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Anyone got old Fosforito LP's and/or info?
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mark indigo
Posts: 3626
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Anyone got old Fosforito LP's and/or...
I posted this first on the "Paco's Discography" thread [here: http://www.foroflamenco.com/tm.asp?m=253824&appid=&p=&mpage=4&key=&tmode=1&smode=1&s=#257945] but posting again as new thread hoping someone will see it who missed the other thread: Does anyone here know individual titles and tracklists for these Fosforito/Paco recordings listed? quote:
Fosforito 1968 BELTER EP 52 190 Fosforito 1969 BELTER LP 22 360 Fosforito 1970 BELTER EP 52 275 Fosforito 1970 BELTER EP 52 361 Fosforito 1970 BELTER EP 52 365 Fosforito 1978 OLIMPO LP 20.28 I have a CD called "Cante Y Guitarra" which says it was recorded "1968/69 at Belter Studios" so I guess is the second recording from the list? I have a double CD "Selección Antológica del Cante Flamenco" of Fosforito and Paco with 48 tracks, all different to the ones on the the "Cante Y Guitarra" CD but no info about where or when they were recorded, what the original record label was or what the titles were of the original releases. I also have a two CD box called "¡Genio Y Solera!" which has some overlap with the "Selección Antológica...", but some different tracks. Of the two CD's in the box, one is titled "¡Genio Y Solera!", but the other is titled "Cante Por Derecho". Again, there is no info about where or when they were recorded, what the original record label was or what the titles were of the original releases. Does anyone have any info about these CD re-releases and what the original releases were? I have tried searching online, but only find dates of CD compilations from the 2000's, and fuzzy pics of old singles on Fosforito's website (Some of the tracks match, but there's no other info). I did find a discography that listed Belter catalogue numbers for 4 EP's and 5 LP's of Fosforito with Paco, but again, no titles, tracklists or other info. Thanks, in advance.
Date Apr. 30 2014 12:54:50
Posts: 12
Joined: Apr. 27 2014
RE: Anyone got old Fosforito LP's an... (in reply to mark indigo)
Hi, Mark -- I started making a flamenco discography in 1960, mostly by going into record stores and transcribing information from the jackets. I ended up with nearly 3000 pages, covering flamenco records from the first-ever two LP's (a Carlos Montoya LP and a Carmen Amaya LP, both American and released in 1950) to virtually all the recordings made anywhere up to 2003. (I call it "Flamenco Recordings - 1950-2000" because I figured some material recorded in 2000 might not have been released until 2003. After that time, everybody with fifty bucks could make his or her own private flamenco CD, so it seemed pointless to try and find them all; besides, everything after that appeared somewhere on the internet.) Here's the Belter LP you wondered about: [caf/512][st][am]5. