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I'm usually very busy so I can't say if we can meet before or after the concert, but at least we can meet at the concert and perhaps chat a bit / take a group photo?
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to rombsix)
Just noticed this thread after asking about this.
Never flown into nyc, best choices?
Lodging options within walking distance?
Anyone familure with the venue ie best seats?
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to ddias)
theres nice gigs going on , like in spain as usual , and some festivals are also coming up next months, each major city have festivals with great players.
ny is unfort. far and expensive. (for me)
MERCEDES RUIZ, 'TAUROMAGIA' https://www.giglon.com/.../cip_WAR_giglonportlet_INSTANCE... RecintoTeatro Bretón de los HerrerosDirecciónCalle Bretón de los Herreros , 11 - Logroño (RIOJA (LA)) (Ver mapa) (Buscar alojamiento)Fecha11/04/2024 20:00
Tomatito Quinteto https://principalantzokia.janto.es/espec.../tomatito/24FLAM1 26/01/2024 19:30 Teatro Principal Antzokia Todos los públicos José Fernández Torres, Tomatito, uno de los grandes guitarristas de los últimos tiempos comenzó a tocar de niño en su Almería natal y durante 18 años acompañó a Camarón, formando una de las parejas más emblemáticas de la historia del flamenco. La fórmula del quinteto con la que ahora viene a nuestra ciudad nos ofrece la oportunidad de disfrutar, entre otros, del cante de raíz de Morenito de Íllora y de la savia joven de su hijo, José del Tomate. Tras la muerte de Camarón, Tomatito continuó su carrera musical y continuó desarrollando su técnica. Entre sus discos figuran Paseo de los castaños (2001), Aguadulce (2004) o Anthology (1998-2008). Sus inquietudes lo llevaron a acercase al jazz y a colaborar y grabar discos con figuras como Michel Camilo, o más recientemente a grabar con orquesta una aplaudida versión de El concierto de Aranjuez. Tomatito, guitarra José del Tomate, 2ª guitarra Morenito de Illora, cantaor Kiki Cortiñas, cantaor Israel Suarez “Piraña”, percusión
16 FEBRERO 2024 CULTURA https://www.teatroprincipaldepalencia.es/.../des.../arcangel Lugar: TEATRO PRINCIPAL DE PALENCIA Arcángel Flamenco Arcángel lleva siendo un nombre de referencia en el flamenco prácticamente desde que empezó como cantaor profesional alrededor de los 15 años de edad. En su eco y en su modo de entender el cante flamenco conviven con naturalidad un profundo conocimiento y respeto de la raíz de lo jondo con un interés incesante por encontrar nuevos caminos de desarrollo para el arte flamenco: es en esa delicada y bella línea (tantas veces citada, tan pocas veces escuchada o siquiera intuida) que separa la tradición y la vanguardia donde reside la concepción del arte del cantaor onubense. Arcángel ha recibido en numerosas ocasiones premios de crítica y público de la Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla (la más importante del mundo). Su recorrido internacional incluye teatros y certámenes tan prestigiosos como el Carnegie Hall (Nueva York), Teatro Real y Auditorio Nacional de Música (Madrid), Fundación Gulbenkian (Lisboa) las Bienales de Flamenco de Roma y Países Bajos. GIRALDILLO en la Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla 2012
01 MARZO 2024 CULTURA https://www.teatroprincipaldepalencia.es/.../sandra... Lugar: TEATRO PRINCIPAL DE PALENCIA SANDRA CARRASCO & DAVID DE ARAHAL La intención de Sandra y David cuando idearon el proyecto, era hacer un homenaje al universo de Pepe Marchena. Objetivo que han conseguido desmontando pieza a pieza al genio flamenco y volviéndolo a reconstruir con una arquitectura nueva, a través del estudio y la comprensión de su esencia. "Recordando a Marchena" es un provecto de dos artistas originales y pioneros en su categoría. Así pues, Sandra es una de las cantaoras más versátiles y con más sabiduría flamenca de su generación, pero también de las que más lejos ha llevado el flamenco junto a grandes referentes globales como Anouska Shankar. David es uno de los nuevos talentos de la guitarra, pero no uno más. Es capaz de recoger el aprendizaje de sus maestros, sorprendidos por su continua evolución.
