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(While seraching for a certain cartoon of Quino) Just came over a file me must have stored on the computer some time. Thought I share it here with you, alongside a small anecdote.
In the nineties near Heidelberg, during a full time education in MA with about no time to roam around and meet any ladies, I came to the idea of looking into ads of a newspaper. Found the advertisement of a women whose description looked like of an intelligent person and replied with a letter of say educated style and concise language.
Some time later an answer without sender´s address showed up in the mailbox.
Content to extent of: "Huh! Where have you copied that perfect text from?"
From there, to spare you any such eventually similar experience here is the file of how to do it better:
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RE: The art of written Proposals (in reply to Ruphus)
ORIGINAL: Ruphus The amassing of hilariously humorous chaps here makes me missing Ron one more time.
Since you asked so nicely
Dear Fellow Forowers, I wish to inform you that I consider you to be a humourless bunch of degenerate human beings, a quality which I consider increasingly omnipresent if not attractive. Frankly, the world is filled with far too many humourless hip swinging rumba liking people, though some of you are far more serious about your music, enough so that we can indeed enjoy a joke or two once in a while. I find myself daydreaming about making love to that young Conde lady over a bag of her finest orange wood shavings. Your hands are like hers in so many delicate ways even if at times your wit reminds me of rotting fish. Nonetheless, I would happily pretend that you were her and propose that we elope together, hand in delicate hand, in order to live out our deepest fantasies of extracting orange splinters from each others otherwise peach-white buttocks, I can only hope you feel the same, for the joy of deep splinter extraction is pure and profound, otherwise we might need much alcohol to overcome the fact you only look faintly like her even when you wear a dress. I eagerly anticipate your candid reply. Sincerely, your eagerly-eloping polkadotted-buttocks orange-Conde-splinter remover, Ruphus
RE: The art of written Proposals (in reply to gerundino63)
That is interesting! Who knows, maybe I got the form from that thread. Weird, that there is not the slightest of remembering whether or not. Sometimes, I get to wonder about my memory.
ORIGINAL: gerundino63
I used the same declaration to brake up!
“ dear filthy B*tch, I consider you to be a...... Etc. Etc.
Hehehe -
-Unfortuntely, I friend of mine actually parted with his lady in such a way (and they have a kid). The fairy he had been adoring so much for him had turned into a "stinking POS". :O|
RE: The art of written Proposals (in reply to Dudnote)
Happy Christmas Ruphus!!
Thank you so much!
A friend brought me a small selection of things like gingerbread, salami n´stuff. With great efforts, I have held back from munching away a piece of marzipan.
Not allowing myself to touch it before Christmas eve.
RE: The art of written Proposals (in reply to Ruphus)
I have never had any intercourse nor BJ with anyone named Conde, Conda or Condida
Notice guys how he said "Conde, Conda" but when it came to "Condida" he conveniently left out the male counterpart "Condido". Fishy...
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."