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Posts: 15418
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

Alien Megastructure discovered? 

This was back in October, quite a sensational headline....Kepler (telescope) observes dimming caused by a large object of a star 1500 light years away. Other than the famous Michio saying they have "ruled out" the usual suspects, I can't find any hard science on the matter. In other words I remain skeptical that they could rule so many things out as it's so far away. Thoughts?

for more detail, here is a blog with questions and answers by one of the scientists working on it. To save time one can browse the respones of jtw13 only.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2015 18:47:06

Posts: 3472
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From: Washington, DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

It would be interesting to speculate on and investigate the cause of this phenomenon without the linguistically-challenged interviewer and the over-the-top hype of Michio Kaku. Kaku first states it could be the biggest story in 500 years, since Columbus's discovery of America or it could be the biggest wild goose chase of all time, like the Loch Ness Monster. The interviewer then burbles: "OK, you have given us a huge dichotomy of possibilities," when she really means a "huge range of possibilities." She doesn't understand that a dichotomy means two possibilities, options, or lines of thought. No doubt she studied journalism instead of English or History.

When the interviewer points out that the phenomenon was first noticed in 2009, she asks Kaku why it is just being announced publicly in October 2015? Kaku replies by quoting Carl Sagan: "Because when remarkable claims are made, they require remarkable proof," while offering no proof whatsoever to substantiate the possibility of an "advanced alien civilization" or any other explanation. This phenomenon may well defy all normal cosmological explanations, but that does not mean there is not one out there. While the entire interview was wrapped around the "advanced civilization" hypothesis, it seems to me that that should be the last possibility to pursue at this point. Reality TV.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2015 21:24:32

Posts: 3782
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RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

I remember this headline - and the lack of further reports on feedback from the guild.
One would expect some attention if the observation bore unequivocal clues about alien´s solar project.

Then again, who knows what headlines there may be over there currently. Maybe: "Alarm! The brainless barbarians spottet us!!"

  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 7 2015 21:46:54

Posts: 15418
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From: Washington DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ruphus



I remember this headline - and the lack of further reports on feedback from the guild.
One would expect some attention if the observation bore unequivocal clues about alien´s solar project.

Then again, who knows what headlines there may be over there currently. Maybe: "Alarm! The brainless barbarians spottet us!!"


It seems that SETI quickly noted (a few weeks of study) that there were no special electromagnetic signals in the Radio spectrum....their speciality. Doesn't mean a whole lot if engineering be on the scale implied. Perhaps radio is as obsolete a tool of communication as smoke signals today. No more headlines due to what is obviously going to be more long term the blog one poster mentioned optimism about the month of january 2016, not clear why exactly. Most likely some very large debri of sorts wizzing in tight orbit .... but time will tell.

@Bill....the dichotomy she means is either A. aliens, or B. anything at all else which is boring and meaningless. Unfortunately. And about the "late" report (09-15), if what I gather is correct, the frequency of the observed phenomenon is 700+, two earth years. That helped rule out local objects and interstellar objects....and of course they needed the time to rule out equipment problems, etc....pretty much they are certain whatever "it" is, it is orbiting the star in question.



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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Dec. 8 2015 0:31:16

Posts: 15418
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From: Washington DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Following up on this topic, I learned that the Kepler telescope had a technical problem, so they missed the window for the major dimming event in April 2015. Next event scheduled for May 2017, so we have to wait for more info about the actual structure. Of course observations meanwhile might show something.


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 30 2016 17:00:06
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Brilliant ......They found some effect ...dont know what is it ....So it must be an alien megastructure ...problem solved ...
...or.... they could just investigate it further , with an open mind , until they have enough data to make a decision ...
you go into an old house at midnight ....hear a noise ... its a ghost ... thats some peoples first choice ..

Has anyone considered that there may not be anyone else out there ?
Perhaps we should get a lot friendlier with life on Earth— every bird and bug, and especially every human being. Because when it comes to biology, our planet may be the whole thing.

