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Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
Yamaha CG171SF discontinued?
Hi there guys, I was asking a local music store here in Sydney Australia called Allan's Music re: the Yamaha CG171SF as it's got some pretty good reviews here as a beginner's flamenco guitar.
However the guitar manager replied saying that the model has actually been discontinued and the last CG171SF that Yamaha brought in was last year.
So just wondering whether it's a international discontinuation or just Australia.
Anyone knows anything? Not sure where else can I get that student model in Australia..
Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
Unlikely. The CG171SF is one of Yamaha's best-selling guitars worldwide. It's obviously still available from the online and B&M sellers.
The Yamaha website can also be inaccurate. I once called them because the CG201S was moved into the "Discontinued" category. The Yamaha USA rep told me they were still importing and selling it.
It's possible that supplies are limited to smaller retailers. Our local shop told me that it takes them 3-4 months to receive a special order for Yamaha guitars because they're not one of the "big players".
Why don't you call Yamaha Oz and ask them if any of their dealers have it?
Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
Thanks for the heads up ChiyaDad. I'll give Yamaha Aus a call tomorrow. I just go off the phone with the Yamaha Singapore (where I'm originally from), and was informed that there's one CG171SF for sale in one Singapore store.
However, the person on the phone told me there's 2 versions of CG171SF. Made in Taiwan until last February which then was made in China. Is this true?
All the info that I got online was that the CG171SF was all made in China. Anyone knows any different in the Taiwanese made vs China made versions? Which one is superior to the other? my APX 6NA is made in Taiwan, and it feels pretty good, even after 10 years.
Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
ORIGINAL: HolyEvil However, the person on the phone told me there's 2 versions of CG171SF. Made in Taiwan until last February which then was made in China. Is this true?
All lower-end Yamaha guitars were made in either Taiwan or Indonesia until 2007. Somewhere between 2006 and 2007, both of these facilities were transferred to China. Indonesia made mostly guitars with laminated tops. The Yamaha CG series was made in Taiwan.
My understanding was that some of the older CG171SF models from Taiwan had ebony fretboards. The last ones from Taiwan and the current ones from China have rosewood fretboards.
The first models of the CG171SF from Taiwan supposedly had backs and sides of laminated sycamore. Sometime after the CG171SF was launched, they switched to laminated cypress. The ones from China have laminated cypress. I was told that the core wood of these laminates is mahogany.
Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
A little update:
I just got off the phone with Yamaha Australia. I was informed by the guitar division that Yamaha has discontinued their Flamenco guitars in Australia and worldwide. Not sure how true it is. Hopefully not as I'd like to get a beginners flamenco guitar somewhere early next year.
Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
Odd statement. I don't know how much credibility it deserves.
But who knows? Maybe they're doing a refresh of the entire CG line and we'll hear an announcement of a CG172SF by the 2009 NAMM (perhaps with a truss rod).
In any case, your dilemma is to find a good-quality beginners' instrument and it doesn't sound like the CG171SF is readily available in Oz right now. You may have to opt for a competing brand or simply convert a classical guitar until you can afford a good midrange flamenco guitar.
I don't know if the Cordoba C5 is sold down under. That would be one classical that I would consider converting. It'd make an interesting flamenca negra.
Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
Hi there ChiyoDad, when you say convert a classical, it just means lowering the action yeah? I'm just trying to find out what the direct competitors for the Yamaha CG171SF are.
Posts: 15484
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
My friend just got a new one ordered through guitar center I think here in US. But it was not the same. It was cutaway with electronics. Sounds and plays very nice.
Posts: 151
Joined: Jun. 30 2007
From: San Francisco Bay Area
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to Ricardo)
My friend just got a new one ordered through guitar center I think here in US. But it was not the same. It was cutaway with electronics.
That's the CG171SFC. Very good pick-up system. I believe it uses both an under-the-saddle pickup and an internal condenser microphone with a goose-neck.
Posts: 25
Joined: Oct. 22 2008
From: San Francisco, CA
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
the musician's friend holiday sale has begun and the cg171sf has dropped from $349.99 USD to $299.99 USD. I just emailed them and expect to receive the difference in price as they guarantee retroactive price matching for 45 days after shipping (mine shipped 31 days ago). excellent deal, if you ask me.
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
I saw one on ebay australia about a month ago for around $600, buy it now for $750. Actually it was a Yamaha CGX-171SCX. I think the guy must have sold it privately because he withdrew the listing, but he noted that they weren't going to be available in Oz until mid 2009. Not sure if that helps, since you already contacted Yamaha.
Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to gounaro1174)
ORIGINAL: gounaro1174
Are you sure? You checked all nation's ebay?
well i checked the most common ones,,,,,.com, co.uk., es, com.au , de .. maybe you could show me just one yamaha with this price? i have seen 299 in the past but 199? that seams really too cheap,,even for a yamaha
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to ChiyoDad)
ORIGINAL: ChiyoDad AU$645 = US$418. The Yamahas sure are expensive down under.
yes, the exchange rate isn't too great these days, July would have been the time to buy one from the States. But I think they have always been around that price in Aus.
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
My CG171SF will very likely be going up for sale once my Francisco Navarro arrives from La Falseta. I'll gladly ship to Oz or anywhere else in the world, but shipping charges could get ugly.
Posts: 1240
Joined: Nov. 6 2008
From: Sydney, Australia
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
Hey there, thanks for the offer but I'm all set now. My 171sf is arriving this Sunday. Going to get a bone saddle put on next week. Hopfully lowering both action on 12 fret n distance between strings n body of guitar over the soundhole.
RE: Yamaha CG171SF discontinued? (in reply to HolyEvil)
If anyone down under is still furtively searching for the mythical Yamaha CG171-SF, may I suggest you first check out one of Katoh's new range http://westwoodguitarcompany.com/Katoh_Classical_Guitars.htm I bashed out some bulerias chords on the flamenco model in the shop and it was impressive, especially for the price. Nice to play, light, and loud.
disclaimer: I have no connection business or otherwise with Katoh guitars