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So, I just finished my guitar nr. 3. Its a flamenco Spruce/cypress, 66mm.
I`m not a professional builder... i use to work in the evening ervery day a litte bit. With this guitar I`m super happy. The sound and playability is much better than ecpected! During the workingprocess I put some pics on my instaram profile. Take a look here: http://www.imgrum.org/user/swiss_flamenco_guitar/4035130898
I still have to learn a lot about lutherie an caraftmanship! Experiance is very important... but I take my time to go forward. For me one the most important thing is, that with every guitar the quality is better. In the way they sound, playability and converting. So, now I take a break up to july and go on to focus on playing
RE: New guitar just finished.. (in reply to Perrate)
Looks very nice. I'm a pretty serious collector of taxidermy myself and my favorite taxidermist for mammals happens to be a school teacher spending part of his spare time in stuffing mammals with excellent results (he frequently wins prizes at the championships). So doing things in your spare time doesn't mean one can't compete with the profs (my father was pretty good taxidermist as well).
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Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
RE: New guitar just finished.. (in reply to Perrate)
The guitar looks lovely, but I was struck by something in the second image (video) from the left: A photograph of 11-year-old Mari Carmen Nuñez Anduja of Moron de la Frontera dancing in shorts and braids in front of a mirror propped against the window railing (in my apartment in Moron, across the hall from the one she lived in with Diego del Gastor). I took that picture in 1971. I guess I put it online at some point. How did you get it?
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RE: New guitar just finished.. (in reply to Ricardo)
Thx to all..
hey Ethan Wow...what are the odds! I love this picture! I found it somwhere in the internet...I can`t remeber where.
For me this picture means a lot... happyness, passion, art, the innocence of childhood, isperation... My daughter is 2 years old.. everytime when she`s looking at this foto she shouts: OLE!
Thx for telling me the story behind this wonderful foto! best regards Luca
Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
RE: New guitar just finished.. (in reply to Erik van Goch)
I'm glad you all like the photo. It's in a frame, so I can't conveniently make a scan right now and just made a snap shot. Here is another of Mari Carmen and one of "us."
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