Including the overwhelming math—those trillions upon trillions of planets that are out there, at least some of which should be inhabited. Switch off the light that is life on Earth, and the whole universe may go biologically black. We can search for biology all we want, send up all the here-we-are signal flares, wave our hands , shout and jump about but the fact is, no one will answer—ever—because no one is there to hear.

Sorry to burst everyones hopes dreams and wishes ....reality kicked in .


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 30 2016 21:56:06

Posts: 3566
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to El Kiko


in the second link Ricardo posted, the scientist working on the project states clearly that this alien theory should be considered as an absolute last resort. I think the people investigating it are doing it with an open mind. The media just saw a way to make a headline.

That being said, agreed that we should probably focus more on life here, and, IMO, especially on what's in our oceans. I don't know what percentage of the sea floor is still unmapped but I think it's still higher than 90%. I recently heard marine biologist Sylvia Earle explain how, at this point, we actually have no idea what impact oil spills, plastics, etc. have on the marine ecosystems one you go a bit deeper. Her point was that it just may be possible that the effects of pollution on deep marine life are worse than what we see on the shorelines. But we have no way of really knowing, nor do we seem to want to know...


Ugh. I hate when they miss the window like that. Though 2 years is probably not that long in the larger scheme of things. Back in the 18th century, French astronomer Guillaume Le Gentil was sent to India to make observations of the transit of Venus (in order to determine the distance between the Earth and the Sun). Because of the war that broke out and stormy weather, he missed his window of opportunity by a thread. He decided that since he had traveled so far, he was going to stay and catch the next transit of Venus (8 years later). And so he waited. When the day of the transit finally came, it was cloudy out and he saw nothing. He decided to drop it and go home. After a return trip marked by further storms and dysentery, he finally got back to France, 11 years later, only to find that he had been declared dead, his estate plundered, his job lost and his wife remarried.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 31 2016 2:42:43
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Piwin

Strange , you seem to have replied to Kiko_roca , who hasn't , as yet , commented on this thread , I can only assume that your time machine setting needs some adjustments, and you may be replying to a comment he will make sometime in the future..
Hate it when that happens ...
The answer to your next question is ...


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 31 2016 18:55:34

Posts: 3566
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to El Kiko

Those nobs are just so damn close together...
Sorry about that. I'm entering serious fatigue territory and need a holiday. When was the last time? What is a holiday? huh?
Well at least I haven't said the wrong name under the sheets yet. Or maybe my girlfriend is quietly brooding and planning her revenge. I must investigate. If I stop posting in the next few days, you'll know what happened to me.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Jul. 31 2016 19:10:16

Posts: 15418
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to El Kiko


Has anyone considered that there may not be anyone else out there ?

Yes man, fermi's paradox. It says, if advanced star faring life can evolve, it would have done it already at some point in the history of the Galaxy and made it's presence known eons ago. So the conclusion is it has not so we are the only life in existence. This paradox has been countered by a few logical answers.
1. We are the FIRST ones to become intelligent, others have yet to come of age since the beginning of the Galaxy, or are doing so more or less at the same rate as earth life.
2. They have since gone extinct and we missed a window of opportunity to interact as we have only just begun our explorations off the earth. For example this Tabi star example....if it was an old race long dead and their tech signature stopped emitting eons ago, leaving cold dead trash of once super advanced tech, floating around it's billions years old star, well what we see coming in now was happening back in Chris Columbus times, way before we had tech we have now to see this. So a missed window of opportunity.
3. They exist and watch, but keep their distance or are quiet. Our "intelligent" life signature only spreads out as a bubble for a few hundred light years, which only incorporates a hand full of star systems. If they exist on the other side of the Galaxy there would be no way to know about it for hundreds of thousands of years....for example. Finding us would be needle in the haystack situation. And vice verse the signature from old civilizations can also be a needle in the haystack for us to detect unless by chance.

Of course in the end, you could be dead right, what a waste of space.



CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 1 2016 16:32:20

Posts: 3566
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RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Unless we're living in a simulation. In which case, there could be other explanations to the Fermi paradox.
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around Bostrom's argument, to no avail. It's just too weird.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 1 2016 16:51:02
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Ok if they're THAT intelligent .....then they're just avoiding us ....
that sounds about right ...

.I mean they probably been watching Donald Trump trying to build a wall in front of mexico etc....and sheesh ...who wants to go there ?..
.let's watch what they do next ...
we could be on their latest TV hit ...yes folks, broadcast straight into one of your own heads ....Aliens do the funniest things!! .... this week it back to that far out blue planet ...
.Or ,,,,we are the aliens ...some DNA dumped hereabouts way back ....
Or,,, were so far out on the end of the disc . no one comes here,, like a small one horse hick town ...or undiscovered tribe in the Amazon ...
A, so called, civilization that still uses fossil fuels and powers electricity generators by heating water to run steam turbines .....
yep thats the kinda place they'd visit to get great info about the universe .....pfffff


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 1 2016 17:14:48
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
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From: The South Ireland

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to El Kiko

I'm gonna start ...
S.T.I. the Search for Terrestrial Intelligence ...
First news bulletin from luck so far .....
got a few blips on the computer , but it turns out it was just Windows doing something unexpected in the background .

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Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 1 2016 17:24:43

Posts: 3472
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From: Washington, DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

From 1975 until 1989, former Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire bestowed upon various U.S. government offices and officials the "Golden Fleece" award ("fleecing" the taxpayer) for wasteful government spending of taxpayer money. On one occasion in the early 1980s, Proxmire presented the award to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for funding the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program.

Proxmire's reasoning, stated as part of the award, was, "It is hard enough to find intelligent life in Washington. Why are we looking for it in outer space?" Given our current election season, it is hard to argue with him.



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 1 2016 19:52:22

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo


From 1975 until 1989, former Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire bestowed upon various U.S. government offices and officials the "Golden Fleece" award ("fleecing" the taxpayer) for wasteful government spending of taxpayer money.

I love that! Someone should start that awards ceremony back up!
Maybe we could make one for insurance companies while we're at it!


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 1 2016 23:38:35

Posts: 15418
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From: Washington DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to BarkellWH



From 1975 until 1989, former Wisconsin Senator William Proxmire bestowed upon various U.S. government offices and officials the "Golden Fleece" award ("fleecing" the taxpayer) for wasteful government spending of taxpayer money. On one occasion in the early 1980s, Proxmire presented the award to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for funding the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence (SETI) program.

Proxmire's reasoning, stated as part of the award, was, "It is hard enough to find intelligent life in Washington. Why are we looking for it in outer space." Given our current election season, it is hard to argue with him.


After watch this pseudo scientific BS congressional hearing with the Looney Steven Greer and his team of, I assume, asylum escapees, I have been under the impression that pretty much ALL congress persons are complete ingnorant imbeciles on these matters. (I mean, science, reality, etc).


CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 4:22:14

Posts: 3782
Joined: Nov. 18 2010

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

I used to take the matter for real so little, that I literally forgot about my own UFO sightings. *

Instead me always prefered emphasizing the eventuality of the earth´s state being unique, so that our dazed community may rather stop destroying life on earth. And from what I knew, chances seemed quite there for the uniqueness, despite of the universe unfathomable dimensions and potential options.

Admittedly, at times, in respect of inhumanity and occasional media appearance of officials and representatives which seemed so robotic in a way, I involuntarily wondered whether some exterrestical evil could have slipped in. But those were no lasting associations / too much concrete clues of other subjects around to focus on.

Now, there´s been a series on TV about Mufon documents (a NGO that appears to have gathered files on alien matters). Initially watched for lack of choice (need to fix my SAT set-up) and only half-heartedly.

This has changed. And I´m about to join the tin-hat fraction. At least in so far as I would like to draw attention of the matter to reasonable folks, have them noting the claims and see what they think afterwards.

