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Here is a new flamencoMAPS project for people interested in the meaning of the flamenco LETRAS (lyrics):
Translating poetry is never easy. Flamenco letras can be deep, light, funny or tragic, they can take us to the bottom of despair or give us the strength to continue on the road of a sometimes absurd existence. There you will find anecdotes, advice, moral lessons, threats, praise or criticism, daily life episodes, jokes ... it is an unfathomable repertoire that it is important to understand if we really want to enter this fascinating universe.Here is our attempt to transcribe all this richness and subtleties of flamenco lyrics into English.
Here is a playlist of Poetic Translation of Flamenco Letras:
RE: Poetic Translation of Flamenco L... (in reply to Escribano)
Hi! Thanks for your reply!
It's a choice we made: we don't want to stick to a very literal translation. Many are already available. Some of them are good but the majority usually completely miss the poetic dimension. That's why we called this "Poetic Translation".
Instead of sticking to word-by-word, we prefer keeping: - the rhymes - the metric (number of syllables) - the mood...
It is challenging but very interesting. The idea is to try to generate a powerful poem in English, not a simple translation.