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RE: Not another $200-$200k Guitar Vid
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RE: Not another $200-$200k Guitar Vid (in reply to JasonM)
Ricardo has a point: if you listen to the last part of the video (the direct comparison) while reading the comments, the differences between the guitars are less evident than when you watch the video: there is a obvious bias as you are helping your ears with your eyes. Nonetheless, imho the problem is the recording. Any recording. When you play in a room, you get the tone in a 3d environement, which means the sound waves projects ahead and bounce back. Some guitars are stronger in certain registers than other guitars, some give a more compressed tone etc, with the result in a live session you perceive that some guitars are just better. I remember again the first time I was trying some guitars at Luthiers in NYC with direct comparison with my own guitar: it was eye opening and yet the recording with my phone was just very poor. As a player, you get a certain kind of feedback (particularly on the "bass frequencies" or in the overtones, which is just different than the listener's; your perception is also helped by the vibrations of the strings under your fingers or the guitar's back on your belly.. In other words: a recording is just unfit to fully reproduce what a player (or even a listener few meters from you) would perceive in a live session. I wouldn't spend 200.000 $ and probably not even 20.000$ for a guitar, but I understand where the money goes. As Rob suggests, it would be more interesting a comparison between cheaper guitars, maybe priced between the 3000-7000 $range
Date May 14 2022 13:51:33
Posts: 15164
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Not another $200-$200k Guitar Vid (in reply to estebanana)
ORIGINAL: estebanana quote:
ORIGINAL: Firefrets I thought the guitars in the 200-200,000 sounded ok, but those price tags have nothing to do with the sound, let's be honest, and everything to do with the maker. There are great sounding guitars out there that don't come with a fancy label. I’m kind of getting weary of these challenges, just give me some thumb heavy, rest stroke thumping old dude with backwards rasgueado playing flamenco on them. Dare I say Brandon’s opinions about the sound and fury don’t speak for everyone, and he’s a bit too clever …. Guess correct answers is the least interesting part for me. It is only educational when they get it wrong (like that one with the Yamaha). I have already blind tested myself and I can’t tell apart any guitar from my own collection, only “guess” correctly by accident, if I am being honest, and that is what is going on here. The other senses are involved in the price tag, and they influence the ear more than anything.
CD's and transcriptions available here: www.ricardomarlow.com
Date May 28 2023 15:28:29
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