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RE: Learning a bit of V. Amigo's sol... (in reply to jg7238)
Very well played ! Good control of the instrument. One small thing though. For my taste, it sounds a bit more classical than flamenco. I think that the piece itself is less traditional flamenco in nature, but then again, the sound can make a lot of difference.
RE: Learning a bit of V. Amigo's sol... (in reply to Sr. Martins)
Thanks everyone for the comments... Todd, I suppose you are right to some extent It's in the early stages so I know what you mean... I'll try to upload more of it soon. Thanks again for the input.
RE: Learning a bit of V. Amigo's sol... (in reply to jg7238)
Very nice I don't know if it's on purpose, but I think that it sounds a lot "more flamenco" than in the previous video, probably since it's not as "clean" sounding. Good rasgeo sounds too. I can't wait to hear the complete solea once you've mastered it, don't forget to post
RE: Learning a bit of V. Amigo's sol... (in reply to eitanfar)
Thanks eitanfar for the comment. It's not quite in the hands yet but when it is I'll do the full upload . The way Vicente makes those rasgueados sound is not easy at all. I'm getting better with it but not quite there yet. @Beno: Thanks for chiming in. I apologize for the TV man. I'll have it on mute next time. Ricardo: Thanks for your comment man. I can see what you are saying about not liking the piece at first. It had a similar effect on me.
RE: Learning a bit of V. Amigo's sol... (in reply to jg7238)
Ok, my continuation of this tricky solea....
Personally, I find this clip a little more compelling than the first. I'm sympathetic to Todd's comment about phrasing and dynamics, and suspect your playing of the piece would benefit from slowing down a little bit.
I learned this piece a while back, and you've inspired me to revisit it. Thanks!
This is a beautiful piece. For me, the biggest challenge is playing it with the kind of expressiveness and dynamics with which Vicente plays it; and yet playing it in compas as a solea. Vicente has such mastery of the compas. As someone who's (obviously) not at his level, playing this piece makes me feel like I have to choose between the aforementioned options.
RE: Learning a bit of V. Amigo's sol... (in reply to machopicasso)
the biggest challenge is playing it with the kind of expressiveness and dynamics with which Vicente plays it;
Yes, you hit it right on the nail! It's not easy at all but I'm improving in this area even if Todd doesn't think so.. The only thing now for me is to be more consistent with the phrasing and dynamics.