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 22.360 1969 [bne]˚Belter 91.360 1970 Fand "Dejar de amarte"; Mart "No siento que este la fragua"; Liviana "Rabiando estoy por verte"; Sig "Cuando yo me muera"; Mal del Canario "En la pared"; Cart "Pastora divina";/ Gran "Ya no te quiero"; Taranto de Almeria "Parezco otro hombre"; Tangos de Cadiz "Campanitas de oro y plata"; Aleg "A Cadiz novia del sur"; Bul de Cadiz "Plazuela del Mediterraneo"; Sol de Cadiz "Lo que yo estoy padeciendo" Here's the Olimpo or Olympo LP (it was also released as a Sombrero cassette): [caf/1759]**12. Fosforito [con Juanito Valderrama y Pepe Pinto] w/Manolo Carmona, Juan Carmona “Habichuela”, Ramon de Algeciras y Juan Maya "Marote" Olympo SL-2028 1978 √ ˚Sombrero S 1047 1980 La Cana (F., J.V. y P.P.); Caracoles "Manuela Reyes"; Fand de H. "Que tu me hayas olvidado"; Sol "No te des por ofendida"; "Carretera del Brillante" (Sol -Aleg - Fand de H.); Jaberas "Libre para quererte"; Fand "Cantan los tres"; Mart "Martinete del Cafe del Burrero" (P.P., J.V. y F.) Now: Here is all the info I have on all of Fosforito's 45's, the ones with Paco that you asked about, plus all the others, in the random order in which I encountered them over the years - you should find some or all of the four EP's you asked about. FOSFORITO – EP’S FOSFORITO [caf/2-136]1. w/V. Araceli Philips 421 204 PE 1958 Cantina "Toita el agua del mar"; Sol "Que nadie se llame a engano"; Mal y Verdiales "Enfermo de amores"; Cana [caf/2-210]2. w/V. Araceli Philips 421 205 PE 1958 Sig "Hermano mio"; Fand "Todavia yo la quiero"; Livianas "De canela fina"; Serranas "Una ventera" [caf/2-01]3. w/V. Araceli Philips 421 206 PE 1958 Fand de H. "De tanto por ti llorar"; Sol "Soy lo mismo que el metal"; Polo; Mal "Lo que mi corazon siente" [caf/2-754]4. w/Juan Serrano y A. Velez Philips 421 216 PE 1959 Caracoles (J.S.); Fand de Lucena, Zangano y Verdial (A.V.); Aleg "Llegando a Cordoba" (J.S.); Sol "De noche llorando" (J.S.) [caf/2-1947]5. w/Juan Serrano y A. Velez Philips 421 217 PE 1959 Taranto de Almeria; Javera [Jabera]; Fand; Ritmos de Huelva 6. w/_____ Philips 436 314 _____ _____ 7. w/Ramon de Algeciras y Juan Carmona, Juan Maya “Marote”, A. Velez Belter 51.118 _____ _____ [caf/2-1845][al]8. w/Ramon de Algeciras, Manolo Carmona, Juan Carmona "El Habichuela", Juan Maya "Marote" y Alberto Velez Belter 51.188 1965 Fand "Creyeron que tu eras bueno"; Fand "Lucena y Levante"; Fand "Gitano de fragua"; Fand "Barco sin guia" [al]9. w/Juan Carmona "El Habichuela", Juan Maya "Marote" y Alberto Velez _____ _____ _____ Caracoles "Manuela Reyes"; Petenera "A mimbre y canela"; Cantina "Senora y duena"; Taranto "Por tus mentiras" [bne][al]10. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 52.190 1968 Sol "No te des por ofendida"; Verdiales "En blanquear tu facha"; Fand "Si alguna vez existio"; Minera "Me voy pa la mina sola" [al]11. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 52.361 1970 Fand "Dejar de amarte"; Mal de La Trini "Tu querer es solo mio"; Aleg "A Cadiz novia del sur"; Gran "Ya no te quiero" [al]12. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 52.365 1970 Fand "Razon del ser"; Tarantos de Almeria "Parezco otro hombre"; Bul de Cadiz "Plazuela del Mentidero"; "Rabiando estoy por verte" [al]13. Villancicos Flamencos w/Paco de Lucia Belter 52.375 1970 [52.275?] Villancico Flamenco "Divino Enmanuel"; Villancico Flamenco "El nino de Dios"; Villancico Flamenco "La noche mas alba"; Villancico Flamenco "El nino tiembla de frio" 14. w/_____ Belter 51.181 _____ "Ole flamenca"; "Se abre la tierra"; "Vengo de los montes"; "Fiesta en Cadiz" [caf/2-073]15. w/Juan Carmona [Habichuela] Belter 51.184 _____ _____ "Manuela Reyes"; _____ [caf/2-730]16. Cancionero de Oro w/Juan [Carmona] Habichuela Belter 01-151 1972 _____ [caf/2-731]17. w/Juan [Carmona] Habichuela Belter 08-406 1974 _____ "Clavel mananero"; _____ [caf/2-1844][caf/2-753]18. w/Juan [Carmona] Habichuela Belter 51.192 1965 _____ "Grande interes"; _____ “Libre para quererte”; _____ [bne][caf/2-734][caf/2-729]19. w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela”, Juan Maya “Marote”, Alberto Velez, Paco de Lucia Belter 07.933 1971 Tango - Rumba "Ole flamenca";/ Zangano de Puente Genil “Tierra donde yo he nacio” [caf/2-727]20. