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The force awakens thread
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Richard Jernigan
Posts: 3437
Joined: Jan. 20 2004
From: Austin, Texas USA
RE: The force awakens thread (in reply to Ricardo)
Just to show how totally out of it I am, I have only seen the original Star Wars, which came out in 1977. Back in the day there were large theaters with huge screens and booming, blasting sound systems, rather than 12 small theaters with window shades for screens. (But when we saw Spectre in a fairly small theater last month the sound was impressive, and sitting halfway back we were still close to the screen.) When we saw Star Wars my kids were 7 and 8 years old. During one of the battle scenes there was a hellacious thunderstorm going on outdoors, with sharp cracking thunder loud enough to partly drown out the movie. We had a blast. One of my favorite movies. My movie going is like my tourism. I took my wife to France on a business trip followed by a week of vacation. On the first business day as I dressed for work she asked,"How do I get to the Eiffel Tower?" "I don't know, I've never been there." "How many times have you been to Paris?" "Hmm, maybe a couple of dozen times, maybe more." "And you have never been to the Eiffel Tower?" "No, sorry. I can tell you how to get to the Jardin de Luxembourg." "Why do you know that?" "Sometimes when the weather is nice I walk through there on the way from the Metro back to the hotel." In my defense I will say that I had been to the Louvre, the Musee D'Orsay, the Renoir retrospective at the Grand Palais, and my colleagues and I had eaten at some pretty good restaurants. And I had made a half dozen trips to La Guitarreria almost next to the Gare Saint Lazare, and gotten a little acquainted with the formidable Spanish proprietress and her brother, whom she had rescued from a life of flamenco, alcohol and general dissipation. He said he used to play with Niño Ricardo's son. Once he showed me a beautiful blanca from Paulino Bernabe. He said it was his own guitar, which he was selling. I played a little, then tried to hand it to him saying, "Let me hear you play it." He shrank back so as not to touch the guitar and said, "Oh no, I'm sorry, it would be like taking the first sip of manzanilla." RNJ
Date Dec. 17 2015 18:03:53
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