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Luthiers and guitar strings   You are logged in as Guest
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Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ

Luthiers and guitar strings 

Look, I love my guitar, and I love to play, but don't people get sick of talking about guitars, guitar makers, and various brands of strings? It seems that people can't spend enough time talking about Condes, Lester Devoe, and strings. Man, I haven't changed my strings in two months...I'm getting seriously lazy. I play a nice Vicente Carillo guitar at home, but I use a beater from Paracho for gigs. I am lazy! And my guitars have scratches on them.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 23 2003 18:29:18


Posts: 87
Joined: Sep. 1 2003
From: Jeré

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

Migue, are you refering to F-T forum? Now and then I have a look at the forum and all I see are posts about guitars. How boring. I bought a Valeriano Bernal, ok, but just after two years playing a 40 quid guitar. I am happy with the sound of it and that´s all. For me wanting to buy a Conde is like driving a Ferrari I wouldnt go faster than 100 miles per hour.

It is true that since I bought my new guitar I feel much more motivated to play and I think my playing has improved since then. But I think it is after you have reached a certain level that you have to think about a new better guitar. Guitars are beutiful but I think those who talk a lot about guitars is more about fetishm than playing.



Carpe Diem y no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 23 2003 19:31:09

Posts: 1189
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Portland, Oregon

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria


I think you hit it on the head with FT constant attention with guitars and strings. I think a lot of that stems from the fact that many of the folks that visit FT are new to flamenco and are seeking advice. I think most of us are a bit beyond that stage, although I must admit that it is enjoyable to talk guitars occasionally. Personally. I have learned a lot from those discussions from the FT forum.

Living in Portland is a proverbial flamenco island. Without those past discussion it's highly unlikely I would have been led to the DeVoe's (I'm on his list) and the Aaron Green's of the world.

So, in my book, a few of those types of discussions are OK by me.

Speaking of guitars, I just ordered an Aaron Green blanca last week. I should have it in about six months.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 23 2003 20:08:56

Posts: 7051
Joined: Jul. 7 2003
From: Scotland

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

Mike and Melchor,
I agree totally on this one.
Over the decades, I've been fortunate enough to try out the concert guitars of various guitarists including Paco Peña, Ramon de Algeciras and Rafael.
They all felt nice guitars, but I didn't sound any different on them really.
It's all technique and experience in my opinion.
I felt I was proved right on this when Rafael picked up my fairly cheap guitar and knocked out some pretty impressive playing.
Sure, he was happier with his own and felt more comfortable with it.
I think sometimes picking up a good guitar with an unfamiliar feel and sound can sometimes lead one into thinking "This is a fantastic guitar!"
Same could be said for girlfriends I suppose (When I was young may I add here!!)
As I've said before, a 25% improvement in knowledge and technique will easily outweigh a 100% increase in guitar quality.

Anyway, cheers everybody and Maximos Merrios for the Holidays!

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 23 2003 20:21:06
Paul Bruhns


Posts: 77
Joined: Jul. 14 2003

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria


I, also, could not agree more. I have to bare my sould here and tell you something that I'm not real proud about. I spent a lot of time coveting and then buying some high end guitars for no real apparent reason, other than I was in a financial position to buy them. I would play the guitar, hold it, read the label, and then BUY the guitar. Stupid! I even went so far as to have a guitar made for me by a respected Madrid Luthier...because I could!

Ironically, the one I play the most and enjoy is the first flamenco guitar I ever purchased, and coincidentally, the one I spent the least amount of money for. Yes, I've learned to appreciate the qualities of different guitars and builders, and that is fun to do. But, there is no substitute for learning Flamenco. For me, the whole guitar (which one is best?) argument has become a mute point... for which my wife is eternally grateful!

Unfortunately, the internet is a difficult medium from which to convey Flamenco technique and the importance of bringing together all the elements of the art: the cante, the baile, the compas/ palmas/ cajon, the guitar. I suppose most of us are guitar players, and we have a real role in Flamenco. But, as I learn to appreciate the guitar as a supporting element, I am less enamored with the instrument, and more enamored with HOW to use it.