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 9.004 1968 _____ "Me puse a beber un dia"; _____ [caf/2-1946]21. Saetas Belter 52.384 1971 1970 Saeta por Carceleras “Por palio la luna llena”; Saeta por Sig “A Jesus Nazareno”; Saeta “Arde el pueblo en hermosura”; Saeta Antigua de Puente Genil “Eres Virgen mas bonita” 22. w/_____ Belter 52.426 1972 Fand del Cerro; Fand de H.; Fand de Valverde; Fand de Lucena; Fand Personales [caf/2-1945]23. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 52.193 1968 “Estas haciendo que me duela”; _____ [bne]24. Cancionero de Oro w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela”, Juan Maya “Marote” y Alberto Velez y Paco de Lucia Belter 01-119 1971 Cantinas “Senora y duena” (w/J.C. “H.”, J.M. “M.” y A.V.); Fand de H. “Que tu me hayas olvidado” (w/Paco de Lucia) [bne]25. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 08-196 1972 Verdiales “Si estaba loco por ti”;/ Bul de Cadiz “Nunca te he mentido” [bne]26 w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela” Belter 08-285 1973 Tangos flamencos “Libre quiero ser”; Taranto “Intentare lograr” [bne]27. w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela” Belter 08-432 1974 Sol “No me dejas ni mirarte” Fand “Rescoldo de carino” [bne]28. w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela” Belter 08-339 1974 Farruca “Baila Malena”; Cart Grande “Lo nuestro” [bne]29. w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela” Belter 08-406 1974 Aleg “Clavel mananero”; Bamberas “Desde que te conoci” [bne]30. w/Juan Carmona “Habichuela” y Pepe Habichuela Belter 08-549 1975 Bul “Gitana mia”; Tangos de Jerez “No me pidas mas” I also have sections of LP's/Cassettes and CD's, of course, with separate "Anthology" segments for both groups. Virtually all the material from the EP's will appear in those other formats, of course. If you want that information -- virtually everything by Fosforito for a half-century -- let me know. I'll send it in this manner or, if those 14 total pages are too bulky, let me know if there's a more appropriate way. (Again, I have this kind of info about every flamenco recording issued everywhere -- well, a few are inevitably missing, but not a heck of a lot. I didn't know how to make a data base when i started -- maybe there was no such thing yet -- so everything is just part of a massive but searchable document. I can't push a button and get an automatic printout of everything that has both Fosforito and Paco, for example. I could have taken the time to isolate them, since it's doable, but there's a certain value in having the comprehensive listing, and picking out the info you want..) The discography itself doesn't include 78's, but I do have a very large database of 78's as well -- many of which were later issued on LP's or Cassette or CD's. Good luck, Brook
Date May 4 2014 5:46:52
Posts: 12
Joined: Apr. 27 2014
RE: Anyone got old Fosforito LP's an... (in reply to Pimientito)
