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Posts: 503
Joined: Jun. 14 2014
From: Encinitas, CA USA
Recommend strings for my new guitar
I picked up my first Flamenco guitar yesterday. So far I really like it. It came from the factory with strings that I am not sure of. They don't sound bad but maybe it could sound more lively with better strings. I was thinking Hannabach 828MT.
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RE: Recommend strings for my new guitar (in reply to Cervantes)
Hi Cervantes,
Here a copy of the list of string and some information regarding the brands posted by other members of the forum.
Flamenco Strings
Mixture of bass and treble. It appears flamenco guitarist use a different type of string for the 3rd string and two other different types for trebles 2nd and 1st strings. And different strings for the basses minus the 3 rd string
Their was a mention of Labella 820B trebles & Luthier 20 basses.
List in order of preference per research.
(1) LaBella 820B trebles. (2) Luthier 20 popular set or basses Medium tension (3) Savarez Alliance 540R which are medium tension
D'Addario EJ45C- 3rd brown string Medium tension
D'Addario EJ25C Pro-Arte Clear composite G Flamenco Strings
D'Addarion EJ44 extra hard tension for dancers
D'Addarion EJ43 light tension
Savarez Alliance 520 & 540
Hannabach Titanyl - Pros - sound/tone was awesome, the size of the trebles were perfect (almost a little too thin), quick tune. Cons - $18/set, trebles sounded dead only after about 10 days.
Hannabach Flamenc 827HT the only notes I took on this set stated "Do not buy these strings again!!!!"
Hannabach 827 light tension
Hannabach Goldin Pros - Feel of the string was great esp. trebles, Sound/tone was decent at first but they really started to sound great after a few days and lasted longer than others I had tried (1.5 months). Cons - took forever before they would stay in tune (2-3 days), Basses were a bit on the dull side.
Luthier Concert Dark Silver 45HT Pros - tuned quick, feel and sound great, Cons - don't sound near as good on this guitar as any Savarez I have tried, seem to not sound as good after about 3 weeks.
Savarez Corum 506J HT Pros - the best overall sound/feel of any string that I have tried so far, lasted about 5 weeks. Cons - just wished they would have lasted a little longer.
Savarez Corum Alliance500AJ HT Pros - slightly better tone than 506J, same feel. Probably the best string I have tried so far. Cons - again wished they would last longer.
Savarez Corum New Cristal 500CJ Pros - the best sounding trebles of all the Savarez I have tried, 'probably' my favorite string so far. Cons - what do I have to do to get a string to last longer than a month and a half?
Savarez Red Card Basses & D'Addario T2 trebles These are currently on my guitar. They don't quite measure up to the Savares 500 CJs, but may give them a run for their money if they will last a little longer than 6 weeks. The tone & feel are comprable to the Savarez, at least to my ears.
Savarez 540 HT Classic Series basses
The brightest sounding strings will in general be the thinnest. And some of the basses mentioned here are pretty thin (Luthier20 and Savarez Corum) Try a set of low or ultra low tension
Saverez Alliance and Daddario composites are the brightest ive heard. Everytime i play the string game, i always end up back at D'addario J46.
Hope this helps I'm sure other members wil guide you. ____________________________
An instrument never stops being a translator, an intermediary through which you put everything you want to express.....
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: Recommend strings for my new guitar (in reply to Cervantes)
Since your guitar is new , you dont really know it , you will have to get it settled in .. I would suggest going for some of the D'Addario EJ45 type strings which are durable and not too expensive .. Meanwhile you will have to start listening to it and see if you need more treble , or bass on the lower strings .. or whatever you feel you are lacking ..
There really is no way around this , all guitars are different , cos each piece of wood is unique , and all players are different as well , For example I myself , I have always been told , am a bit heavy handed , so even with your guitar as is I would possibly get more volume than you , and so would choose a different string to suit me , than you would, even on your own guitar .
So , new guitar , just play away with what you have and make a mental note of what you would like to change for the next time etc .. and kind of drift toward your choice...remember your new guitar will change too as it opens up and will accept different strings again ...
Posts: 503
Joined: Jun. 14 2014
From: Encinitas, CA USA
RE: Recommend strings for my new guitar (in reply to El Kiko)
I think that is good advice. I have never had to think about strings that much. On my classical, the builder chose the strings (D'addario basses and Galli GR90 trebles) and I trusted him and they sound good, so no need to experiment. On my archtop, Thomastik are pretty well known to be the best so again I just bought them, great strings. At my level I probably should not worry about strings and just practice. It seems with Flamenco guitars string choices are more complicated and require trial and error. I just thought that there might some choices that would be a definite improvement. Another thought, does anybody sell a sampler set of strings? Maybe just a bunch of high E strings, I could cycle through them to hear the difference.
Posts: 503
Joined: Jun. 14 2014
From: Encinitas, CA USA
RE: Recommend strings for my new guitar (in reply to Cervantes)
I was practicing last night for a few hours and noticed a few things. The bass strings sound pretty good, the trebles sound dull and lifeless. I decided to order some Labellla 2001 MT and go from there.
RE: Recommend strings for my new guitar (in reply to Cervantes)
Utilizo las carta roja de toda la vida 520R, con muy buen resultado
Yes, those are good strings, I like the feel and the sound of it, but I just destroyed a set in 2 weeks...and that include the turning over of the bass strings...
RE: Recommend strings for my new guitar (in reply to Cervantes)
Hannabachs are okay for classical guitars, but for Flamenco I would recommend the La Bella 820 and the Luthier 20 for a starter.
Do a search here at the Foro on the 820's. I did and read what the guys in the trenches use. The 820's are a good string to start with, if you are looking for something more than your present string is giving you.