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RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to estebanana)
This material was developed in Banana Labs TM by researchers under principal investigator Dr. Shin O’Hertz at the Belfast lab campus. The two main researchers were Hakusai Daisuke and Taro Ruto. They accidentally made this stuff they call Material #347 while trying to invent a new substance to be used as soles for rain boots.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to Ricardo)
Nice decal! So you use a wet sponge and it sticks on I guess?
No! You mischievous nincompoop, it’s molecularly bonded to the spruce through a proprietary process that is derived from a highly technological application of the same stickiness principles that allow geckos to walk upside down on ceilings.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to Ricardo)
Nice decal! So you use a wet sponge and it sticks on I guess?
Lick-n-Stick 😝
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to estebanana)
I can see that same combo with the strips and the color going down the back and a the lower bought rib union. Headstock veneer too?
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to estebanana)
I'm stumped on the specific medium and the substrate. It does not appear that you handed over the answer as Da Vinci code--although the vegetables are thought-provoking, they were dead ends.
I love how this brings in your art background and brings some efficiency (?) to rosette-making without powering down the end result at all.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to Fawkes)
I'm stumped on the specific medium and the substrate. It does not appear that you handed over the answer as Da Vinci code--although the vegetables are thought-provoking, they were dead ends.
I love how this brings in your art background and brings some efficiency (?) to rosette-making without powering down the end result at all.
The process takes as long as making rosette tiles. The vegetables are just puns on names.
Hakusai = Chinese cabbage but is a pun on the name Hokusai 😂
Hakusai daisuke is the answer to the question: “ Hakusai wa sukidesu ka?” do you like Chinese cabbage? Possible answer “hakusai suki des. I like or I love or first favorite is ‘Daisuke’ dai means more liked. When you say in Japanese you like something in the equivalent best, better way it’s sho, chu dai. First, second, third or highest liked.
You either say ‘Tsuki’ ( pronounced ‘ski’ ) or daisuki pronounced di-ski -
Trading in jr. high school level puns. 😆
The reason it’s funny is because daisuke means ‘big’ as in I have a big liking for Chinese cabbage, hakusai daisuke. Or Daisuke written with different kanji is a mans name. Daisuke Hakusai is kind of funny. Because of the way kanji changes the meaning of the word a name can become a noun. Like Shoji-san is a name, but also as a noun it means door. So for Japanese kids it provides endless possibilities for puns, and although most adults are unamused by this, certain adults cultivate a repertoire of puns generated by kanji code switching.
Or so I’m told by Taro Ruto-san, which is a bilingual pun.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to estebanana)
Puns aside, whew, it’s done.
The edge of the soundhole has the black border as a binding. I didn’t think this would look as good with a lip of spruce as a border around the soundhole.
Someday in the next six months this will be a guitar.
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RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to Stu)
Cool stuff.
Thanks for sharing.
I'd be keen to see the green one on the finished article. At the moment I'm undecided. But I'll trust your superior artistic merits.
I guess if it doesn't work you can just peel it off and apply a different one.
Oh I love the double stripes down the centre of that cedar top!! Wow
That cedar top is a guitar I’m building for myself, I hope It’s magical because I deserve a great guitar.
As for the green, yeah I’m a bit undecided myself, but the customer, from Osaka, has said he loves it. The fellow came to visit me and said go do something arty-crafty and think about the sea on a day when the light turns it green. I stare at the sea everyday, so I just tried to make a color. What I like is that it has an inner luminosity, but it’s not traditionally Spanish looking. But then I thought ‘verde que te quiero verde’
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to Ricardo)
I like the Sevillanas movie. Wish it was longer.
I haven’t watched it in a long time, I guess I should. The duet with Paco and Manolo of course is your favorite and I like that one too. I’ve seen that clip several times.
RE: It’s not a sticker and it ain... (in reply to estebanana)
The dark blues purporting to be blacks. For some people this is cheating or incorrect, I like it however because the black with no other color in it gets flat and boring. These dark fields read as blue blacks from a several feet away, but are actually dark Prussian / and purple blue. ( up close they look dark purpleish -dark blue, but far away they look Prussian blue, which is blackish in this hue range. Strange how color works, totally mysterious)
And this lands on me as weird because I feel a military uniform vibe from this one, it’s got colors that would be a campaign ribbon or something. It’s not planned that way, it sort of happens because I improvise all the rosettes made with concentric circles. I just design them as they go and make decisions on ratios of bands of color as put them together. I don’t seem to be able to plan out rosettes ahead of time. 😂 they either work or they’re slightly awkward. When they work they look pretty good to me, it concentric circles are not everyone’s favorite.
That’s why you guys should buy several to dozens of guitars, because each guitar maker needs a chance to stand up and take a rosette solo. You need us, see. 😆
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