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RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Congratulations, amigo! May you have all conditions to allow for a beautiful unfolding of this little critter!
... I know you don´t mind if I may be smart-assing a little ... If possible allow him four additioonal weeks with his old lady (3 months altogether), though I know how hard it is to wait the time through. (I was counting every single day when waiting for my last cat.)
People, specially around here where I live, believe that the earlier in life the dog be adapted the more affectionate he would become. (Accordingly taking them away at the age of 2-3 weeks, which makes for quite a guarantee for a neurotically developing dog.)This is not true. Allowed to stay in his family for the first 12 weeks, you get a well educated and prepared pet that will be much more attentive and willing to learn.
Precondition however being that the breeder will be taking the right measures for to socialize the puppies correctly. Hence introducing them to any kind of creature the dog is supposed to accept / tolerate later, hence babies, elderly, handicapped, stranger dogs and especially for hunting breeds: all kinds of small animals you would like to be staying alive and healthy, hence cats, rabbits, chicken etc.
Only if you don´t see the breeder providing a broad socialization would I be taking the puppy earlier, at maybe those 8 weeks of age.
Sorry if been telling you old hats!
Anyway, enjoy your new family member. Such a pleasure to have!
@ Simon, thanks Simon! You and River made me attended Rhodesian Ridgebacks. When I was walking, in the distance I saw a Vizsla, first thinking it was a Ridgeback in a smaller size. Later I learned that was a Vizsla, and so, I got interested in this breed.
@Ruphus, I always like to read your oppinion Ruphus! I read and hear a lot of things about dogs now, and have a good vibe by what you wrote. It is only not an option here, the Breeder and the official organisations here advice to put the puppy in 8 weeks in the new home. 8 weeks is the beginning of the second socialisation fase. Also the Breeder wants his house clean again.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
When I was walking, in the distance I saw a Vizsla, first thinking it was a Ridgeback in a smaller size. Later I learned that was a Vizsla, and so, I got interested in this breed.
They are a very similar type of hound, though smaller. I can see the attraction. River was all wrinkly with a stubby nose, long floppy ears and huge paws when he was that age.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Hey Peter, thanks for the info and the appreciation! :O)
On a German dog forum I read a saying that goes like: "One can live without dog, but it isn´t worth it." For minds that are a bit open to the beauty in life, adn I know you certainly are, this saying seems no exaggeration.
Being actual owner for the first time (= without anyone coming and taking it away from me), and even though under totally unnatural, miserable conditions, the experience with my pack shows me what my old lady did to me when she strictly prohibited a dog in my childhood.
Already with the feedback and dearness that I see with theses animals under pent-up and terror conditions, the sensations for me are already indescribable.
How must it be yet, when you are allowed to raise as you like, taking the critter with you, letting him socialize, teaching him all the things you want and once he knows you and your habits in and out, becoming a compagnion of heart that nurishes your soul on top of all the sympathetic sensations given otherwise.
From year to year now science is encreasingly discovering how healthy pets are for their people (less allergies, less infections and most of all psychic health), and dogs maybe most of all, as you can take them with you / prolong the mutual daily time. The love that comes with it is worth the disadvanatages, which are not small at all. Difficulties with travelling, finding sincerely caring baby sitters, etc.pp.
In view of education there is still a vast and sturdy didactical fraction going who considers the dog kind of a robot that needs restrictive methods. They don´t understand that the dog will be at its hight as a democratic and cognitively capable mate.
If you are interested in most efficient methods (and lasting ones, as they function with the comprehension of the animal) that work all with positive motivation, I would like to point out to you 2 DVDs on dog training from David Dikeman. They have been discontinued and apparently can only be found second-hand in the USA (sometimes on Amazon), but are definitly worth it. (I asked Andy to fetch me some, hope he has done so.)
In the opposite, one should never engage methods with startling or shouting. Each and every terrifiying will reduce the animals self-confidence and result in a whatsoever subtle measure of fear from you. Whereas the magic is lying in a trained chap´s total trust into you and in a fearless approach towards the world.
The more brisk / loud the order the louder your voice will have to be anyway, ending in yelling owners and reluctant obeying. Good methods get through with calm / enthusiast voicing, and even in just gestures, or finally with just mimics and eye sign.
That way he will be eager to follow your wishes, even if not obeying as promptly like a soldier (some 10 seconds max of response time should always be alright between friends, except for the alarm call. <- Very worth teaching that one to prevent accidents outside!).
Finally, the old saying that puppies should not be overtaxed with teaching isn´t true either. The earlier you start getting attention the better. Only that with intensity and challenge of exercise adapted to the dogs age, naturally.
