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RE: Is it possible to revive an old guitar?
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RE: Is it possible to revive an old ... (in reply to FelixH)
Vicente Amigo did not make Manuel Reyes a celebrated guitarrero, he made him an expensive one. Let’s not forget that Manuel Reyes was already described as “one of the great guitarerros” by David George in his book “The Flamenco Guitar” which, if the preface is an indication, was published in 1969. At that point in time, Vicente would have been two years old. The interview with Sr. Reyes, contained in the book, was conducted when Reyes was 33 years old, which would place it in 1967, the year Vicente was born. I think it’s a matter of a highly talented young Cordobán visiting the shop of a highly talented and well established local guitar maker and trying guitars until he found one he loved. Manuel Reyes, not being a fool, would have recognized the exceptional talent of Vicente and I have a pretty good feeling he made sure the lad was presented with some of his best sounding and playing instruments for evaluation. It was probably hometown pride at work on both sides.
Date Jun. 28 2021 2:33:06
Posts: 9413
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RE: Is it possible to revive an old ... (in reply to RobF)
ot forget that Manuel Reyes was already described as “one of the great guitarerros” by David George in his book “The Flamenco Guitar” which, if the preface is an indication, was published in 1969. At that point in time, Vicente would have been two years old. The interview with Sr. Reyes, contained in the book, was conducted when Reyes was 33 years old, whic Yes, after Vicente took a Reyes out and the prices rose, Reyes’ were traded and sold like Barba’s and de la Chica’s or Gerundino. They were all in the same price range. Then all of a sudden those guitars stayed in the under 7000.00 range ( a new Barba in 2003 was $4000.00 ) and a Reyes after 1990 was getting shopped for 11,000 to 30,000 dollars-
Date Jun. 28 2021 3:20:31
Posts: 732
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From: UK
RE: Is it possible to revive an old ... (in reply to FelixH)
News of the quality of Reyes guitars seems to have reached cultural anthropologist David George from Wisconsin by the 1960s – but he did spend a lot of time in Spain. In spite of this reference, I would be interested to know if Reyes guitars were relatively unknown in the USA before Vicente’s recordings. Reyes’ reputation and the price of his guitars were already quite high in Spain in the 1960s. Ivor Mairants, the main importer of quality guitars at this time felt that by the time import duty (before we joined the EU of course!) had been paid he would never be able to sell them. He approached Reyes who agreed to make guitars with minimal decoration designated ‘Tipo C’ which were sold in London in the mid to late 60s. There were two other ways for British guitarists to get hold of a new Reyes at a price below what Mairants charged. One was to travel to Spain and bring one back – by far the best option. At that time the duty was nearly 100% and guitarmakers wrote out a ‘cheap bill’ for considerably less than half what you paid. Customs Officers, familiar with the cheap plywood guitars brought back by tourists, looked at you pityingly and split the value into case (biggest share, with no, or minimal duty) and guitar. The second was to ask Pepe Martinez to bring you a guitar. Pepe, who was from Seville, is widely known for championing Reyes’ guitars and for introducing him to Barbero. The lyrical qualities of Reyes guitars were sell suited to Pepe’s playing. He had a wonderful 1924 Santos which he used in his concerts and I suspect that he was searching for possible replacements. There was a vibrant flamenco scene in London with plenty of Spanish immigrants (economic migrants and those escaping from Franco’s limpieza social and lot’s of Brits taking dancing and guitar lessons. I have no idea how many Reyes guitars arrived via Pepe but he travelled to the UK at least once a year for nearly 20 years. I don’t know if this is the only case but Marcos, in his book Flamenco Legend: In Search of Camaron De La Isla found that the guitar he ordered would be used for Pepe’s concerts in the UK before it was handed over. Pepe intended to use if for other concerts in Europe and tore a business card in half giving it to Marcos telling him to turn up later (at a bar in France I think) where he would be able to collect his guitar by matching the other half of the card which would be in the possession of the bar owner. As for today’s prices, what should a luthier do if there is high demand for their guitars? Go into factory production? Agree to sell total production to a single dealer in Japan? Construct a waiting list? Reyes chose the latter. As in the case of Ignacio Fleta, no matter how much the prices increased the list kept growing. I remember places on the Fleta list were up for sale in London in the 60s. Rob
Date Jun. 30 2021 12:49:41
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