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Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
Do you like MARMITE...??
Do you like MARMITE...??
I'm in the middle of a family split/ discussion .thing ...half seems to like this brown stuff called MARMITE , now I don't even know if its in your country or not , . So i thought I would bring it to the international world of you guys ... . tell me if you like it or not ., . Dont be influenced by my own opinion , which is that it is a brown foul smelling tar that comes from Beelzebubs butt itself ,,,
So a poll , if i can get it to work ............
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RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
it is a brown foul smelling tar that comes from Beelzebubs butt itself
I think that's about as accurate a description as humanly possible. That stuff is evil incarnated in food.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
I put doesn't exist because I've never had it but that's not entirely true. It exists, you can find it at import shops but I don't know anyone who eats it. I keep meaning to try it and I never do, I suppose it's time. I'll report back.
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to Leñador)
My advice: if you try it, bring a huge bottle of water, a toothbrush and some toothpaste. You make like it, but if you don't...
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
LOVE THE STUFF!!! So much I even put it in my porridge.
For the uninitiated, spread it thin over buttered toast, or stick it in a soup you're making or add 1 teaspoon to a mug of hot water. Go easy on the dosage, it's easy to get mouth ulcers if you OD
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to Leñador)
so far neck and neck .... . Leñador ...i wasnt sure if it exists over there or the US of A authorities had the good sense to ban it on arrival ..cocaine and heroine ...ok smuggle away , but if caught anyone bringing a hidden jar of Marmite Yeast extract ...... Guantanamo Bay for you my laddie /.....
By all means try it ... you will try it twice once to find out how bad it is , the second time just to make sure it's as foul as you couldn't believe it was the first time you tried it ... .. . Dudnote ...since I cant stand porridge either ,, putting the two together for me is ....kinda stuck for words here....
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
ok smuggle away , but if caught anyone bringing a hidden jar of Marmite Yeast extract ......
If you want a good laugh, look up the amount of Kinder eggs that are seized by US customs each year and the fine that goes with it... Clearly, importing drugs or weapons is the smarter choice. Smuggling Kinder eggs is risky af.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to Dudnote)
That's a powerful ad. Apparently there have been a few cases of children choking on the toy inside. The thing I can't figure out is how.. A child who is young enough to swallow a toy like that is very likely incapable of opening the capsule in the first place. I'm sure Marmite has caused more deaths by vomiting than Kinder eggs by choking.
edit: I've got it! They should make a gun that uses Kinder-egg ammunition. Edible bullets. That should make it legal.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to kitarist)
Does Vegemite count
I know its popular amongst the Aussies . and there is a debate about which one is best ....but from the point of view of the :No Way Jo-Se ...camp It's just one horrible thing against another horrible thing , so for me you could count it in and i would count them both out ... Got to admit I haven't actually tried Vegimite , but then again I've always been lucky
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to edguerin)
Bovril is a different kettle of fish , being a meat extract ...although it does have yeast extract in it , just to make it equally as crap as any other thing mentioned here ... . i see we are still neck and neck on the voting ,,,,i didnt expect that
Posts: 3471
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to Dudnote)
ORIGINAL: Dudnote My Great grandfather used to put Lee and Perrings Worcestershire Sauce on his porridge, so Marmite is pretty softcore in my book
My grandfather used to steep chilis pitínes in vinegar, and put it on anything he ate, except for apple pie and chocolate cake. (My grandmother was a great baker.) Otherwise, if you couldn't put "pepper sauce" on it, he didn't eat it. I never saw him eat porridge, but he doctored up a wide variety of stuff.
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
how can that be ???
Crooked Marmite lovers guilty of voter fraud. This poll is clearly rigged against us. And I for one will only recognize the results if I win.
"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
My grandfather used to steep chilis pitínes in vinegar, and put it on anything he ate, except for apple pie and chocolate cake. (My grandmother was a great baker.) Otherwise, if you couldn't put "pepper sauce" on it, he didn't eat it. I never saw him eat porridge, but he doctored up a wide variety of stuff.
My kinda guy. Sometimes for breakfast I get a bowl of steaming hot fresh rice, crack a raw egg into it, put sliced jalepenos or red hot sauce on it and mix it up. Everyone around me groans and gets a look of incredulity, then says" "You're so damn Korean."
If I were in the mood for fried Channel Cat, here is what might do. Get some cheap whole wheat flour, dried milk and a few pieces of cheap white bread and a few whole cloves of garlic and mix it all together with a little water kneading the bread into it. When it is a ball of wet sticky crap, I would spoon out the contents of a jar of vegemite into a bowl and knead the vegemite into the ball of floury muck. After about ten minutes of mixing it into a stout dough by adding flour, I would put it in a zip lock bag and throw in it the cooler over night to mellow and age.
In the morning I would get my poles and terminal tackle together, check my lunch and wander down to the nearest lake with a good supply of big cats, river even better, because sometimes you can get a big Blue Catfish and they are feisty. I would tie on a medium size hook, probably rig a sliding sinker ahead of the hook instead of the of way of putting a pyramid sinker at the end of the line an using a dropper leader ahead of that.
Thus rigged and ready I would pull out the vegemite/flour dough and walk about 20 yards up the bank and find a small tree with a crook that I can reach. I would open the bag of garlic vegemite dough and slam it into the crook of the tree, after first making sure my fishing spot is upwind of the tree. Once the dough sticks to the tree I would peel the bag back to expose most of the slimy dough and then walk back to my fishing spot.
Ensconced in my selected place, I would either put on a #8 Rooster Tail spinner lure or keep my sinker hook rig and put on a fresh night crawler and throw it a modicum distance where the cats are talkin' to me. Everyone one knows Channel cats don't eat garbage and prefer a live meal if they can get it. Blue Cats are voracious predators and love a live minnow or a good sized lure, if you can get it near them. Lazy bastards, they just sit in under cut banks and wait for prey, then *snap*. Channel cats like to swim around and they respond to the sweet odor of a newly dug up worm.
Cooking a channel cat is an art unto itself. The Vegemite dough you ask? Yeah, that is a sign to other fishermen to stay clear and don't get in my face while I'm fishing for cat. A channel cat would never actually bite on that stuff.
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
Sometimes for breakfast I get a bowl of steaming hot fresh rice, crack a raw egg into it, put sliced jalepenos or red hot sauce on it and mix it up. Everyone around me groans and gets a look of incredulity, then says" "You're so damn Korean."
That sounds incredible actually! Koreans know food.....
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
Putting the hot stuff on it makes it Korean, it horrifies most Japanese people because they can't tolerate hot food. Koreans use lots of kinds of peppers.
I always say Korean for beef, Japanese for fish. Japanese cooking uses beef in rather bland ways for my taste, but for fish the Japaneses ways of dealing with the subject far better.
RE: Do you like MARMITE...?? (in reply to El Kiko)
I always say Korean for beef, Japanese for fish.
I'd agree with this. Japanese just get fish. It's so delicate and they just get it. I don't love seafood (I really wish I did) but they way Japanese do it makes it edible to delicious for me. Raw salmon over cooked salmon any day. Koreans just have a way with flavor that is incredible. The mix of sour ferment and salty spicy is just perfect.