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"Felipe Conde" vs "Guitarras Conde Hermanos"
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"Felipe Conde" vs "Gu...
Hi guys, I'm in the market for a second guitar. I got my current, a Navarro peghead blanca student model, back in February of 2014. The guitar is stunning, sounds gorgeous, excellent playability, couldn't be happier. I've been lusting after a "Medio Luna" negra guitar in red or orange for some time now, and after two years of playing I've decided that I'm ready to invest. The problem is that, I'm confused between these two makers - Felipe Conde (condehermanos.com) and Conde Hermanos (conde-hermanos.com). The Felipe medio luna models all look gorgeous, but cost an amazing amount of money (My budget is around 5-6 thousand Canadian dollars). I've followed the Guitarras Conde Hermanos on Facebook and they produce some fantastic looking guitars but I can't find any prices. Can someone tell me if these guitars are of the same or similar calibre of the Felipe Condes? Are they even better? How much do they usually cost, new or used? I've been reading about the "Schism" of the Conde dynasty and I understand both makers are two of the three Conde brothers who worked in the original shop if I'm not mistaken, but how do they differ? I am almost incapable of finding any info on the models produced by "Guitarras Conde Hermanos" online since all my searches direct me to the Felipe Conde offerings which are too much money. I'm basically just confused as to how these two makers compare, and what some recommendations would be if there's better guitars to be had for less money. I havn't totally discounted going for a Navarro Special Grand Concert since I'm so pleased with my Student blanca, and at $3800 USD the price is certainly agreeable. Any input or clarification is highly appreciated, cheers!
Date Jan. 27 2016 15:04:27
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