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RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to orsonw)
Sounds like you had a good visit to Seville. So after all the questions, and travels, please tells us - which guitar have you bought?
Also how was it travelling back on the airplane with the guitar, were you able to carry it on as cabin/hand luggage?
because I had intention to buy guitar and bring it back home I checked ryanair (airline I used ) rules regarding taking guitar on board. The rule is that you have to buy separate ticket for guitar . I did it . As I approached gate shortly before flying back one of the ryanair ladies saw me with guitar case on my back. She immediately approached me and asked if I have separate ticket for my guitar . It means that they probably stick to the rules. I showed her separate ticket and she left me alone. I think I would be in trouble if I didn't buy separate ticket. This trip to sevilla was very stressful to me because usually buying new guitar involves stress as far as my person is concerned. This trip was also helpful because it showed me that what I really need most is playing skills not new guitars. Mr Dominquez doesn't speak english but I was lucky because when I visited his workshop his granddaughter was there and she speaks english. Also this lady who works at alvarez and bernal speaks english.
Posts: 15470
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
ORIGINAL: rafapak
Sounds like you had a good visit to Seville. So after all the questions, and travels, please tells us - which guitar have you bought?
Also how was it travelling back on the airplane with the guitar, were you able to carry it on as cabin/hand luggage?
because I had intention to buy guitar and bring it back home I checked ryanair (airline I used ) rules regarding taking guitar on board. The rule is that you have to buy separate ticket for guitar . I did it . As I approached gate shortly before flying back one of the ryanair ladies saw me with guitar case on my back. She immediately approached me and asked if I have separate ticket for my guitar . It means that they probably stick to the rules. I showed her separate ticket and she left me alone. I think I would be in trouble if I didn't buy separate ticket. This trip to sevilla was very stressful to me because usually buying new guitar involves stress as far as my person is concerned. This trip was also helpful because it showed me that what I really need most is playing skills not new guitars. Mr Dominquez doesn't speak english but I was lucky because when I visited his workshop his granddaughter was there and she speaks english. Also this lady who works at alvarez and bernal speaks english.
Ryan air needs to die.
I guess it was a Dominguez Alvarez Bernal you bought.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
Thanks for letting us know about Ryan air- no surprises there. I just spoke to someone else who recently took a guitar to and from Spain, they had to buy a seat for the guitar. The guitar actually travelled next to them on it's seat. I'll check which airline it was.
Now please tell us which guitar did you buy? Maker, brand, model name, woods? What's it like? What was it about this guitar that made you decide to buy it? How much did it cost? Pictures, audio, video?
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
Now please tell us which guitar did you buy? Maker, brand, model name, woods? What's it like? What was it about this guitar that made you decide to buy it? How much did it cost? Pictures, audio, video?
rafapac, we want to know. I hate field report with no close.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to Morante)
rafapak is a troll.
I don't if that's true but it's certainly starting to feel that way. All these silly multi-threads, story snippets, and failures to consult a search engine have become irksome.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to devilhand)
Now please tell us which guitar did you buy? Maker, brand, model name, woods? What's it like? What was it about this guitar that made you decide to buy it? How much did it cost? Pictures, audio, video?
rafapac, we want to know. I hate field report with no close.
inside guitar there is only alvarez and bernal sticker and model is handwritten with ballpen. Model is : sevilla. I will take picture and paste it later. Woods-probably not cypress because this guitar is heavier when compared to cypress guitars. relation between quality and price was not bad thats why i bought it
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
my guitar travelled next to me on separate seat
What was the seat number? Please tell us how much the seat cost. What was it made of? How hight was it off the floor and was it adjustable? What's your IP address and is it the same as Devilhand's? What make is the case? What colour is the lining and is it plush? Would it fit my collection of late-medieval s*x t*ys?
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to silddx)
What was the seat number? Please tell us how much the seat cost. What was it made of? How hight was it off the floor and was it adjustable? What's your IP address and is it the same as Devilhand's? What make is the case? What colour is the lining and is it plush? Would it fit my collection of late-medieval s*x t*ys?
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
ORIGINAL: rafapak
What was the seat number? Please tell us how much the seat cost. What was it made of? How hight was it off the floor and was it adjustable? What's your IP address and is it the same as Devilhand's? What make is the case? What colour is the lining and is it plush? Would it fit my collection of late-medieval s*x t*ys?
you demand too much information unfortunately
He really just wants to know the answer to the last question, actually.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to RobF)
ORIGINAL: rafapak
What was the seat number? Please tell us how much the seat cost. What was it made of? How hight was it off the floor and was it adjustable? What's your IP address and is it the same as Devilhand's? What make is the case? What colour is the lining and is it plush? Would it fit my collection of late-medieval s*x t*ys?
you demand too much information unfortunately
He really just wants to know the answer to the last question, actually.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to mark indigo)
Rough crowd…
Ruff Ruff!
I prefer my flamenco guitar spicy, doesn't have to be fast, should have some meat on the bones, can be raw or well done, as long as it doesn't sound like it's turning green on an elevator floor.
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to rafapak)
AirFrance is another company that requires a seat for the guitar. Unlike Ryanair though, they at least gave some thought to it and require that your guitar sits on the window seat, with you in the middle one. Clearly Ryanair doesn't give a damn so it's ok to be blocked by your guitar in the case of emergency :P What a joke of an airline
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to Filip)
in the middle of flight ryanair flight assistant admitted that it was his fault that he didnt tell me to put guitar at window seat. he asked that when we start landing procedure i should change seat which i did
RE: what money this guitar could be ... (in reply to mark indigo)
Hello. Sorry for interfering in this hilarious thread. Back in 2018 when I was searching for a more "serious" flamenco guitar I emailed Antonio Alvarez Bernal asking about his economy guitars that were all solid wood and not laminate. Back then his most economic solid guitar was 1500 euros (he called it especial) but he also told me that the "semi-professional" model with just solid top that he made was also great (his words) with primera calidad tapa armonica and cost 1000 euros.
If we consider the price of everything going up these years I think that these models could easily go 500 euros up at least. So maybe, I say maybe, our guy Rafa paid, maybe again, 2000 euros if he got the all solid especial modelo that cost 1500 in 2018.
In his site now he has prices for some estudio models and some pro fl for up to 1350 euros. He does not say the prices for his top guitars so maybe he might not feel comfortable sharing them just like that?
I do not feel it is bad to talk prices here, as it is almost like a little advertisement getting the guitar a bit closer to the buyer (or further away if it is out of his/her budget ). But this is more up to the luthiers to tell us if it is right to discuss the prices or not. The least I want is to be offensive, aggressive or make our invaluable luthiers feel bad.