One thing I notice more in this forum is that most people here care about playing music rather than talking about guitars. Thanks to Simon's provision of the audio upload page, I've gotten the opportunity to listen and appreciate some of your music. It is humbling for me, but challenging too. I learn more from listening to a sample here, than I ever did at FT web-site forum. I'll try to concentrate on providing an occassional audio sample, and enjoy listening to others' offerings.

Merry Chiristmas,

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 24 2003 15:07:11
Miguel de Maria

Posts: 3532
Joined: Oct. 20 2003
From: Phoenix, AZ

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

Well, Paul, sounds like you really wasted a lot of time on these high-end guitars of yours. I'm glad you've finally seen the light now. So... did you, uh, want to sell any of them?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 24 2003 15:20:37
Thomas Whiteley


Posts: 786
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: San Francisco Bay Area

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Paul Bruhns


Speaking of the elements of flamenco, the picture I have related to flamenco has changed over the last few decades. Carlos Montoya opened up the flamenco guitar as a solo instrument, and for those of us who play solo guitar we should be thankful.

Most singers I know like to have a guitar accompaniment. Dancers seem to be another story. A cajon, cello, any other instrument or none at all is fine for some dancers. Some dancers are within their own space (head) and do not relate to what is outside of them nor do they care.

Some guitarists of today play as they please (as some dancers). They incorporate bass, a drum kit, midi, and whatever pleases them. To me the music is flamenco like and has little to do with flamenco. They have to tell you what the palo they played was. I think it is more inspiration and less flamenco.

Well, flamenco evolves and I am trapped in my own time warp. Having been around Sabicas, Carlos Montoya, Carmen Amaya, Antonio, Jose Greco, and many others was a great experience. There are some very fine flamencos who perform today and still are of “the old school”. Breaking new ground is not easy but it is certainly interesting to note what is going on.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 24 2003 18:50:41

Paco E.

Posts: 70
Joined: Nov. 16 2003
From: Wieringerwerf, Holland

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

girls and boys,

talking about luthiers, guitars and anything that surrounds it.

I'am studying the physical thing about the guitar.
I have a pretty good idea about what the perfect way to built a good guitar is.

try to imagine,

A neck, standing right up, the top on the bottom, the back and sides beneath, pull the string, and you will have the "best projection"

there is one exception, it is not playable, and the tone is worse.

about "our" guitars, it is one of the best compromises that excists.

I have ideas to improve the compromise, but i won't share them
, unfortunately

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 25 2003 0:39:46

Posts: 3053
Joined: Dec. 15 2003
From: Sweden

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

My guitar is an Alhambra.A low priced crap guitar.
I also have those wooden tuning pegs least they look cool.


Ps Practice makes perfect not the "Ferrari brands" of guitars
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2003 20:53:52

Posts: 3053
Joined: Dec. 15 2003
From: Sweden

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Thomas Whiteley

Don´t forget Ramon Montoya


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 28 2003 20:55:40
el ted


Posts: 466
Joined: Nov. 13 2003

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

FT?? I didn't know The Financial Times had a guitar section!!!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 12:34:29

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

Well, I didn't know there were computers without speakers


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 4 2005 14:04:48


Posts: 271
Joined: Jun. 30 2004
From: West Palm Beach, Florida USA

RE: Luthiers and guitar strings (in reply to Miguel de Maria

I personally like FT forum. I've met a lot of interesting people. If you want to talk about a forum that all they talk about is the measurements of your nail, what grit sandpaper you use to file your nails and what kind of guitar and guitar strings you play.... than you need to take a peak at GSI forum.

Un saludo, Errol

P.S. Although, I have had some interesting conversations over there. Toddk's forum is pretty good too. I like the PDL forum a lot.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 31 2005 19:10:51
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