All these sightings (and reports on encounters) including mass sightings like the ones in the mid nineties some ~ 40 km away from my place (unknown objects hoovering over jam traffic on motorways near Aachen / Germany) deliver more than enough food for thoughts. Same with remarkably tendentious official proceedings on the contrary.

Just have a look at US candidates for presidency (of which some even reported encounters of their own) who before election of theirs had promissed to publish government archieves on the matter and see what they used to state after some time in office.

Allegedly a president has no power to order a presentation of state reports and action in this realm.

There seems one thing for certain: There is an agenda (strong enough to order around the US army and to keep away highest official instances) in keeping mute (and with threatening personel who are about to leak to public).

My take so far:
# I understand a correlation between a certain level of intellect and reason, which in consequence rather excludes the eventuality of exeterrestical species capable of reaching our solar system and them being trivially sinister in the same time.
If we have had / are having visitors they likely show up with good intentions. Likely especially over past decades while us being on the edge of deserting this planet and its precious evolution.

# Aliens trying to bring us to our senses would collide with elitist interest of the plutocratic mentality that has been built up over the past 5 millenia.

# It would only fit provenly headless and unscrupulous policies of our times if our reign and militaries attacked past vistors and are since trying to overtake exterrestical´s technology and learn from reverse enginneering to then employ it within their own aims.

My personal sightings (possibly mentioned before on this board); all having occured within several months after my arrivial here in Middle East and all observed from a balkony on 21st floor of a high rise in the capitol (there have also been some on the country side, but minor ones, like simply some white light standing on the night sky like a star and then vanishing, etc.):

# Three orange points show up from behind a mountain ridge, halting around 10 km away in a line and with symmetrical distance maintained from each other.
Then one of them moves closer up to several hundred meters away, spanning the distance within less than ~two seconds. It stops on level with the hight I am watching from, stays there for maybe 3 seconds or so and returns to exactly same position where the other two objects are within no time. Then all three jointly disappear.

# Several times I witness some red glowing "ball" dropping vertically from above in the night and go out some dozen meters above ground.

# Once a chrome-flashing quite plane-like looking small object (looked like maybe 1 meter in length) passes the balkony, reappears from the opposing direction, as if it had circled the tower within no time, passes two or three rounds and ain´t be seen anymore.

Remarkable not just the speed, but also the absence of noise. No noise whatsoever, with all three of observed phenomenons.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 13:27:56

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ruphus

I saw a UFO last September. I was sitting on my garden wall out back, having a smoke about 10:30pm. I live on a narrow urban street and I briefly glimpsed a very bright orb contraption pass down the road at about 15 feet and 50 feet away. By guesswork, measuring and triangulating later, it was travelling at around 2,000 mph, about 10 feet in diameter and looked like a large, circular lens that made light but cast no light. Very odd. The road is not long enough for anything to get up to any speed without hitting houses at the corner.

It was completely silent and I imagined it to be like an alien Street View probe. It really shook me but it was real, I would swear it.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 14:02:42

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From: Los Angeles

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Welcome back Ruphus!

Ball lightening maybe Simon??


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 14:18:06

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RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ruphus

Glad to see you're back Ruphus.

I've also seen UFOs on a few occasions. However, where I draw the line is when people infer anything more than what they know. They saw a UFO, which by definition is "unidentified". To then assume it is necessarily extraterrestrial is a leap of faith and I'm not to keen on leaps of faith.
Without even going that far, there are other assumptions that are often made but in many cases prove to be baseless. For instance, on one occasion, I saw a large black orb, completely static in the open sky in the middle of the afternoon. When asked what size I thought it was, I realized I hadn't the slightest idea, and not knowing its size, I also had no idea of the distance. If it was far enough, my impression that it was static could also have been wrong. Of course, if you do have a reference point, it's a different matter.

Add to that that the mind is a powerful thing, and in my case, fairly good at projecting mental images onto reality (there have been some interesting experiments on this ability. Personally if asked to visualize a shape in front of me, just by imagining it, I can "see" it quite well. Others seem to not be able to this at all and there seems to be some correlation between that and other cognitive abilities). I've also had a few brushes with synaesthesia that have really shaken my trust that what I sense actually matches reality.

I like to keep an open mind about UFOs, but I stick to the rule according to which extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. An interesting man to listen to on this topic is Michael Shermer. He was once "abducted by aliens". But the fact that he was filmed passed out on the side of the road precisely during his experienced abduction went a long ways in convincing him that it was his mind gone rogue. He's since wrote some interesting books on how belief works and on the psychology of conspiracy lovers and revisionists.


"Anything you do can be fixed. What you cannot fix is the perfection of a blank page. What you cannot fix is that pristine, unsullied whiteness of a screen or a page with nothing on it—because there’s nothing there to fix."
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 14:35:27

Posts: 6444
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From: England, living in Italy

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Leñador


Ball lightening maybe Simon??

Maybe, I have never seen ball lightening so can't comment except to say that it looked smooth, regular and shiny, like a machine, not just pure light. Still can't explain it and I am a skeptic.


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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 15:01:50

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RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Hey Lenny, hi Piwin, it is nice talking to you again. :O)

The fragility of senses has been a hobbyhorse to me. Always absorbing about it and also dealing with my personal twists of subjectivity. (Incredibly evident for instance in the realm of sound perception during studio work, but also regarding the other four senses and their mix up.)
It has been a passion to make a point about our subjectivity and spread consciousness about our fragile perception and common erring. Wishing skepticism on perspective to become a standard and especially unspeakable superstition to take a backseat (instead of the destructive rise that it is out of all seeing contemporarily).

But regarding UFO sightings and even strange encounters, we are also talking about mass sightings as well as concurring individual reports. There is too much of similarity and number of occurances for it all to be solely illusion.

The SPIEGEL once had an interesting article about a physical occurrence and culture related interpretation (which for many years confirmed and sealed the case of alien encounter reportings for me). At times a kind of motoric shut down common to S sleep retains during wake up. People then tend to panic and deem something to be confining them. Interestingly in the USA people with the (nightly) temporary paralysis will fancy aliens in action, while in the orient people envision a notorious kind of demon. (An acquaintance of mine used to regularly suffer from these kind of horrible witch encounters with an iron-strong ancient monster sitting on his chest, until I told him of the background that I´m just mentioning here, and he seems to have been freed from the horror since then.)

The example shows how imaginative images are spread locally and nourished within a cultural sphere. So, a part of reports will certainly be based on a sole subjective cultural explanation. Maybe including the alien encounters stated by American presidents in spe.

However, you guys should watch that serial about Mufon and see what you are left with afterwards.

The very least that may stick might be your wondering about hiding and muting policies.
How come communal reports of concurring kinds right after alleged UFO landings / crashes and alien events?
With military teams and heavy gear instantly showing up to collect remains and strictly confiscating photographic material of locals, and following briefings that leave the people behind unwilling to talk anymore?
Can the crew of a whole warship be experiencing aligned hallucination? And why are they forced to surrender all their photos, followed by grim threats?

What about scientists who claim their memory was deleted upon leaving projects? Are they mentally irritated and craving for admiration?

Why do originally enthusiastic presidents not hold up to their word, and even claim their authority wouldn´t suffice to bring through investigation?

If you can, maybe check out what is released by the Mufon archive and come back with your thoughts about it. I am sincerely interested to hear from your opinion.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 17:08:00

Posts: 15418
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From: Washington DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ruphus

1. Glad you are back on Ruphus!

2. Yes, UFO is a REAL phenomenon. But as Piwin says, unidentified is all these things are. I must go a step further and ensure that all UFO seen thus far are 100% NOT Aliens, though many may be EXTRATERRESTRIAL. BIG DIFFERENCE. Tying the Alien stories to the Eilite global conspiracy etc is more beautiful work of the creative mind. Connecting unrelated dots of info with straight line connections.

Without going into my reasoning for why 100% certainty of zero alien contact thus far, let's just say it has to do with concrete science info, not unlike the topic at hand which is in danger of being derailed by pseudo science nonsense.

