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Welcome to one of the most active flamenco sites on the Internet. Guests can read most posts but if you want to participate click here to register.

This site is dedicated to the memory of Paco de Lucía, Ron Mitchell, Guy Williams, Linda Elvira, Philip John Lee, Craig Eros, Ben Woods, David Serva and Tom Blackshear who went ahead of us.

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Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy


Today we have a record number of applications to join the forum, so....

1. I would like to greet all new members to foro flamenco and ask that you consider introducing yourselves, if you would be so kind (no pressure, you are welcome to stay quiet). Alternatively, put something in your profile by clicking on My Profile. Be aware that this is in the public domain but I'm working on closing that one.

2. Tell us where you heard about us. A webmaster's natural interest, you understand.

About this Forum
We set up shop after the temporary and unexpected demise of another forum. So there is a cadre of original members with whom I consult on certain issues, of which we have had a few. You might be surprised that we have had any, but do not underestimate how easy it is upset someone, without first engaging gear.

We try not too take ourselves too seriously, but make no mistake, there is a wealth of passion, friendship, experience, talent and knowledge on this forum that is crying out to be tapped or fed. So ask or answer whatever you can.

Welcome to the next best thing to flamenco besides listening to it, playing it or living in Andalusia. Some of our members do all three (the lucky b******s ).

We have collaborated on two global flamenco MP3 tracks so far and a major record label is showing an interest in how these examples of cooperation might be packaged as an Internet service.

You in a group of people ranging from novices, luthiers, semi-pro guitarists, dancers, recording studios, journalists et al.... from Holland, Sweden, Iraq, Australia, Scotland, England, Spain, Belgium, the US and more.

Many of us have also met each other in the physical world, and what a disappointment that can be

Please enjoy yourselves, respect each other and have fun.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 16 2004 20:07:59
Thomas Whiteley


Posts: 786
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Escribano

Welcome new members.


We have collaborated on two global flamenco MP3 tracks so far and a major record label is showing an interest in how these examples of cooperation might be packaged as an Internet service.

I hate to correct you but I must! It is three MP3's, and we are getting ready for number four.

As for the "Major Record Label, I have to get a snorkel as it is getting too deep for me, even if I am 6' 7"!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 16 2004 22:59:59

Posts: 382
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Rota, Spain

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Escribano

Very well said, Simon, and I would also like to to say 'bienvenido' to the new members. You can actually express your opinions here without having your head handed back to you. Of course, that's not to say that you won't get an arguement from someone, but at least it will be a civil arguement.

PS. Simon, is it possible to a spell-checker on this forum so that I can properly post words like 'argument'?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 16 2004 23:44:11

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Thomas Whiteley

I thought it was the Tangos and Soleares (four tracks, I think) but two palos, or did I miss one?

As for the record label, it's EMI (through my line of work) and I hadn't mentioned that here before, so don't take the piss or tell anyone (and I'm 6' 8")


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 17 2004 0:29:33

Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Phil


PS. Simon, is it possible to a spell-checker on this forum so that I can properly post words like 'argument'?

Iyl looc in2 eet.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 17 2004 0:49:59
Thomas Whiteley


Posts: 786
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Escribano

The heck with a spelling checker! How about we write a compiler and compile all messages. Then put it into a debugger?

My question is what can you do about me hitting the wrong keys?

Put down that chair and whip. I will promise to hit the right keys (sometimes)!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 17 2004 1:32:49
Thomas Whiteley


Posts: 786
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Escribano

An interesting thing about this forum is that we seem to tolerate thread drift. Sometimes we talk about flamenco and sometimes we just talk.

We have a few flamenco forums on the Internet. One seems to be made up of dysfunctional elements of society, another I am not sure of and then there is us! No definition exists for us.

Imagine all the talent there is on all three-flamenco forums? Too bad we cannot get along. We might actually do a lot more good if we could cooperate. However, people find his/her own comfort level.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 17 2004 1:39:37

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Escribano

A Spell cheker HA! who needs it !
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jan. 17 2004 4:16:38

Posts: 25
Joined: Dec. 9 2014

RE: GREETING NEW MEMBERS! (in reply to Escribano

I've been creeping here since 2014 and have learned a lot! I'm commenting now so I can post in the classifieds. Not really a new member per se but first time posting.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 13 2019 15:20:19
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