Anyway, I know, your new compagnion will be having a great life.
PS: Don´t let him use stairs too early, specially not downwards.
PS: On Simon´s photos his dog demonstrates a great example for walking on the leash. With the leash just dangling betwen him and Simon´s wiife.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Hey Peter. Thats great news. Vizsla´s are sweet and kind dogs. Or at least the ones I´ve known. But as all long-legged hunting dogs they need a lot of exercise, so prepare to buy more shoes from now on. Or teach it to run besides your bicycle (and buy more tires!)
Posts: 1108
Joined: Sep. 29 2009
From: Back in Boston
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Vizslas are great dogs. A girlfriend of mine, of Hungarian decent, had one a few years ago. The only downside is they need space to run which is tough if one lives in an urban area--but this is true with most hunting dogs. Ditto on buying more shoes or tires but who can complain when the upside is exercise and a good four legged pal.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
So, a decent hello and welcome to the foroflamenco dogclub. Lana, my Spanish waterdog (left) also wants me to buy more shoes. Nimbus is not so demanding in that aspect.
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Ha! Nimbus doesn't look a day older! And Lana is a curly beauty! Nice duo you have Anders! I like to walk a lot and do some running, ( not that it is much different in speed nowadays.....lol) so the dog is getting enough exercise.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
A little pet story. Not really too fitting in here, but I don´t want to pimp my own thread while certain that Peter won´t mind me spoiling a bit in here.
Saw a well-made quietly narrating Arab movie with French subtitles, last night.
It starts with a young guy waking up from siesta nap with his dog guarding at his bed. He gets up, puts his chap on a leash and heads for the beach. On the way some kids approach, pestering, startling the dog and throwing stones. The guy tries to chase them away and moves on. The dog now overly happy, tenderly pretending to be going after his masters heels while they walk. At the beach the young man puts down his cape and ties the dog to a garbage bin. (Crazy to do, but I know how it is when you risk something hoping for an encouraging exception.) Then he goes for a swim.
On return he finds the dog and his jellaba gone. He runs towards diverse groups of people asking whether they´ve seen anything. All blankly denying. He runs further inland to a kiosk asking around, noone cares, and is rather taken buy dress, looking at him in his swimming shorts like at a lunatic.
Having grabbed another cape at home he rushes to where the kids hang out and tries to interrogate. A relative of theirs then enters the scene grabs him at the collar, shoving him away and tells him to get lost. Reluctantly leaving, another guy follows him and offers him help for cash. They take the main character´s car and drive to a quarter where shady guys crouch at walls, offering dogs. To no avail.
Next they make it to the backroom of a dive where a local pimp says that he has no clue, bu that his own lap dog was hijacked too and that he will let them have a pack of bills if they find and return it.
They then head for where the low-life resides that are into dog fighting. On the way however a patrol car comes in sight and the helper panics, jumps out of the car and runs. Our guy follows and tries to help him, so both get cuffed and driven away. But then the cops let them run again. Getting back on foot our guy only sees his car towed off. The helper then takes a p!ss. But our guy has a name now. It´s a youngster working at a butchery. He takes a cab and manages to persuad the youngster in the know who then takes him on the back of a motorized bycicle to the scum. The guys there won´t alow the bike driver to come with them, then they take the main character underground. In the meantime the original helper appears and joins the bike driver outside.
Down there in the darkness it has shabby partitions with dogs inside. At one point our guy thinks to have found his pet, and the dog released indeed comes running straight towards him, instinctively realizing that this is a humane individual who could free him of the misery. But it isn´t his dog.
Then he mentions the pimp´s lap dog. They pull out a battered, inert little dog and hang him up on its collar. Our guy, seeing how the little dog is irretrievable, now wants to leave. But they put a knife at his throat and empty what´s left in his pockets first. That minute someone alarms a cops coming and the scum runs away. Down the stair come his helpers. One just takes a rock and frees the pet dog from its agony, then puts the body into a plastic bag. The scum returns and our three guys run for their lives. Back to the dive, the pimp won´t allow any feelings to be shown when he pulls out the tattered body from the plastic bag suspended on its leash. He hands out the promissed money to the helper and tells them to just p!ss off. Then he leans against a wall.
Our guy however returns to his quarter, fleeced and on foot and now finds his chap in front of his door, killed. Meanwhile in the early morning hours, his friends start digging a grave for the dog. He then takes the hoe from their hands and hits the earth with the soundless rage of his heart.
