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Jeronimo Maya   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 87
Joined: Sep. 1 2003
From: Jeré

Jeronimo Maya 

Two days ago I went to Jeronimo Maya´s concert in London with Simon. I have the same feeling I had when I went to see Gerardo Nuñez in Jerez. Great techinique but no flamenco and no feeling. From my point of view the only good moments were when he accompanied Paco del Pozo. What a waste of qualities just to play something that was suppossed to be jazz or whatever. What really anoys me is that I go with the expextation to see flamenco but I end up seeing something else. I had to wake up Simon a couple of times and we left before he finished his last piece. I can not criticise this guy´s techique , he was really good but it looked like the faster he could play with lots of notes and scales the better. Altough the audience cheered that up I wasn´t impressed. I love the raw style of Moraito he doesn´t need to be the skillfullest player in the world ,he has the feeling.



Carpe Diem y no dejes para mañana lo que puedas hacer hoy
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 20:52:53

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

I'll be writing a balanced review at the weekend, I hope, but it will be a challenge. This guy is so hot but all he wants to do is to play jazz, which he can't do very well and I find the flamenco technique a poor fit for jazz, anyway.

The flamenco came in and left with the singer. I despair of the uneducated audience that listen intently to rumba jazz jamming that goes on and on, taking it in turns to play "lead".

Shame, I was looking forward to it. Nice to see Melchor again, though


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 21:20:56

Posts: 1827
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From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Escribano

Look forward to reading the review Simon, I enjoyed your last one of Tomatito. Wish I could bring the Taller de Compás to UK, still working on it :)



Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 21:50:37

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Kate


Wish I could bring the Taller de Compás to UK, still working on it :)

Try to avoid the Albert Hall What about the Flamenco Festival London at Sadler's Wells, they might have a slot?


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 21:54:36

Posts: 1827
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From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Escribano

I just had a look at the website, and couldn't find out who was promoting it. Any ideas ? Though it does look like it is all booked up and they are going for the big names, I mean Merce, Farruiquito and Marie Pages. Could be that the theatre itself booked it. I'll try and find out. Thanks for the tip. I was thinking that Union Chapel in Islington might be more our sort of venue for now. If anyone knows who books that, it would help. I've been offered a gig in Brighton and have some inerest from the world music festival in Glasgow so all I need is a few moe to make it worthwhile. Goodness if we can make it all the way to America we should get some interest in the UK. Which reminds me I should chase up Womex. All help gratefully received Simon.

Hasta pronto


Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 22:06:08

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RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Kate

Hi Kate,
Have you thought about approaching the Art's Council?
They provide a guaranteed fee regardless of front house takings.
The idea is to provide culture to those outside of London who still exist on a staple diet of Yorkshire Puddings and Haggis.
And that's a lot of places plus local TV interest
That's how Paco Peña became one of the very few guitarists ever to get rich out of playing Flamenco.
He knew the guitar, but also got to know "The System".
I'm totally serious Kate....really!
If anything the British Government is at ease spending...
Is Taxpayers money.
And that's no joke!
Grab it!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 22:11:11

Posts: 1827
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From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Ron.M

Thanks for the tip Ron, I'll give it a go. How about joining me on this venture Simon. We could bring a package from Granada with Taller de Compás, Emilio Maya, the pianist Pablo Maldonado and 'Hechizo de Agua' the wonderful dance show with Ana Kali, hey and maybe Los Farraones ( as they are also in Emilio's group and sing in Ana's show aleady).

I'll let you know what I find out. Last year the arts council did a great Gypsy festival in Newcastle which I wish I had known about earlier so I should start talking with them and find out howit all works.

I fancy a pint of Newky Brown :)



Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 22:21:34

Posts: 1827
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Ron.M

Thanks for the tip Ron, I'll give it a go. How about joining me on this venture Simon. We could bring a package from Granada with Taller de Compás, Emilio Maya, the pianist Pablo Maldonado and 'Hechizo de Agua' the wonderful dance show with Ana Kali, hey and maybe Los Farraones ( as they are also in Emilio's group and sing in Ana's show aleady).