As for the sightings mentioned, I would never say anyone was mistaken without having been there, but one thing I saw as a teen, well a couple things, I found out years later WERE extraterrestrial in origin....satellites and space rocks do strange and beautiful things upon entering the earths atmosphere. Colors will depend entirely on what the things are made of, falling "floating" shooting etc depend on size and trajectory. If it were me, I would note the exact time and date and later investigate any satellite rentries or other events.



CD's and transcriptions available here:
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 17:25:44
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Escribano


having a smoke about 10:30pm

i think that may be the important sentence in you post Simon.....
Yeah ...Unidentified Flying Object ......
so an Aeroplane is just a FO ?..flying object....or maybe an IFO?
and if it lands ...then its just an O ?
so all these people that saw the UFO in the woods where they land ..Apparently ..really just saw an U.O.


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 17:40:17

Posts: 3566
Joined: Feb. 9 2016

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to El Kiko

Well...they're not completely unidentified. We do have footage.

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  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 17:53:17

Posts: 3782
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RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

Hi Ricardo! :O)

I don´t know whether my former reasoning displays parallels to yours, but to me it was optical conditions that would announce a space traveller way before arrival. This was before considering hypothetical options like ion-aggregate, space worm / folding or teleportation (<-already conducted by earthly means ... just with particle so far, but anyhow), however.
Theoretically possible ways I am sure you are informed about, so you might have other objections against possible space travel in mind.

Regarding satellites and space rocks they won´t move in organized ways however. Not change direction, lesser even abruptly. They commonly won´t halt, nor occure in formation. And not by overcoming large distances within atmosphere in basically no time.

These characteristics are being attributed to sightings, and some of the described characteristics I have seen myself even.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 18:12:40

Posts: 5237
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From: Los Angeles

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo

From very very little all I heard from my teenage brothers was "shut up there's no ghosts go to bed!" "Shut up there's no monsters go to bed!" "Shut up there's no aliens go to bed!". So by the time I was 6 or so I was secure in knowing there was nothing out there to be scared of except people.
Then when I was 6 or so, the news came on and said "A man was arrested today for harboring up to 50 illegal aliens, he was taken into custody but most of the aliens fled before authorities arrived.".
I lost my ****!! I was like "Not only are they real but 50 of em are on the lose in LA!!" Hahahaha it took forever before I really believed their explanation, I didn't go outside for a week that summer! Lol


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 19:33:46
El Kiko

Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Leñador

O M G's me ...not living in the country of my birth ....I'm an alien ...!!
.Large green head,,,,,telekinetic abilities all fits ....


Don't trust Atoms.....they make up everything.
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 20:13:44

Posts: 3472
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Leñador


50 illegal aliens. I lost my ****!! I was like "Not only are they real but 50 of em are on the lose in LA!!"

You were not imagining things, Lenny. Obviously those 50 illegal aliens circumvented our State Department's intergalactic squad of Consuls authorized to issue visas to aliens wishing to visit planet Earth. No doubt, had they applied for proper visas they would have been denied. Thus their illegal entry after traveling from another galaxy. Donald Trump, however, will solve this problem by building a translucent dome over the United States and making Mexico pay for it. After all, as Mr. Trump has sagely said, "Mexicans, space aliens, what's the difference? They're all Mexicans to me."



And the end of the fight is a tombstone white,
With the name of the late deceased,
And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here,
Who tried to hustle the East."

--Rudyard Kipling
  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 20:25:54

Posts: 5237
Joined: Jun. 8 2012
From: Los Angeles

RE: Alien Megastructure discovered? (in reply to Ricardo


Donald Trump, however, will solve this problem by building a translucent dome over the United States and making Mexico pay for it.

Ah great! Can they add some UV protection to the dome?? I'm tired of burning my poor Irish skin in this SoCal heat! Lol


  REPORT THIS POST AS INAPPROPRIATE |  Date Aug. 2 2016 20:29:38
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