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What do we think of these? Are they the best student guitar out there? Is this the kind of guitar to be recommended to all those beginners like me (until I got my Ariza) seeking a good guitar to learn on? They produce negras and blancas, solid spruce or cedar tops. Laminate back and sides.
Should Devilhand buy one and review it for us?
The early bird catches the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese.
Posts: 15470
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Solera Flamenca Barbero Copy Gui... (in reply to silddx)
What do we think of these?
There are a lot of names here, starting with “Marcelo Barbero” who died long ago and must be rolling in the grave with all the supposed models that are based on his design. Shame on everybody using his name to sell a product. Next, we finally get the truth there…ESTEVE….factory junk. That is to say, I am using a cordoba weekly that is “factory junk” and I can’t live without it. Probably made by Alhambra, but who knows, and Manuel Adilid works at Esteve and made decent instruments, but who the F knows what hands are making what. These guys at Solera have realized the high end market is not lucrative so they are moving into generic Christmas present guitars to sustain their business. Good for them. The best Valencia factory remains, for me, Hermanos Sanchis Lopez. But I guess they are more expensive now. Japanese guitars are not so bad honestly.
RE: Solera Flamenca Barbero Copy Gui... (in reply to Ricardo)
I guess most guitars under a grand, or even lots more, are factory 'junk'. But is this GOOD factory junk? Is it possible to make a decent flamenco guitar that will serve a student well while giving some joy and good sound, and a feeling of 'authenticity' for that kinda cash?
The early bird catches the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese.
RE: Solera Flamenca Barbero Copy Gui... (in reply to silddx)
The best Valencia factory remains, for me, Hermanos Sanchis Lopez.
This is the truth. But my friend John from the Peña Flamenca de N.I. was thrashing his Gerundino and bought a Camps as subsitute and is happy. Propaganda should never be heeded
RE: Solera Flamenca Barbero Copy Gui... (in reply to silddx)
Is it possible to make a decent flamenco guitar that will serve a student well while giving some joy and good sound, and a feeling of 'authenticity' for that kinda cash?
Hermanos Sanchis no longer make an inexpensive model, look for a private sale second hand e.g. 2F.
Unfortunately these days there are some ignorant dealers who are pushing up prices for second hand Bernal and Sanchis (as well as Conde student models).
RE: Solera Flamenca Barbero Copy Gui... (in reply to silddx)
Thanks for your information. I am only passively looking for a second guitar. I just came across the Solera ones by accident and thought they sounded interesting. Wasn't that taken with the sound in the video though.
The early bird catches the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese.