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I'm having a show in August of works on paper from 2018
The show is called 'Zero-sen' because its a serial image of Zero fighter that is wood block printed over ink and painted grounds on tatoushi. Tatoushi is the washi paper wrapping the kimono=
I'll say more later, but since many of you are worldwide an not going to the show I'm sharing a Dropbox file with the Foro so you can see the work and ask questions.
Posts: 3480
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: Works on Paper 2018 - Zero-sen- ... (in reply to estebanana)
Nice set, Stephen. When, where (the Bay area?), and for how long will you be visiting the U.S.?
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: Works on Paper 2018 - Zero-sen- ... (in reply to estebanana)
Hey Bill,
I'm coming to SF July 25 and staying until August 22.
The show opens Friday August 3rd and the reception for the artist is Saturday Aug. 4th from 4 to 6 pm. The location is Jack Knife Studios gallery @ 301 Jefferson St. Oakland CA.
My mom is coming down from Chico to the reception, she's excited because I don't make art that much but she always wanted me to be a full time artist. Most parents don't want their kids to be artists...very funny to me.
These peices are based around a serial image of a zero-sen and printed with water based inks I made. The block is pretty simple and I have six for this series. The zero, the fishes, a rice bowl and glass a cicada and a few others. The regular way to make a print is by carefully registering the paper over the block do you get the same image every time and it's lined up to allow you to lay the colors in the same place every time.
Instead I made each block separate and printed them anywhere I wanted and allowed the overlapping images to be the subject matter and the way the composition is developed. I worked on some several days and others a few hours and a few of them were done in 30 minutes.
As works they stand alone, they are not preparation drawings for painting they are objects, the tatoushi is more if an object, that are printed and painted. They may lead to other zero projects later. But I like the idea that the iconic Zero is printed in a very emblematic way on a female related object.
I was inspired to use a feminine object by chance when I found a few old tatoushi in a tonsu in my studio. And after having read the letters that kamikaze pilots wrote to their families while they trained at Chiran in Kyushu. I was also thinking about the poem that is the basis of Goreki's symphony with soprano. I'll post it later.
She these words are based on the repetitive image of a zero and some prosaic objects and local fish. It's about telling the story from the side of the women who thought about those boys. In the West we tend to look at the kamikaze as some fanatic death cult, we tend to view it as an extreme that only fell out if the sky on attack. But they were connected to women, either the mother or the woman they didn't marry after they were called to do this. The tatoushi could carry and store the kimono of the wife never to be or an aunt or the mother. All who forebared the situation with stoic sadness.