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Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
Nail reinforcement
I apologize for starting a new thread if this has already been covered. I did a search and didn't find quite this discussion, though I did find a bit about cyanoacrylate.
I have been using cyanoacrylate (Brush On Krazy Glue) with tissue paper and have found that it chips off pretty fast. My duet partner has "vinyl nails" done at a salon--consisting of a powder and a liquid which, when mixed together, form solid nail reinforcement that works well for him. I tried that stuff once, given to me by a woman who worked at a salon. It smelled so poisonous and when it got old on my nails peeled off with a fair size layer of my nails, so I didn't stick with it.
But I need something better than the glue. So I purchased some UV cureable nail gel (CACEE) and a UV lamp for nails. The gel--called that, but liquid really--smells much less horrible than the stuff that goes with the powder and cures nice and hard after 2 minutes under the UV lamp. But I read in the listing for it on Amazon that it is not formulated for use directly on nails; it is for topcoating over decorations and polish. So first I tried it over Krazy Glue, and of course after playing for a couple hours the glue cracked and peeled off. I may try it over something like Hard As Nails nail polishy stuff. Maybe even over my naked nails. Does anyone have experience with this kind of UV-cured stuff? Did you develop a horrible rash or did your fingers fall off?
Thanks for posting this Ethan - I don't think UV gels have had that much foro time even if they have been mentioned briefly before (can't remember who said was using them).
I have been using a combination of superglue and acrylic powder (Piwin's top-tip). We've discussed that a couple of times recently. Pretty happy with it. With 2 to 3 layers I get a super resistant nail (with just 1 layer of acrylic powder it chips too easily).
But following a comment on a recent nail thread, I was thinking of trying out the UV gel option. I'll be really interested to hear how you get on with it. My main reasons for considering something else are 1) to see if it lasts longer than 1 week (although, I can sometimes get a reinforcement to last 2-3 weeks if it starts coming off slow enough to squidge new glue underneath / around the sides) 2) to see if my nails start looking healthier - thumb and pinky nail have gone a nasty brown color which looks green through the reinforcement. 3) sounds like UV gels could be quicker than superglue+acrylic powder (which dries slower than superglue alone).
So really looking forward to see what comes out of this nail thread
I have been using a combination of superglue and acrylic powder
I was thinking of trying out the UV gel option
What, that wasn't helpful?
edit: don't forget, the type of finish you use really depends on how you move your fingers. Gel is better if you collapse the PIP from the PCP/MCPTR-TY. Acrylic+glue is better if the PIP stays in straight alignment with the MRCT and the MCURTSY. QED
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
Hi Ethan For what it's worth I bought a UV lamp on gumtree for $10 Came with a few unused bottles of Gel sealer I get about a month of use using this process
1 silk strip top third of nail glued on ... 2 wait for it to dry and lightly file to smooth 3 uber thin coat of UV gel over the glued silk 4 dry in UV lamp 5 light filing and buffing
It's not much thicker than my actual nail and feels solid and secure Using an oil around the cuticle to keep it relatively healthy and stop Drying out the nail
I have noticed it doesn't thin out my nail as the silk/glue acts as a buffer between the gel and the nail And about of month of continued use
The nail additives are thin so not the thick acrylic type of finish It works well for me .. Each to their own I guess
The discoloration of your nails sounds scary, David.
I'll continue to post about the results I get with this stuff. I got the gel on Amazon for about $40 for 4 ounces (a lifetime supply if it doesn't go bad in the bottle--a metal one) and the lamp on Ebay for $15.88--the packaging looks direct from China.
A pot of glue and a tub of powder has got to be a lot easier to carry around than a bunch of varnishes and a UV lamp.
Contrary That's the great thing Nothing to carry around - stays at home I have a Savarez nail kit in my case which hasn't been opened Just my experience anyway Works well for the 5 classes and few gigs I play each week Just found the glue powder mix short lived but works well I guess Just came up with the idea of sealing the glue in place so it won't fly off Nail seems healthy enough
A pot of glue and a tub of powder has got to be a lot easier to carry around than a bunch of varnishes and a UV lamp.
Contrary That's the great thing Nothing to carry around - stays at home I have a Savarez nail kit in my case which hasn't been opened Just my experience anyway Works well for the 5 classes and few gigs I play each week Just found the glue powder mix short lived but works well I guess Just came up with the idea of sealing the glue in place so it won't fly off Nail seems healthy enough
Glue works fine on its own Just the chipping and unreliability that bugged me Just found a solution to nail woes Just important to go very thin on the additives and using my mums old school suggestion of olive oil into The cuticle -crazy eh?
I bought a some silk strips from a nail shop online No Brand but no different from the expensive savarez option Figure it's all the same
You may have already tried nail hardeners before but this one is different. The protective coat you get is similar to the one you get with crazy glue but much better in my opinion. It lasts longer, dries faster, doesn't chip off after a couple days and when it gets old you just remove it with acetone and make a new one.
By the way, it dries in about 10 minutes but it takes a little more time for it to harden properly. Put it at the end of the day and let it harden overnight.
Give it a try, I've used crazy glue for two years and this is much better.