I'll let you know what I find out. Last year the arts council did a great Gypsy festival in Newcastle which I wish I had known about earlier so I should start talking with them and find out howit all works.

I fancy a pint of Newky Brown :)



Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 9 2003 22:22:01

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

Kate , how about bringing it to Australia ? You know Australia has quite alot of flamenco in my litlle City alone (Adelaide ) theres about 7 flamenco schools.

We are so starved of flamenco, only once every 4 or 3 years do we get a good act from Spain. I could also help organise workshops for Dance / Guitar with the Dance schools

I realise Australia is quite far but i am pretty sure i have read you guys did a US tour so you are used to distance :)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 10 2003 11:43:42

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Kate

Let me know if I can help this end.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 11 2003 11:24:11

Posts: 1827
Joined: Jul. 8 2003
From: Living in Granada, Andalucía

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Florian

Hi Florian

Great idea. I've been talking with an Australian dancer about this and when she returns to Oz I am going to load her down with promo material. She is based in Sydney and has a lot of contacts there. I am also going to get in touch with Womad. Fancy Adelaide having 7 flamenco schools, that alone shows there is an audience. In Chicago our best gig was at the Old Town School that does flamenco classes, the show was packed out with people who were keen flamenco aficionados. So what about I send you a package as well and we can see if there are any suitable venues, perhaps we could do a collaboration with one of the schools. I also have good contacts with the Roma Association there in Australia and have been talking about doing a Gypsy festival that they organise. So it certainly looks like a possibility if we can make it pay enough to cover tickets, expenses and come home with some decent dosh. I would be thinking of bringing over Emilio Maya and his group, and Ana Kali's dance show "Hechizo de Agua" and possibly Pablo Maldonado the pianist and Taller de Compás, depending on money, conditions etc. Any help appreciated. Thanks for the suggestions.
un saludo


Emilio Maya Temple
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 11 2003 21:31:03

Posts: 9282
Joined: Jul. 14 2003
From: Adelaide/Australia

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

KATE I am just on my way out but here is my school web :

I am sure that we would be very happy to help anyway we can , we are the biggest school in Adelaide.
Areti is the boss she is very nice.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 12 2003 3:29:10

Posts: 25
Joined: Dec. 9 2014

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

Like this lol?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 13 2019 15:12:57

Posts: 25
Joined: Dec. 9 2014

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

I really like this one, probably not considered real flamenco but some interesting composition
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 13 2019 15:14:21

Posts: 15491
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From: Washington DC

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to HMaN



I really like this one, probably not considered real flamenco but some interesting composition

Yo Hman.... glad you are taking time to read up on the archives. Keep in mind that necro bumping 16year old threads made by folks no longer contributing with short comments probably won’t bring much feedback.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 13 2019 15:18:14

Posts: 359
Joined: Jan. 4 2019
From: Patras, Greece

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

Hello. I have been listening to this buleria from Jero many times during the last few months (maybe 100 times until now) so it felt natural to share, and since there is already a thread with his name, here we go:

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Apr. 25 2022 8:58:49

Posts: 1469
Joined: Aug. 17 2012

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

" I have the same feeling I had when I went to see Gerardo Nuñez in Jerez. Great techinique but no flamenco and no feeling."

That is hard to believe about Gerardo, he is one of the few guys who can make "modern flamenco" sound like flamenco puro, even with slight jazz elements. I can't say this about many guys, for example Vicente Amigo, who is great of course.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2022 0:40:34


Posts: 1506
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From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to tele



" I have the same feeling I had when I went to see Gerardo Nuñez in Jerez. Great techinique but no flamenco and no feeling."

That is hard to believe about Gerardo, he is one of the few guys who can make "modern flamenco" sound like flamenco puro, even with slight jazz elements. I can't say this about many guys, for example Vicente Amigo, who is great of course.

