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Hey folks, sry for this really basic topic. lots of things I found in the foro but still:
I am confused. I just heard that when you produce a tone, you first touch the string with your fingertip and then, the string touches the nails on both sides (see picture), and then gets released.
Is that correct? I just filed my nails now for that purpose and I get stuck all the time...
What ya think?
Thankss dreo
p.s.: btw, a golpe is actually way more powerful and has a richer sound when played just with the flesh, right? When I listen to some pros I only hear the nail which is kind of ugly...or what do you guys do?
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RE: confused about nails - tone and ... (in reply to dapperdan)
Yeah, it definitely sounds messed up. I do it actually like you dapperdan. There seem so many different ways to do it. I'm just curious what experienced foro players do it like.
Posts: 15482
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: confused about nails - tone and ... (in reply to dreolino)
ORIGINAL: dreolino
Yeah, it definitely sounds messed up. I do it actually like you dapperdan. There seem so many different ways to do it. I'm just curious what experienced foro players do it like.