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Quick poll - GuitarPro   You are logged in as Guest
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Posts: 151
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: San Diego, CA

Quick poll - GuitarPro 

Who uses GuitarPro here?
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 25 2022 21:34:52

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to paleto3

I used to, but I haven't used it in over a decade now. I use musescore occasionally, and often just pen and paper.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 4:35:59


Posts: 151
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From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to Piwin

Wow, why did you stop using it?

Do you learn, if you want to learn something written, from pdfs?

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 5:47:18

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to paleto3

I guess it was a mix of things. I remember running into quite a lot of free gp files that were riddled with errors. That probably nudged me towards relying on more trustworthy sources like Faucher and whatnot, which usually weren't in gp format.

But honestly a bigger part of it was just changing my approach to learning. Now I use tabs/scores mainly to double check what I'm hearing against somebody else's transcription or to write things out for myself if I'm struggling to figure it out by ear/sight. There's a lot of material on youtube where you can see the fingerings directly. So, I still use tabs/scores sometimes, but usually not as a primary source.

The last scorebook I bought was the one for Yago Santos's CD (If you're interested, I wrote a short review here). Mostly because there aren't many videos of him playing that material and a lot of it uses non-standard tunings so it's pretty hard for me to figure out what the chord shapes are. It was quite good, but even then there were enough spots that were unclear that I wish he would've just sold a video of him playing the pieces instead.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 6:58:44


Posts: 151
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to Piwin

Thanks for the answer.

I would have thought more people on this site used GuitarPro.

In any case, you are definitely right about there being many poorly done GuitarPro files available.

I've had the idea for a while of transferring/transposing some of Faucher's transcriptions into GuitarPro to make them available for those interested. I have just completed my first, which is Manuel Silvería's dance accompaniment in alegrías.

There's a pdf embedded in this message with the 1st page for you to see, comment.

Are there any of Faucher's transcriptions that would interest you to have in GuitarPro? These take a lot of time, so I would ask for some kind of payment if people want them done. Price should vary with the length of the transcription. Maybe 10¢ per bar/measure?

Attachment (1)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 17:34:57

Posts: 3568
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to paleto3

I'm probably not the audience for this but best of luck! There are a lot more people here who lurk about in the background than people who comment, so who knows, maybe it caught someone's attention.

Since you asked for comments, a lot of it looks good to me; the main things missing for me here would be right-hand indications (what rasgueado patterns are being used, direction of strokes while strumming, at least if anything unusual comes up, what finger do the picado runs start on, etc.). Some left-hand indications could also come in handy if beginner learners are part of your target audience. For instance, for you and me it's going to be obvious that the chord on bar 8 is played with a partial bar, but I'm not sure whether that's obvious to people less familiar with flamenco or not. Dunno if gp allows you to add that kind of info or not. I just skimmed over it, but as one last detail, I'm assuming there's a mistake in the chord on bar 13, no? I'm not even thinking of how it would sound. I'm just thinking that I have no idea how I would play that! Partial bar with m on the 3rd fret, I guess. Not sure I could pull that off. I don't have my guitar on me right now so I don't really know. It just stood out as unusual so I figured I'd mention it.

Anyway, just my 2 cents!


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 19:36:27

Posts: 1751
Joined: Dec. 4 2012

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to paleto3


There's a pdf embedded in this message with the 1st page for you to see, comment.

You seem to have transcribed the notes as they sound (semitone up) due to capo at fret 1 instead of as if the capo is not there. The latter is what I would have expected - reading notes as they sound is way too confusing. On the other hand, the chords, key signature, and fret indications are as if without capo (which is good). But because you did this, you ended up with a crazy amount of accidentals.


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 20:02:09


Posts: 151
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From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to Piwin

You're right about bar 13. I will fix that.

There over 500 bars, so it's a huge transcription.

I have thought about both left hand and right hand fingerings.

I would like for it to be of interest to the widest possible audience and will add or delete for those who inquire.

I have spent lots of time reviewing, but obviously I haven't caught everything.

Thanks for your thoughts.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 20:48:51


Posts: 151
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From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to kitarist

I can change it so that there's no capo...

But are you interested to purchase it?

Most anyone using any of this material in a real world context (dance class or a show) will have to use the capo wherever the singer says....So, if you just learn it as is, it's fairly easy to play it up a fret or 2 or even 3 frets. I can provide a gp file so the user can change it, but with the request that they don't use it to trade or give away. It has taken a ton of time!
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 20:51:58

Posts: 1751
Joined: Dec. 4 2012

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to paleto3


Most anyone using any of this material in a real world context (dance class or a show) will have to use the capo wherever the singer says....So, if you just learn it as is, it's fairly easy to play it up a fret or 2 or even 3 frets

Right, so what I was pointing out is that your notes are NOT that. You wrote in classical note notation what technically comes out of the guitar (F instead of E, A# instead of A, etc. everything up a semitone because the fret 1 capo), while at the same time you wrote the frets , key signature, and chords the other, normal for us capo users, way. So the notes in your transcription do not correspond to the other indicators or the key signature - hence you have all these accidentals.

Also, I thought you invited comments on the transcription. Why do I have to be interested in purchasing it now?


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 21:42:55


Posts: 151
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to kitarist

Thanks for the feedback.

I believe I understand your comments.

You don't have to be interested in it now, but making all the changes you've suggested takes a lot of time, especially which fingers to use for the rasgueados (this is something each guitarist can decide based on what he/she can do as well as their rasgueado repertoire). There are more than 500 measures/bars, and each measure would require multiple left hand finger entries, so even 2 left hand finger entries would be 1000 left hand entries. So, I was just trying to determine whether or not it would be worth my while to enter all the fingering and barre information now. I think it's pretty easy to read and can be learned without me entering all that information. But I think I will enter it if and when someone wants to buy it. This has taken most of 4 days to prepare.

I did fix the chord with the one wrong note Piwin mentioned.

I also removed the capo so the notes correspond to the actual note as one would hear it if they were to play it, and this removed the accidentals you mention.

I use transcriptions in the way I posted, with capo fret displayed at the begging, and as if there is no capo. I find it easier to read that way. I just put a capo on the fret shown and play as if there is no capo.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 21:54:39


Posts: 151
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to kitarist

Here's the same page with the chord note and key/capo fixed.


Attachment (1)
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 22:02:16


Posts: 151
Joined: Nov. 7 2008
From: San Diego, CA

RE: Quick poll - GuitarPro (in reply to kitarist

I'm just hoping people will be interested in it.

For anyone wanting to learn to accompany dance, it's a treasure trove of good rhythmic variations and doesn't stray out into particularly difficult territory.

It's complex rhythmically, but not so much harmonically.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Oct. 26 2022 22:04:12
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