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Nice one Anders, congrats! I saw Jonathan's in Cadiz, a very nice job as well. It plays extremely well. Any tips for me on the Tru-Oil finish - I intend to use micro-mesh down to a fine finish then Tru-Oil - how long between applications, humidity, temperature etc.?
First of all, Tru-oil is a very nice finish. It hardens a bit more than french polished shelllack, its very beautifull IMO,but it takes time, easily 1 month.
Make a nice porefilled shellack preparation, finished down to 2400 micromesh, and then very thin layers once a day, with dry 1800 and 2400 micromesh in between. Some many coats, let dry as much as possible, at least 3 days, and then wet polihing with micomesh with a VERY light touch until 12000.
You know humidity, always best around 50, temperature doesn´t matter if humidity is OK. I know it´s easy to say, but that´s the way it is.
Thanks Anders, I still have the bridge and fingerboard to fix, fret and carve down the neck before finishing. Should be done this Spring. I'll let you know. It's certainly good fun but difficult to find the time with a day job and dark evenings.
Simon, I thought electric light existed in England as well. What you are going to do is some of the nicest in the whole process. Enjoy it, and prepare yourself for the next!!!
I thought electric light existed in England as well
Really? Damn!
No, it is cold and damp in my taller (the garage) and I like to work in natural light i.e. with the door open or even better, outside. If was to get into this seriously I may convert my dining room.
Who needs a dining room when you can have a guitar workshop. I mean you can eat in the workshop, but it´s difficult to build in a dining room. I think with all this modern lifestile we are complicating life. All that one needs is a kitchen, a toilet, a workshop and a hammock!!!!! Everything else is showing of.