitting in the small waiting room which had about 5 or 6 chairs each side facing each other about 2metres apart.
Everybody was just sitting there for ages in silence, twiddling their thumbs and looking at the floor or the ceiling, listening to the distant high pitched squeal of the Dentist drill and trying to avoid eye contact.
I was sitting at the end in the corner, where they had a selection of a few kid's toys in a box. On the chair opposite me, there was a big fluffy soft-toy frog, just sitting there looking at me.
In the tense silence, I suddenly had the mental urge to grab the frog and bounce it up and down on my knee saying "Hello Mister Froggie, and how are you today?" ... and rock it like a baby saying "What a good froggie woggie-woo!", just to see what the reaction would be.
Is this the sign of some kind of impending senile dementia?
Or is it only if I actually DID it would it be serious?
I know that both Ed and Ailsa are specialists in that area.
I think that when you reach the point where you actually do such a thing but aren't AWARE that you're doing it, or are no longer aware that such an action is a bit beyond the pale of normal human behavior- then you might have something to worry about. But by that point it's too late.....
I've got a dentist appt. in a couple weeks. Maybe I'll test your frog theory and see what the results are...
In the tense silence, I suddenly had the mental urge to grab the frog and bounce it up and down on my knee saying "Hello Mister Froggie, and how are you today?" ... and rock it like a baby saying "What a good froggie woggie-woo!", just to see what the reaction would be.
Is this the sign of some kind of impending senile dementia?
What you should've done is picked it up and taken it to the 'chair' with you, sucking your thumb the whole way. That'd lighten up the mood if nothing else.
Is this the sign of some kind of impending senile dementia?
Or is it only if I actually DID it would it be serious?
I know that both Ed and Ailsa are specialists in that area.
Sadly no I can´t claim to have any special knowledge in the area of toy frogs. Or indeed in dementia.
But I too have the urge to do something a bit off the wall sometimes, when in public situations. I think it´s fine - just a sort of mental testing of social rules. Even if you DID it, I think it would be harmless.
But I´m happy to be corrected by someone with more expertise.
I am also not an expert on these issues ....but, you should ask yourself, who is sick here? 95% of the Society, walking through their lifes like remote controlled Zombies or you who wanted to communicate with the Frog ?
Hmm, however i hope you didnt kiss the frog expecting its transformation to a handsome Prince or something....did you? Because that would really go too far.
Analysing this thread I come to the conclusion that Ron is using us foro-members as surrogates for the people in the waiting-room. It's almost as good telling us, as actually doing it ...
Your spot on!! I couldn't tell my wife in case she thought I was nuts....in fact it's the sort of thing that you can't actually TELL anyone verbally. It's really got to be written down.
But I must admit, it was a kinda release to tell somebody instead of keeping it festering in my brain for years!
Umm...OK... so how much is that therapy session gonna cost me?
ORIGINAL: Ron.M Umm...OK... so how much is that therapy session gonna cost me?
I think the guys should agree to waive the cost of this session if Ron agrees to go back with a camera and get pics or video of him bouncing the frog. I think it will be therapeutic for Ron too and a step towards overcoming the sublimated amphibio-regresive complex...
Your spot on!! I couldn't tell my wife in case she thought I was nuts....in fact it's the sort of thing that you can't actually TELL anyone verbally. It's really got to be written down.
But I must admit, it was a kinda release to tell somebody instead of keeping it festering in my brain for years!
Umm...OK... so how much is that therapy session gonna cost me?
I was in a line-up somewhere and a phone was ringing with an old-fashioned bell ringer. Everyone was studiously ignoring it and avoiding eye contact until we heard someone finally answer the phone.
I let out a relieved sigh and said out loud "Oh! Thank God! I was starting to worry that ringing just in my head."
To which I got some nice snickers and snorts, which was a bonus as I was only trying to amuse myself.
Ron, maybe you had that urge because it's how you would have liked to be treated at that moment. I believe that a lot of what we think and do has to do with that. Theories aside, it's maddening to be with a group of people who are all thinking the same thing but are too embarrassed or afraid or whatever to react. It really does make them seem like a flock of sheep of something.
i think you've got what some of my mates call the celtic humour gene. basically, when in boring or akward situations we like to have a bit of the "craic" ie not crack cocaine but a laugh.
eg's my mate taking the mickey outta the queen's wax model in front of madame tussauds at a high level, saying "would yah look at the face on her no wonder yer man has a long face getting into bed with that mare each night".
needless to say, some of the other visitors were not impressed but me and the rest of the gang creased ourselves up laughing.
another event involving myself is when i took lessons with el carbonero in 2007, second day of lessons i got called a "guiri" by him and his mate for a joke to test my reaction.
3rd morning i turned up, and manuel was outside having a smoke with his mate and they said "heres the guiri again" i put the case down and started palmas for tangos and sang "soy un guiri, vengo de Irlanda, yo vengo para el flamenco, pero mis amigos no saben nada" a la camaron ie soy gitano and the voice i did was a reall high pitched piss take of camarons singing.
to which manuel and his friend creased up either thinking i was mad or simply an idiot.