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Hey everyone! I'm a frequent guest on this forum but I'm posting for the first time because I need some help. I've gotten as far as I can learning the basics on my dad's old steel string, and it's time to buy my first serious student guitar.
I've tried out many classical guitars and I'm currently demoing a cordoba c10 parlor. I choose the parlor model because I have quite small hands. The scale length is great but the 48mm nut width is proving too cramped. SO I decided to try flamenco. Not only because thin necks feel much better in my tiny hands but because I LOVE that spanish attack in the sound (possibly due to my percussion background).
Anyway, I found a great deal on a used Navarro Concert flamenco negra. Only it was a little too good. So I asked for more pictures and I saw this. A crack on the inside of the guitar just below the label. Obviously this is less than ideal but I would really appreciate some feedback on how bad this is and if it would still be a good deal (They're asking $1000), and also if this is even a good choice for a small handed beginner like myself. Thanks in advance and I'm sorry I talk so much!
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RE: What does this crack mean? (in reply to jac554954)
I See a crack in the reinforcement strip.This crack is no problem. The reinforcement is very week in this direction.. It seem the strip shrinks a bit maybe of low humidity. Maybe the crack build in!and occur while gluing.
RE: What does this crack mean? (in reply to jac554954)
Obviously this is less than ideal but I would really appreciate some feedback on how bad this is and if it would still be a good deal (They're asking $1000), and also if this is even a good choice for a small handed beginner like myself. Thanks in advance and I'm sorry I talk so much!
Marlon's guitars retail for $800 to $1,000 on the open market so the price is fair for a good guitar. The crack you think is there is nothing if it doesn't transfer to the outside of the back, as the wood grain of the inside middle covering runs across the back grain.
So, unless the back shows a crack, it is most likely nothing to be concerned about.
RE: What does this crack mean? (in reply to jac554954)
Here is what they say about this luthier at guitar salon.com
Marlon Navarro Alvarez is the son of Francisco Navarro Garcia who in turn is one of Mexico's finest luthiers - In 1989 he won first place in a National competition that is held annually in Paracho, Mexico, and his reputation has grown steadily since then. Influenced by the great Spanish makers such as Torres, Contreras and Romanillos, Marlon continues to carry on this tradition through his fine artistry as learned with his father.
I have no idea where on your photo the supposed crack is. My first flamenco was cracked much worse than that, the crack was on the sound board and ran along the top edge of the ebony for several frets. A luthier suggested the guitar had been dropped face down. He was able to patch it up quite easily. I also put a big crack in the top side near where the right arm rests when nerves got the better of me at a new dance class as I lifted my case to go without closing it - crash! Again, a luthier was able to patch that up. The guitar is still going strong.
If you think you are serious enough about flamenco that you are going to play for several hours each week then I suspect this could be a very good first guitar for you. There are some very respected Mexican luthiers who do well in the USA since their labour costs are relatively low.
If the action / set up is correct and the sound is good then go for it.
Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
RE: What does this crack mean? (in reply to jac554954)
The purpose of the back strip is to reinforce the back center joint and it would still work if there were small pieces separated by spaces instead of a continuous strip.
Posts: 1706
Joined: Jan. 29 2012
From: Seattle, Washington, USA
RE: What does this crack mean? (in reply to lohan)
What do you mean sir?
It was a joke. The definition of "wisecrack" is: "a clever or sarcastic remark." In fact, I may have been making a wisecrack. But I was referring to the original post.
Thanks. it is belong to a very good guitar for sale. I like that guitar so much. But I can not understand what is this in its fingerboard...i have doubt to buy it or not