Not heard of that one. Lots of great reviews on amazon etc. But a few really bad ones too (some complained of burning pain). Any idea what the active ingredient(s) is (are)?
I used a couple of formaldehyde based hardeners for a brief period a few years ago - but didn't like watching my nail absorbing up the carcinogen.
The burns might happen if you put a very thick layer, they warn about that in the instructions. And this should not touch the skin, much less the cuticles.
About being carcinogenic, so is the UV radiation from that lamp and many other stuff you might have used. Most likely any solution that you might find for your nails will have that risk. For what it's worth, this is what Antonio Rey uses.
40 seconds drying time once a month... who knows? figure there are far worse dangers out there ( food...cars..water..sun ..little old ladies on sedgeways ) and always wary of any link that starts with...The Truth behind.....but there it is.
think whatever you use, key is keeping the nail moist from the crap on it which dry's it out...
From many years of experimenting with nail products (1) I have found a really good solution is Sally Hansen Advanced Hard as Nails. Two or three layers and it lasts for a week before it starts to chip away. At this stage you can touch it up or just redo the nails. I play 3 classes a week and a gig most Sat nights. (2) I dont use acrylic any more but the main issue is moisture and air getting under the edges and then they start to lift. If you coat the edges on a regular basis with and nail varnish you can prolong life indefinitely (3) If you find you need to remove them I have found the best way is to soak cotton wool in acetone and place on the nail and then wrap in gladwrap or alfoil for 20 min. When you remove it the acrylic is a soft mush and can be wiped off with No damage to the nails
Excuse me but is everyone in here too unhealthy to grow strong nails, where you have to use super glue or some other artificial finger destroying substance to play?
Seems odd to me.
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How often do you accompany dance and for how long in one go? That's probably what's hardest on the nails. But even in just solo guitarra, if your nails are strong enough on their own it doesn't necessarily mean your nails are strong. It can mean that, but not necessarily. It can also mean that you're just playing too light on your feet.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
Why so much blabla about such a simple topic. Urinate on your nails every time u take a leak. And you will have very robust nails and crisp sound within 2 months. And before starting an argument, test it out and we talk in 2 month huhu
I apologize for starting a new thread if this has already been covered. I did a search and didn't find quite this discussion, though I did find a bit about cyanoacrylate.
I have been using cyanoacrylate (Brush On Krazy Glue) with tissue paper and have found that it chips off pretty fast. My duet partner has "vinyl nails" done at a salon--consisting of a powder and a liquid which, when mixed together, form solid nail reinforcement that works well for him. I tried that stuff once, given to me by a woman who worked at a salon. It smelled so poisonous and when it got old on my nails peeled off with a fair size layer of my nails, so I didn't stick with it.
But I need something better than the glue. So I purchased some UV cureable nail gel (CACEE) and a UV lamp for nails. The gel--called that, but liquid really--smells much less horrible than the stuff that goes with the powder and cures nice and hard after 2 minutes under the UV lamp. But I read in the listing for it on Amazon that it is not formulated for use directly on nails; it is for topcoating over decorations and polish. So first I tried it over Krazy Glue, and of course after playing for a couple hours the glue cracked and peeled off. I may try it over something like Hard As Nails nail polishy stuff. Maybe even over my naked nails. Does anyone have experience with this kind of UV-cured stuff? Did you develop a horrible rash or did your fingers fall off?
Your description of the chipping cracking and peeling of CA glue, even hours after putting it on, is typical situation when the glue goes bad. That is why I constantly add to discussions about it to keep it in a sealed plastic baggie, treat it as food. I can tell after a few hours how the stuff dries if it is fresh or not. If it is bad there is no point to keep using, I would just trash it and buy a new bottle. I have seen people buy new, use it once, and don't keep it sealed properly, and the next time it's already gone bad.
I used to use nail hardeners/varnish products but they chip off way quicker than CA glue, which lasts days and takes real hammering. I buy it as nail glue:
Pundi64--So far, I have very healthy nails. Just not thick enough to stand up to much flamenco playing. Some people are naturally blessed with thick nails, like my teacher Diego del Gastor was.
Doitsuji--Doesn't everyone always piss on their nails when they take a leak? I thought that was standard.
I know Paco Pena has said he uses glue on his nails. Maybe that is why I can't get a tone like his? My nails don't have any problems with breaking but the nails on my I and M finger hook downward which causes them to catch on the strings so I always have to file them. So do thicker nails make a better tone or easier to play?
Ah well, there was a fantastic passion there, in my case anyway. I discovered flamenco very early on. It grips you in a way that you can't get away - Paco Pena
Thought you were trolling us for a moment Doit, but you have been on the foro since the early days and have posted lots.
Then I remembered how I was once told in Amsterdam, that you can wrap weed in lots of cellophane then use ammonia to seal its micro-perforations to stop the inquisitive sniffer dogs at customs. Since nails have a similar cellulose as part of their structure, I can imagine they might become harder, but more brittle as a result. Urine is full of ammonia which gives it the pungent smell.
So anyone care to admit they are peeing on their plucking hand after Doit's comment?