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Least favourite palos?
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Least favourite palos?
Solea |
Alegrias |
Bulerias |
Siguiriyas |
Tangos |
Rumba |
Granaina |
Taranta |
Farruca |
Malaguena |
Fandangos |
Tientos |
Other |
Sevillanas |
Garrotin |
Total Votes : 29
(last vote on : Dec. 4 2023 3:20:45)
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Posts: 1628
Joined: Aug. 24 2017
RE: Least favourite palos? (in reply to Stu)
ORIGINAL: Stu Thanks for reminding me of some classic devil hand moments. "Flamenco has too many notes" :palmas is the most annoying bit" Gold I’ve kind of come around to devilhand’s camp when it comes to Palmas and especially a lot of footwork in recordings. If it sounds canned I tend to skip the track. But the recent thread about compression suggests to me that that might have something to do with it. Recently, I find highly processed sound hard to listen to, in general. Some TV and radio programs really over-do it, for sure, I can hardly listen to them I find it so grating. It could be my hearing is changing with age, though, as it never used to bother me so much. In a live situation I find Palmas and tacón can really drive the music and I like it a lot, it’s essential, it really is just a recorded sound thing, in my case. Oh, and I selected alegrias. Not as a negative thing, more in the manner konstantin puts it. But, again, live I really like alegrias, just less so on recordings. I don’t think you’re trolling either, it’s a valid poll.
Date Nov. 5 2023 1:32:11
Posts: 2233
Joined: Nov. 21 2010
RE: Least favourite palos? (in reply to mark indigo)
La serrana es un estilo flamenco con copla de cuatro versos de rima par, el primero y el tercero de siete sílabas y el segundo y el cuarto pentasílabos. A esta copla se añade un terceto en el que riman sus versos primero y tercero, de cinco sílabas, mientras que el segundo, de siete sílabas, queda libre. Es un cante de ambiente campero, con temas que aluden a la sierra con los hombres que la surcaban en aquella época (pastores, bandoleros, contrabandistas, arrieros....), lobos, corderas, ...etc. Lógicamente la alusión al término "serrana" viene referida a la sierra andaluza y, en concreto, se ha orientado geográficamente a la Serranía de Ronda. La serrana carece de modalidades, ya que hay sólo un estilo de serrana.
Date Nov. 5 2023 12:00:08
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