The OP made that comment in 2003... That was 19 years ago!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 6 2022 1:30:49

Posts: 359
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From: Patras, Greece

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

Grande Jero..

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 27 2022 10:30:53

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From: Washington DC

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to tele


RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor)
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" I have the same feeling I had when I went to see Gerardo Nuñez in Jerez. Great techinique but no flamenco and no feeling."

That is hard to believe about Gerardo, he is one of the few guys who can make "modern flamenco" sound like flamenco puro,

Believe it or not, this was a consensus opinion on the internet back when I first joined some forums. It was very frustrating to read, (and hear spread throughout the flamenco community) that type of general opinion of my teacher and friend for many years. It was the main reason I took on the Nuñez Avatar and generally tried to inform people about his cursos in Sanlucar and the very different approach to TEACHING flamenco than people seemed to have about his music and performances. The main thing was people could not hear through his amazing technique, any flamenco going on. Being from Jerez the big comparison was always to Moraito, who people both felt was the epitome of flamenco and (wrongly) that he was the ONLY representative of “Jerez style”. Back in those days (early 2004-2008 or so) the only public defender he had was Morante who admitted Nuñez did a fine job accompanying Indio Gitano. This was also part of the problem…he only had ONE album with a singer. Exemplary as it was, the general opinion was “ultra modern guitar with ultra old fashioned singer” should not work. I always found this idea based on ignorance of accompaniment in general. I remember even arguing with a respected journalist that could not recognize Trafalgar as “buleria” claiming it was a jazz fusion piece that should not have a palo moniker.

Eventually Ron from the foro here witnessed a live concert of Nuñez and his trio I think, and raved about it, and gradually opinions changed. I remember Erol (an old foro member not posting for years) and a group of Spaniards from the PDL foro decided to crash the curso when I was there (upon my challenging them of course), as they accused it of being a “guiri” curso etc, and for that matter did not respect OUR foro being all in English….well those guys crashed and guess what? They all fell in love with Gerardo and the whole thing and kept returning year after year, some of my best friends now…some even joined our Foro here and got involved briefly with our discussions. And right when I saw all the opinions start changing about Gerardo and how great and pure a jerezano artist he was (lets say underrated in the puro regard, and over rated in the modern technical regard), he had an accident (2008) that stopped his career short for a few months. His return to the guitar showed that he was “ok” but had a psychological problem that continued, oddly, to get worse. It was about 2010 that his finger stopped working properly and permanently.

Not long after this depressing (to us his students at least) situation, the limitations of his repertoire resulted in his desire to present a typical flamenco cuadrao where he mostly played with his wife dancing and the singer (Jesus Mendez who he trained for this purpose being only a festero singer) in order to fill up the programs he had on the books. Understand right before this he could play a two hour concert totally SOLO, no cajon or anything. So this new situation brought out the critics that would claim “wow, Gerardo has returned to flamenco puro for some reason, much better than his old programs”. And his popularity grew from there as a respected flamenco artist maestro. You could imagine my personal frustration there, after years of defending the mastery and here he was unable to play the music he taught me, and NOW they consider him “flamenco”??? Ugh.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date May 27 2022 16:37:35

Posts: 359
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From: Patras, Greece

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

This time a beautiful Fandango de Huelva.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 6 2022 21:37:19

Posts: 1972
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From: San Francisco

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to AndresK

I think he has done some really interesting and innovative stuff lately. As far as "no flamenco feeling" as written by the op, I don't get it at all.

Gerardo....I bought his record Flamencos in NY when it came out, and his playing has always impressed me. Jucal....forget it, so great, but I did have a friend that said he saw him play and said he didn't do a rasquedo the whole gig.

He did a solo concert here years ago but only for members of some classical guitar club. I tried to go but, not being a member and not willing to join, they wouldn't let me in. For me, when I got his instructional vid, and I saw the progression from traditional exercises and falsetas to his modern stuff I realized he was steeped in traditional playing.

