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This site is dedicated to the memory of Paco de Lucía, Ron Mitchell, Guy Williams, Linda Elvira, Philip John Lee, Craig Eros, Ben Woods, David Serva and Tom Blackshear who went ahead of us.
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Hi all, whenever I was searching the internet for something related to Flamenco I stumbled over the foro so I thought it was a good idea to register.
I have been a guitar player for many years but never studied hard, took serious lessons or practised with discipline achieving not much in the long run. Although having guitars around for some 20+ years I still consider myself a pretty lousy player at a very basic beginner's level.
After the wall crumbled back in 1989 (grew up in the East) one of the first things I would spend as much money on as I could were records, amongst them being a Paco de Lucia one.
The last years I did some Country Blues fingerpicking but got a classical guitar a few weeks ago and decided to do Nägel with Köpfen which translates to nails with heads, meaning to get something done the proper way. I now practise basic right hand technics, picado, rasgueados and stuff for at least one hour a day already golping the cedar top of my classical to pieces.....well, not quite but close. :-)
This is a great place to get tons of information and I'm looking forward to some interesting conversations, even if I might not be able to contribute anything useful as for now.
This user "lvwuyuan" has 3 posts that has been moved to the recycle bin, obviously by posting spam. Why are such users not deleted totally and can keep their account instead untill the next spam will come?