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Hi all, I’ve been an active member on this forum a few years ago, some will remember me maybe. My interest got focust in electronics and slowly faded away here, as did my flamenco guitar playing.
Around this summer I picked up my guitar again, a beautiful Anders Eliasson blanca peghed. Damn what a beauty it is. Strings are worn, but the guitar sounds so good. Funny thing was that I never stopped doing those finger exercises for rageados, in the bus, in a bar, just everywhere, and although all other things were/are not in shape, that went pretty well. Seems like a good exercise.
I found the good energy again to play guitar and start learnin. Will post some video shortly to get your peoples advises!
Also took the step to get into woodworking as a hobby, no plans to build a guitar yet, just working with wood and hand tools. I’ve never worked with wood before but it seems real interesting. Especially curious about how-it-feels. Got myself two second hand old Stanley planes which I’m gonna restore, hopefully in a good way. Seems like a nice project and a nice way to get to know your tools. I’m gonna re-read some threats with a new perspective!
Not allowed to place pictures yet/ or just here, the planes look great
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to kozz)
Hi Kozz, good to hear from you again. My playing has dried up in favour of electric blues for a while but I still listen to flamenco when I am working.
I have also developed an interest in electronics (integrating devices with phone apps) and have a product ready for kickstarter. Perhaps we should put our heads together?
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to edguerin)
ORIGINAL: edguerin Welcome back! And whatever you do, don't lose compas...
Hee Ed, compas police still out there Interesting avatar, something to do with retirement?
ORIGINAL: gerundino63 Hey Kozz! Good to see you back!
Hee Peter, Still playing the thursdays?
ORIGINAL: Pgh_flamenco Welcome back. Did you open a bed and breakfast? IIRC that was something that interested you at the time...
Hee pgh, yes thats right. Unfortunately after we’ve had been looking around for a finca near Barcelona our relationship ended. She eventually started RetreatYourself weekends in The Netherlands, about yoga and mindfulness. Thats really going well, she’s having even retreat weeks in France and Ibiza, a webshop, and next year a book will be ready. I’m really proud of her that she achieved this, she really worked hard for it.
ORIGINAL: Escribano Hi Kozz, good to hear from you again. My playing has dried up in favour of electric blues for a while but I still listen to flamenco when I am working. I have also developed an interest in electronics (integrating devices with phone apps) and have a product ready for kickstarter. Perhaps we should put our heads together?
Hee Simon, yeah I recon that, never stopped listening flamenco. Great to see you’re still busy in that direction. Interfacing is really cool. We can always put our heads together Simon, but my primary electronics interest was for modular electronic music, bleep bloop But lets have contact anyway, who knows!
Posts: 1767
Joined: Jul. 11 2003
From: The Netherlands
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to kozz)
@Kozz, no, not anymore, unfortunatelly the restaurant went out of bussiness this winter.....playing there was a nice and a very educational time for me. The owners of the restaurant have a better time now.....being employed instead of your own boss have some benefites too
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to gerundino63)
ORIGINAL: gerundino63
@Kozz, no, not anymore, unfortunatelly the restaurant went out of bussiness this winter.....playing there was a nice and a very educational time for me. The owners of the restaurant have a better time now.....being employed instead of your own boss have some benefites too
Its good to hear they have a better time now, being in a financial uncertain situation is not what you want. So you've got a lot more time to explore the other palos isn't it?
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to El Kiko)
Kozz.... ...I wondered what happened to you ?/ you went to India ? , so you must be proficient on the sitar by now ,, tabla and all ... and now you came back to flamenco ......nice to see you again.... I hope you are healthy ( and wealthy ) I still make a lot of mistakes so you never missed much from me anyway ....
Unfortunately no India, but I got a set of tablas and a banshuri (flute) made there. (as decoration ) Healthy again, but still a dropfeet. I changed jobs also, and for the first time in years I really like what I am doin, and that gives energy.
Good to see so many people are still around!
Depends on what you call mistakes. I don't see playing out of compas as a mistake, for many its not natural, and its a road to get playing in compas, and awesome if you get to do so every time a little better. (For the compas police: I am not saying playing out of compas is correct, but hey we all have to start somewhere.)
I did check some video's in that awesome long thread, progression all the way El Kiko!
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to kozz)
Thats very good news Kozz. I´m glad you kept the guitar. Its very nice.
Take it easy, so that the flamenco bug doesnt bite to hard again. I´ve been concentrating on the fiddle for 2,5years, and the guitar, I hardly play anymore.
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to gerundino63)
being employed instead of your own boss have some benefites too
Now, that sounds very tempting. Keeping your own business going can be very energy consuming. I like the building part of the show, but all the rest.........
RE: Hello from Eindhoven again! (in reply to Anders Eliasson)
ORIGINAL: Anders Eliasson Thats very good news Kozz. I´m glad you kept the guitar. Its very nice. Take it easy, so that the flamenco bug doesnt bite to hard again. I´ve been concentrating on the fiddle for 2,5years, and the guitar, I hardly play anymore.
Yes, there were times I'd better had sold it, but just couldn't.
Easy it is Anders, looking back it was flamenco above, under, and everywhere, but the growth didn't follow that. Too much in too little time. Maybe woodworking will take it over
Ah yeah, the Irish fiddle...thats great you kept doin that. Somehow I thought you would have build a harp after the violin....reminds me of the workshop blog, gonna check!