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This site is dedicated to the memory of Paco de Lucía, Ron Mitchell, Guy Williams, Linda Elvira, Philip John Lee, Craig Eros, Ben Woods, David Serva and Tom Blackshear who went ahead of us.
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If you let Utube repeat, there is more great cante until you get to Estrella.
do you mean the autoplay function? I think the "up next" list is partly related to what you are currently viewing, and partly related to recent searches or views. Estrella doesn't show up in my up next list
I hate that autoplay thing, I turn it off too. I don't want YouTube dictating what music I listen to, even if they do often manage to offer me enticing choices in the "up next" list (AKA "the distraction bar").
You know as a beginner I have seen a lot of suggestions to listen listen listen. This is a good example, I passed over stuff like this early on because the singing kind of distracted me. Not used to this type of singing as a westerner and could not pick out guitar. But now that I'm getting what the guitar is playing the singing is so deep and powerful and videos like these are a lot more fun to listen to!
I'm never quite sure whether he was drunk crazy guy crooning in the corner or a genius.
He was a limited but profoundly expressive interpreter of the old Flamenco classics. His father and family members are exemplary of a certain style and era almost extinct at this point. He, like his father, was very opinionated and dissatisfied with Flamenco late years of his career however his contribution has always been of high importance
This is one of my favorite flamenco videos and what actually got me into flamenco in the first place. I feel a light and dark contrast between Moraito and Agujetas.