PS: About editing the uploaded text, I hear a motor generator started before my house, at the same moment already seeing how a muncipality crew is spraying the trees before my estate and densly fogging in the whole of my yard, with two of the dogs in there. Don´t know whether rushing down, taking the dogs inside and rinsing the yard with water may have helped preventing from what I think to have seen already as effects of pesticides on dogs, or not. After all the poisonous solution ought to be water resistant, and the dogs will have inhaled quite some already.
Curious how the crew started their posion gun out of all at my gate while the whol street is evenly having municipal trees, and while I am known for being friendly to animals / going through corresponding repercussions. -
I think what above film and my experience convey is that displaying empathy before berserks, to them only means to be presented with their ogre-being, which again makes them sabotaging and terrorizing animal friends, instead of ever thinking over their retard state of emotional intelligence.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Me too. There´s a type of culture where high spirits is considered sin though, and low spirits deemed admirable. And when things appear another way, people be glad to help it to the contrary. -
Just been training the dogs, and while petting them as reward, with them so grateful and cheerful, I imagined how it be if I can take them abroad to a normal environment.
It would be such a thing to see them realize a harmless surrounding.
There´s just been a 500 posts thread on a German newspaper´s forum, relating to an article that dared to mention drawbacks of the new immigration.
Among the common experiences people were mentioning was that with the newcomers hardly yet arrived, the harrassing of dogs has already set in (along with molesting females).
If not bankrupt yet at the time of departure, maybe I better be heading to Central America. It seems increasingly of sense to me.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Yes, sweet. First time i saw a wizsla, i thought it was a brown Pointer. It has the same kind of face. If you take Paco with you to Spain, dont let him sit in a chair in a bar. Thats not accepted. Quita ese puto perrrrrro de esa silla.... YA....... Joder.
Posts: 1767
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Thanks Simon, and Anders, thanks for the warning......i come in Spain for a long time....doggs where treated as in a thirth world country before, now there is a big difference, but sitting in a chair or a couch is something different......here too....I start to get weak.....
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
So jelous for the habitat that allows you to raise dogs in peace (and won´t ruin lives of both, dogs and owners)!
What are you planning to do about his sexual life?
I used to be of the conviction that one should try to allow dogs intact being, but have come to believe those who claim that sexuality would not mean the same exclusively pleasure connected feature like it is to us.
To be neutered apparently means considerably less stress for them.
Posts: 1767
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
I have no intention to breed with the dog. I have red a lot about castration/sterilisation for dogs. And the best thing to avoid various of cancers and still have the benefit of hormones that comes with "heat" or meating season, is to sterilise or castrate the dog 3 months after the first "heat"
Posts: 15469
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
My very OLD dog Paco...He is half border collie half Samoyed....so he loves the snow. Poor guy would rather lay out in the snow than walk around much anymore.
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RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
castrate the dog 3 months after the first "heat"
No, thats old fashioned.. It is in general considered the very best to have all dogs neutralized just before they are sexually develloped. It avoids all the bad behaviors with respect of other dogs. There´s a ton of litterature about this and ask your vet!! The general consensus nowadays is to have males castrated and females spayed at 6 - 8 month of age. It also means that the "cut" is smaller because "the things" are smaller. So I would say that Paco is almost ready for the knife.
Male dogs you castrate so young because if you wait, they will devellop mature male behavior and they will be more complicated with other male dogs. I had Nimbus Castrated when he was 18 month and now that he is almost 13 years old he has calmed down and knows that I dont tolerate agressive behavior, but it has been a problem.
Female dogs are spayed before their first heat, also in order to avoid hormonal behavior but mostly because it does that the chance for breast cancer is a lot smaller. I had Lana spayed when she was 7 month old and it was a very simple and small operation and now, I cant even find where she was cut open.
Lovely pictures of the snowdog. Old dogs are really nice.
Puppy news in Horror land from five minutes ago. On oppostion´s TV channel from abroad cell phone videos sent in from locals are being aired daily.
Among today´s clips showing a dump where communal squads unloaded killed strays on the garbage and their still alive potatoe-sized litters too. With at least a dozen puppies that should make any human enchanted by their cuteness, curled on the dead bodies of their mothers. Left to just perish from thurst. -If they survive the rats in the coming night.
RE: Paco - our new dog - (in reply to gerundino63)
Its not better here. In the news in biggest television channel today (la una de RTVE), there was a video of a guy attacking a cow together with around 10 dogs and killing the cow with a knife while the dogs were tearing apart the cow. The complete idiot had made a video of it and put it on the internet and police had found who it was. He faces 3 - 12 month of jail. I dont believe in jail. 10 hours of social work a week for a couple of years in a place where people know who he is and what he did would work 10 times better.
ehemmm. Back on topic. I think Gerundino knows what he is doing.