02 FEBRERO 2024 CULTURA https://www.teatroprincipaldepalencia.es/.../2024-02-02 Lugar: TEATRO PRINCIPAL DE PALENCIA VICENTE SOTO SORDERA desde 14€ VICENTE SOTO SORDERA Vicente Soto "Sordera" nace en el barrio de Santiago, de Jerez (España), en el seno de una familia de larga y acreditada tradición en el flamenco. Descendiente directo de una estirpe cantaora que contiene nombres tan significativos como Paco La Luz, La Serrana, El Sordo La Luz, El Niño Gloria o su propio padre, Manuel Soto "Sordera". Comienza a trabajar en distintos tablaos de Madrid y dilata su experiencia profesional por todo el mundo unto a Antonio Gades, La Chunga o Manuela Vargas.
The Manuel Molina hommage for the son with great artists
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to rombsix)
I just bought a ticket.
Planning on flying into NYC on the 19th and staying for a few days then heading back to London. Would appreciate your tips on where to stay, etc - will DM you!
Posts: 2788
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to ddias)
Argh. I wish I could. But work and family mean I don't have the freedom to be as spontaneous as Id like to be. What a shame. I hope you all have a great time.
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to Stu)
what? im a collector... still have my ticket and cd of Eduardo Isaac , books from 16/17 century , rugby , old stocks from USA , 18/19 century (and older) government bonds from Romenia , Austria , arabic/spanish coins from the moorish invasions , fine textile art , flamenco postcards and so. Few things but nice , some are hard to find .
Posts: 2788
Joined: Jan. 30 2007
From: London (the South of it), England
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to Manitas de Lata)
thats cool. I just wonder why you are addressing Ricardo about merchandise? As far as I can tell he's going as an audience member. Why would he know about what merch is on sale?
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to Stu)
i posted this event in the Antonio Rey topic , for somekind of reason i was thinkin that Ricardo will go and play.
But it doesnt matter , if anyone goes and see some merch , like postcard signed , cds , books etc , please buy for me , i will pay all of the costs (of course including shipping) , i know thats a lot of work/time , but i´ll apreciate. If this signed , i will be over the moon
sometimes i do this for others (supporters of my club for example) , i allready gave free sports tickets.. (of our club) :)
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to ddias)
Planning on flying into NYC on the 19th and staying for a few days then heading back to London. Would appreciate your tips on where to stay, etc - will DM you!
Were you going to send a private message? If so, I didn't get anything... But regardless, I live in Queens which is more affordable and generally quieter and less hectic/packed than Manhattan. You could consider that, but doing so means you'll likely spend 45 minutes on the subway to get to the venue.
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to rombsix)
ORIGINAL: rombsix
Planning on flying into NYC on the 19th and staying for a few days then heading back to London. Would appreciate your tips on where to stay, etc - will DM you!
Were you going to send a private message? If so, I didn't get anything... But regardless, I live in Queens which is more affordable and generally quieter and less hectic/packed than Manhattan. You could consider that, but doing so means you'll likely spend 45 minutes on the subway to get to the venue.
Tried again - didn't work. I'm staying for the week, prob midtown for the full tourist experience. What other events are you going to that week?
Posts: 15469
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to Filip)
I envy you guys so much :)
Honestly, I feel this type of thing happened in Spain already where we saw Al dimeola playing with Mclaughlin and Paco’s nephew during the Paco tribute a couple years ago. Al is back to playing after his heart attack, so I am interested in his contribution to this.
RE: Paco de Lucia Legacy Festival - ... (in reply to Ricardo)
You are right, there was a big concert in Teatro Real in the summer of 2022. I had the tickets for the concert and a plane ticket, but could not travel at the end so I missed it.