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I have an advice to everyone who is new to guitar but wants to learn all by himself. There is a course starting on coursera on 19th of July (Introduction to Guitar by Thaddeus Hogarth)
RE: advise for newbies how to learn ... (in reply to annika.a)
Hello Anna and Kaimana.
The question is WHAT exactly you want to learn? Just playing a guitar or playing Flamenco.
As a person who play Flamenco guitar mostly by himself for at least 7 years (plus minus army service) I still always recommend new players to take a real flamenco teacher, because there are lots of incorrect stuff going on the internet (aka fakemanco/nuevo flamenco).
Moreover , with a teacher you get a better understanding about the music structure of flamenco and things like Compas (which took me lots of time, as "spanish outsider", to understand) . . .
Posts: 10
Joined: Aug. 28 2011
From: Edinburgh, Scotland
RE: advise for newbies how to learn ... (in reply to FullMetalGuitarist)
Hi FullMetalGuitarist, You're exactly right that there's nothing like learning from a teacher. I've been very lucky to be able to learn a bit from a teacher who can play flamenco guitar, but I didn't grow up with music. So, there are huge gaps in my understanding of music. We could call it a big chasm of ignorance, actually. This online course being discussed will probably explain some very basic music theory, and I think that would be useful for any style of guitar playing.