Tino posted a few lessons on onlineflamenco based on stuff he learned from Gerardo, and I finally learned a few of his falsetas. Really good ones I think. They got me comfortable starting falsetas in places that I hadn't really had to deal with before.



This time a beautiful Fandango de Huelva.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 6 2022 23:47:31

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RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

Man... the so called puristas hahaha dissing on Cano Roto and Jerez hahaha...

Jero and Gerardo are on another level, punto... some of there stuff I like and some I don't but doesn't mean they are not puros or flamencos or whatever dumb as label these puristas handout

i can say the same regarding sabicas, escudero, montoya, del gastor, de lucia, etc all these cats have beautiful music as well, but not every single thing was puro, rancio, flamenco, or beautiful, etc...

cant hang in flamenco circles, or aficionados like before they are so tiring. they spew the same bs as usual... ya no cantan, yo no tocan ya no bailan como antes blah blah blah
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 7 2022 5:22:55

Posts: 15491
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From: Washington DC

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Mark2


For me, when I got his instructional vid, and I saw the progression from traditional exercises and falsetas to his modern stuff I realized he was steeped in traditional playing.

Yes that was another thing…back then Encuentro was the only serious tutorial series available and his video really made an impression because not only did he supply twice the amount of material (2hs vs 1hr typical), he actually TEACHES stuff rather than only demonstrate his own falsetas. I still enjoy watching it and Tomatito’s and Moraito as the three best. Even though the majority of material Gerardo shows is manageable by most students, I doubt anybody ever played that Solea Por buleria in Eb that he shows at his tempo and the way he is doing it. That thing is super impressive. And the scariest thing was he left off the video all his BEST compositions on purpose. (I mean all his excellent bulerias in non standard keys driven by arpeggio. The exception was the Rondeña buleria excerpt). I would say his top 4 pieces (if you ever saw him play back then) were Trafalgar, Siempre es Tarde, jucal, Rondeña Buleria (he used to combine two of them). There was a D# buleria on Andando del Tiempo that was really great too but he at first forgot it after the album came out and relearned it at my request and taught us most of it one summer.

Well I am headed back tomorrow to soak up some inspiration after this long pandemic thing. Cheers.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 7 2022 15:34:35
mark indigo


Posts: 3634
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RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to mt1007


Man... the so called puristas hahaha dissing on Cano Roto and Jerez hahaha...

Jero and Gerardo are on another level, punto... some of there stuff I like and some I don't but doesn't mean they are not puros or flamencos or whatever dumb as label these puristas handout

i can say the same regarding sabicas, escudero, montoya, del gastor, de lucia, etc all these cats have beautiful music as well, but not every single thing was puro, rancio, flamenco, or beautiful, etc...

cant hang in flamenco circles, or aficionados like before they are so tiring. they spew the same bs as usual... ya no cantan, yo no tocan ya no bailan como antes blah blah blah

this happens all the time in all fields of music, film, TV, you name it. People confuse their subjective likes and dislikes with some kind of objective fact about what is "good" or "bad".


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 8 2022 14:19:01


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RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to mt1007


cant hang in flamenco circles

What "flamenco circles" can you hang in?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 8 2022 15:55:36

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Morante

I didn't care for him much back then. He was really up his own arse in a workshop setting and he only got back into flamenco during a brief session accompanying Paco del Pozo.

I recall a weak jazzy jam thing going on with his brother in London. It was like he didn't want to play flamenco. Which is fine, but hey that was a while ago.


Foro Flamenco founder and Admin
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 8 2022 20:12:29

Posts: 359
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From: Patras, Greece

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

A beautiful Alegria from the maestro Jero.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 1 2022 10:04:36

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From: Patras, Greece

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

Father and son.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Sep. 2 2022 12:00:55

Posts: 359
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From: Patras, Greece

RE: Jeronimo Maya (in reply to Melchor

I could not not share again the beautiful Alegrias from above, but this time from a live performance.

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Nov. 7 2022 9:53:10
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