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I saw a photo of this guitar by accident on facebook, what is the main purpose of this design ??
a new guitar design should make the guitar easier to play, what does this long fingerboard offer ? in my humble experience i rarely use the high frets, so i guess the standard guitar design is more than enough !! so what's the purpose of spliting the sound hole into two sound holes, besides marketing off course ??
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Mainly the soundhole has been placed higher into the upper bout and split of necessity. Why? I'm sure they will gladly explain how this makes the guiitar so much better.
If you go to a guitar history book or do a google search on 'Simplicio bi boca guitar' you'll find that this is a rip off of an idea from Francisco Simplicio that was done in the 1920's 1930's.
Simplicio's original idea had more to do with placing the lateral brace higher on the top so more soundboard area would be free of lateral restriction. Moving the soundhole higher made moving the brace higher possible.
AG does nothing new, all they do is disjointed mash-ups' of historical guitars.
Well thank you Sir for your information, i didn't know that :)
what i was trying to say is that they always have those bizzare rosettes, bridges, fingerboards, etc .. !! i mean what's wrong with a standard guitar, they are way more beautiful IMO .
what i was trying to say is that they always have those bizzare rosettes, bridges, fingerboards, etc .. !! i mean what's wrong with a standard guitar, they are way more beautiful IMO .
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