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Israel Fernández and Diego del Morao Eva Yerbabuena Rocío Molina Alfonso Losa and Patricia Guerrero Vicente Amigo David Coria and David Lagos Company Ballet Nacional de España
RE: London Flamenco Festival 2024 (in reply to Stu)
maybe i can go for one day or two , but if you had to choose between Vicente or Diego.. what youll choose? im a vicente addict..
Dont know if i go with or without familly , last time that i went to London i stayed at the "Mandeville" it was very nice and economical , now the price is the double , triple or more , depends on the day... Can you recommend some places decent and eco , more budget friendly?
RE: London Flamenco Festival 2024 (in reply to Stu)
thats an option , never did , almost did once for Sevilha , got nicier price on a apart/hotel a few kms from sevilha so didnt choose that option. I hear many feed that owners charge the Fee option for housekeeping and other stuff if the apartment if its not in good condition for no reason, like you leave the place clean etc and they charge you anyway. Well i can give it a try
RE: London Flamenco Festival 2024 (in reply to Stu)
Guitar fans may not have noticed... Yerai cortes is one of the guitarists accompanying Eva yerbabuena.
I think he's only playing for Rocio Molina along with Eduardo Trassierra.
I think Eva Yerbabuena will be accompanied by Paco Jarana alone. This video is the same production in Madrid last year. Not sure who will sing in London but here: Miguel Ortega, Alfredo Tejada, Segundo Falcón and El Turry.
Patricia Guerrero and Alfonso Losa will be accompanied by Francisco Vinuesa with cante Sandra Carrasco and Ismael el Bola.
Alfredo Lagos accompanying his brother David Lagos production.