Hi, glad the EP info helped. The next question is LP's, which I list below (along with cassettes since many albums came out in both formats.) Here are all the LP's/cassettes I know of by Fosforito with Paco de Lucia as the accompanist, or one of the accompanists. I have not included the many LP's without Paco, or a bunch of LP's for which I didn't know who was accompanying (that info is often missing from certain albums, usually cheap cassettes or low-profile LP's. Every original entry is numbered -- that's why many numbers are skipped, whenever they didn't have Paco on board. The LP/cassette info is followed by the info on LP and cassette Anthologies. (I haven't included the CD info -- this list is long enough already -- but I could, if anybody's wondering about them... There's a lot of source info in these listings, usually abbreviations (or initials) in brackets telling where I got the info. A few examples: [caf] is Centro Andaluz de Flamenco -- I lived a block away from the venerable institution in Jerez for years; [bne] is Biblioteca Nacional de Espana, which has some info online; the two-letter initials are of people who sent me info about their collections over the years, bless their hearts. Also: The cassette format is indicated by a tiny dot preceding the label name. It looks like this: ˚RCA 2162 1973 [but it's even tinier -- I forget how i made it.] "v." means "see" some other record for comparison. "idem" means "the same". "o.d." means "order different" - but the content is the same. You get the gist... And sometimes the spacing gets mixed up in these copy-and-paste versions I'm sending, unfortunately. FOSFORITO LP's and Cassettes [caf/1015][caf/890][ay]√1. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 22.219 1968 Abandolas "Me puse a beber un dia"; Fand "Si alguna vez existio"; Mineras "Me voy pa la mina solo"; Cana "Estas haciendo que me duela"; Mal "No aguanto mas"; Tientos "Mientras mi corazon sufre"; Sol "No te des por ofendida"; Tarantos "Con el vapor de mi aliento"; Verdiales Fosforeros "Contigo me fui a encontrar"; Fand de Lucena; Petenera "Te he dicho que no te quiero"; Fand de H. "Que tu me hayas olvidao" [caf/513][caf/894][am]4. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 22.362 1969 Fand; Mal de la Trini; Minera; Romeras; Media Gran; Zangano de Puente Genil;/ Fand de H.; Tangos de Triana; Bul por Sol; Alborea; Sig; Solea Apola [caf/512][st][am]5. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 22.360 1969 [bne]˚Belter 91.360 1970 Fand "Dejar de amarte"; Mart "No siento que este la fragua"; Liviana "Rabiando estoy por verte"; Sig "Cuando yo me muera"; Mal del Canario "En la pared"; Cart "Pastora divina";/ Gran "Ya no te quiero"; Taranto de Almeria "Parezco otro hombre"; Tangos de Cadiz "Campanitas de oro y plata"; Aleg "A Cadiz novia del sur"; Bul de Cadiz "Plazuela del Mediterraneo"; Sol de Cadiz "Lo que yo estoy padeciendo" 6. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 22.587 _____ _____ 7. w/Paco de Lucia Belter 22.508 _____ _____ [de]**8. Fosforito con Paco de Lucia [w/Paco de Lucia] Belter 27.256 _____ [Dos discos?] [Antologia?] Abandolas; Fand; Minera; La Cana; Mal; Tientos; Sol; Tarantas; Verdiales Fosforeros; Fand; Peteneras; Fand de H.; Colombianas "Pajarillo marismeno"; Sol; Tango de Triana; Peteneras; Bul (Campanilleros); Sig; Bamberas; Fand [de]**9. Fosforito - Creadores del Cante w/Paco de Lucia Flash FK 1014 _____ Tangos de Cadiz; Sol; Fand de H.; Tientos; Alboreas; Jaberas; Aleg; Cart; Bul de Cadiz; Peteneras; La Cana [caf/240][caf/1216][gs][faf]√15. Libre Quiero Ser w/Juan Carmona "Habichuela", Juan Maya "Marote", Alberto Velez y Paco de Lucia ˚Perfil MC-136 1985 Belter 22.900 1974 [caf/1982]Belter 2-270009 1978 [v. 33 – no idem] Tangos Flamencos "Libre quiero