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RE: My early attempts at Gyspy Jazz ... (in reply to jg7238)
nice start jg7238,
Like flamenco the overall sound of gipsy sound come from the rest stroke technique and "common" licks or patterns that just sound good. I always thought that for soloing a pick is way better than picado, particularly the gipsy style picking, it allows fluidity, dynamics and phrases that are way more "musical" than picado in a context of improvisation And yeah these guys are amazing ! You should check the new generation Antoine Boyer (THE rising star), Adrien Moignard, or sebastien giniaux who are amazing improvisers. Off course the "old" generation Angelo Debarre or Tchavolo schimtt are still swinging like crazy. And Bireli on a good day is amazing you must the know the tune for sephora by rosenberg check this improvised solo by Bireli :
What an amazing ear, so much freedom. Basically a theme that you can really sing it and it's made on the spot haha. No licks really pure improvisation based on ear and skill. The difference between "al di meola wannabees 3 notes per string pattern" and taste and skill I love how he harmonize the theme.