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We talk a lot about grande figuras or new generation of flamenco on the foro. Do they know about foro flamenco? Do you think Paco knew about foro flamenco?
Last I checked, they all spoke Spanish, and would never care about an English language chat. Long ago there was a paco de Lucia chat that had Spaniards Including Paco’s manager. Several members of that group Visited here in the past and I met them in Sanlucar. They have long since lost interest w chats.
That's not what he said. There was an active forum on pacodelucia.org. Here, surely some artists are aware of this place, but why would they visit? Few of them speak English anyways.
Judging from the fact that the world flamenco scene is small, I'm pretty sure everyone knows foro flamenco exists.
Including Paco’s manager.
This said it all.
I am sure there is some Japanese chat out there, but neither I nor anyone else not conversant in Japanese would visit or care about it.
You seem to miss the point that the Paco chat was in SPANISH….they would not need to bother with us, in fact some of them told me frankly why would I bother hanging out with anybody other than the Spanish speakers (ie chat over here at foro). I told them that my Spanish is not good enough (though I dropped in on occasion there), and they did not need as much help deciphering nails strings condes compas etc. . There was a brief team up of sorts when the infamous Ruben appeared….they were the first ones that addressed the threat if I remember, with the manager of PDL coming on to shoot down the false claims and maybe even took legal action regarding the guitar scams. I remember at some point an old Spaniard friend of Ramon de Algeciras called me out of the blue, due to this online drama, to assure me that Ruben never had one lesson with PDL. Meaning the online drama spilled out into the real world. So there used to be people that cared about online chats but since social media has taken over the scene, I doubt many get involved or even read Foro anymore.
I remain here because Social media is like a self created soda straw view of your circle of peeps (preach to choir) or YouTube commentary free for all with zero filters ….so not conducive for communicating serious ideas about flamenco and music in general. I prefer to help out the English speakers with this genre, and get feedback on various things myself.
We talk a lot about grande figuras or new generation of flamenco on the foro. Do they know about foro flamenco? Do you think Paco knew about foro flamenco?
Why should they bother: here hardly anbody talks about flamenco, just nails, guitarras etc. Real flamencos know a lot more about nails. guitarras etc. And Flamenco.
They don't bother and don't care. Devilhand you should just go spend some time in jerez see what's what. learn something.
Hey morante, if this place pissed you off so much, why do you stick around? Genuine question.
Yeah we know most members come from guitar students, players background, but your analysis isn't wholly accurate. Lots gets discussed here beyond nails and guitars
A lot of early chats, pre foro, that were more about actual flamenco and cante, often degraded into petty arguments about cante and artistry….who was a better interpreter of a style than who (so I hear as I avoided them till 2003 Flamenco Teacher). In a way, the fact the guiris are most concerned about picado nails condes and technique has ironically allowed this foro to live on. Nothing is stopping us from talking about cante, but as you can see here (intro at :30, later at 7:00, etc.), amongst aficionados, debates about cante can be quite volatile, and likely always have been (Planeta vs Fillo in the famous account of 1838).
but as you can see here (intro at :30, later at 7:00, etc.), amongst aficionados, debates about cante can be quite volatile, and likely always have been (Planeta vs Fillo in the famous account of 1838).
Actually it does not say much. Yes there used to be an active forum on Paco's official web page, which implied that it needed someone from the inside to manage all that. The person closest to Paco on that forum and which Ricardo mentions is I believe Juan Estrada. He was Paco's friend and also managed some parts of the business (the site/forum and the guitars). To be precise I am not sure that Juan was Paco's manager (maybe only in Spain or before Cositas Buenas?) but it does not matter, he was very close to Paco.
Back in the days I was very active on Paco's foro, I am sure other people from here were as well. I don't think that Paco was reading it, although on two occasions he did post, once to wish everyone happy new year, and another time was his famous request for a kitten which ended up with a beautiful story. But that's about it.