ser" (J.C. "H."); Sol "No me dejas ni mirarte" (J.C. "H."); Aleg "A Cadiz, novia del sur" (Paco de Lucia); Bul de Cadiz "Plazuela del Mentidero" (Paco de Lucia); Tango - Rumba "Ole, flamenca" (J.C. "H", J.M. "M." y A.V.);/ Aleg "Clavel mananero (Paco de Lucia); Zangano "Puente Genil, tierra mia" (Paco de Lucia); Peteneras de Medina "A pesar de tu maldad" (Paco de Lucia); Mal "Solo por verte bailar" (Paco de Lucia); Verdiales "Si estaba loco por ti" (Paco de Lucia) [de]√16. w/Paco de Lucia ˚Perfil MC-578 1987 Tangos de Cadiz "Campanitas de oro y plata"; Bul por Sol "El dia empezo a clarear"; Mal "Voy a encender dos altares"; Mineras "Barrenero soy"; Romera "El color de los ojos";/ Aleg "Clavel mananero"; Verdiales "Si estaba loco por ti"; Cart "Desde el primer dia"; Fand de Valverde "Palos de Moguer"; Gran "La noche y tu el dia" [caf/887][ay][ck]18. w/Paco de Lucia Fontana 64.29.031 1971 [bne]˚Philips 71 23046 1970 [o.d.] Romeras “De mis pesares”; Mal; Fand de H. “Que cuantas puedes pedir”; Tangos de Cadiz “La noche se terminaba”; Sol de Alcala “A pesar de tanto tiempo”; Tientos “Es de candela”; Sig “La gitana mia”; Fand “En mi memoria”; Sol Apola”Nunca me has querido”; Verdiales “A mi Malaga la bella” [gs]22. w/Paco de Lucia Philips 72 16 065 _____ _____ 27. Cante por Derecho w/Paco de Lucia ˚Jercar _____ _____ _____ [bne]29. w/Juan Carmona y Paco de Lucia* Belter 22.826 1974 [bne]˚Belter 91.826 1974 Fand “Rescoldo de carino”; Cart Grande “Lo nuestro”; Farruca “Baila Malena”; Mal de Chacon “De mi muerte”; Sol “No me dejas ni mirarte”; Sig “Cada vez que lo intento”;/ Tangos Flamencos “Quiero ser”; Sol “Conmigo”; Taranto “Intentare lograr”; Bamberas “Desde que te conoci”; Campanilleros “Rico avariento”; Aleg “Clavel mananero”* [bne]30. w/Paco de Lucia ˚Belter BHC 133 1977 Tangos de Cadiz “Campanitas de oro y plata”; Aleg “Clavel mananero”; Bul por Sol “El dia empezo a clarea” Fand de Valverde “Palos de Moguer”; Verdiales “Si estaba loco por ti”; Mal “Voy a encender dos altars”; Mineras “Barrenero soy”; Cart “Desde el primer dia”; Romera “El color de los ojos”; Sig “A San Agustin”; Sol Apola “Sera tu misma conciencia”; Tientos “Mientras mi corazon sufre”; Tangos de Triana “Me estan lastimando”; Tarantos de Almeria “Parezco otro hombre’: Gran “La noche y tu el dia” [bne]32. La Supercassette de Fosforito w/Paco de Lucia y Juan Carmona “Habichuela” ˚Belter BHC 323 1973 Taranto “Con el vapor de mi aliento”; Sol “No me dejas ni mirarte”; Verdiales Fosforeros [Verdiales de Fosforito] “Contigo me fui a encontrar”; Fand de Lucena “Lecciones como la vida”; Livianas “Rabiando estoy por verte”; Tientos “Antes que decir que no”; Fand de H. “Campanitas a gloria”; Bamberas “Desde que te conoci”; Mal de Chacon “De mi muerte”; Farruca “Baila Malena”; Tango – Rumba “Ole, flamenca”; Fand “Razon de ser”; Zangano de Puente Genil “Tierra donde yo he nacio”; La Cana “Estas haciendo que me duela”; Media Gran “Solo pa quererte”; Peteneras “Te he dicho que no te quiero”; Cart Grande “Lo nuestro”; Sig “Cada vez que lo intento”; Peteneras de Medina “A pesar de tu maldad”; Fand “No perdono el amor” [bne]33. Libre Quiero Ser w/Paco de Lucia, Juan Maya “Marote” y Alberto Velez ˚Belter 91.900 1975 [v. 15 – no idem] Tangos Flamencos “Libre quiero ser”; Tarantos “Con el vapor de mi aliento”; Bul de Cadiz “Nunca te he mentido”; Zangano de Puente Genil “Puente-Genil, tierra mia”; Sig “Cuando y me muera”; Fand “Razon de ser”; Sol “No te des por ofendida”; Tientos “Mientras mi corazon sufre”; Livianas “Rabiando estoy por verte”; Mal del Canario “En la pared”; Peteneras de Medina “A pesar de tu maldad”; Tango – Rumba “Ole, flamenca” FOSFORITO – ANTHOLOGIES – LP’S AND CASSETTES – SOME REISSUED AS CD’S [gs][faf]√ FOSFORITO - SELECCION ANTOLOGICA 4 LP's: [caf//263]; [bne] Belter 75.012; [bne][st][caf//264] Belter 75.013; [bne][gh][caf//265] Belter 75.014; [bne][caf//266][?] Belter 75.015 [caf//431] 1971 4 LP’s: [bne][caf/1707] Belter 22.587; [bne][caf/1706] Belter 22.588; [bne][caf/1705] Belter 22.589; [bne][caf/1704][caf/1109] Belter 22.590 1971 √4 Cassettes: ˚Olivo 3-27.056; [de] ˚Olivo 3-27.057; ˚Olivo 3-27.058; ˚Olivo 3-27.059 1979 [bne]4 Cassettes: ˚Belter 91.587; ˚Belter 91.588; ˚Belter 91.589; ˚Belter 91.590 1971 [v:] [fc] 3 CD's: SELECCION ANTOLOGICA DEL CANTE FLAMENCO: Vol. 1: Perfil CD 5415 TC 16; Vol. 2: Perfil CD: 5416 TC 16; Vol. 3: Perfil CD 5417 TC 16 _____ [contenido idem] CD 1: Iris Music IMP 923-3001 [contiene Disco I, completo y Disco IV, 1-4]; CD 2: IMP 924 [contiene Disco II, completo y Disco IV, 5-8]; CD 3: IMP 925 [contiene Disco III, 1-9, 11, Verdial Fosforero “Entre nosotros existe” [omitiendo 10, Mal de la Trini] [o sea, incluye este Mal de la Trini bajo el nombre de Verdial Fosforero], y 12; y Disco IV, 9-12] 1994 [efv/26] 2 CD’S: SELECCION ANTOLOGICA DEL CANTE FLAMENCO: Iris Music 3001 847 2001 – France - CD 1: [24 cantes] - Tangos de Triana; _____; [10] Fand “A mis ninos”; [20] Sig “Los filos del alba”; [24] Tangos de Cadiz “Son mi martirio”; CD 2 [24 cantes]: Tientos de Frijones “Antes que decir que no”; [10] Tona “Andame los pasos”; [20] Saeta Antigua “Eres Virgen mas bonita”; [24] Mart “Vivas candelas y estrellas” Cante: Fosforito Guitarra: Paco de Lucia Disco I: Tangos de Triana “No me cuentes penas”; Gran “Te deseo de verdad”; Bamberas o Cantos de Columpio “Al columpiar”; Sig “Companera mia”; Bul de Cadiz “Nunca te he mentio”; Fand de Lucena “Virgen de Lucena”;/ Mirabras “Tiempo tendras”; Sol de Alcala “Que es lo que tu quieres”; Mal del Canario “Solo por verte bailar”; Fand “A mis ninos”; Villancicos “Villanancicos de mi pueblo” “El Nino Dios”; Debla “Si el mundo me dieran” Disco II: Tientos de Frijones "Antes de decir que no"; Bul por Sol "El dia empezo a clarear"; Media Gran "La noche, y tu el dia"; Bandolas "Cosa de dura prueba"; Fand del Cerro "Sus trinos lanzan al viento"; Petenera de Medina "A pesar de tu maldad";/ Tarantos de Almeria "Virgen del Mar"; Serrana "Romero y jara"; Liviana "Por lo que hiciste"; Tona "Andame los pasos"; Verdial Fosforero [Verdiales de Fosforito] "Cada uno por su lao"; Canas "Cualquier cosa" Disco III: Tangos Flamencos “Hasta el reloj se me para”; Sol Apola “Sera tu misma conciencia”; Caracoles “Como reluce”; Sig “Los filos del alba”; Fand de H. “Es la morena que quiero”; Zanganos de Puente Genil “Tierra mia”;/ Aleg “Clavel mananero”; Tangos de Cadiz “Son mi martirio”; Rondena “Ya no le importa la fuente”; Mal de La Trini; Cart Grande “Voy a encender dos altares”; Saeta Antigua de Puente Genil “Eres Virgen mas bonito” Disco IV: Alboreas “Gitana de azucena”; Cart “Desde el primer dia”; Verdiales “Si estaba loco por ti”; Sig “Fue Dios el testigo”; Fand de Valverde “Palos de Moguer”; Saeta Vieja “A Jesus Nazareno”;/ Sol de Cadiz “Por Dios, que yo no te miento”; Mineras “Hijo mio”; Polo Natural “Mi desengano”; Javeras [Jaberas] “A mi me dio la locura”; Romera “El color de los ojos”; Mart “Vivas candelas y estrellas”
Date May 8 2014 1:48:16
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