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Posts: 4516
Joined: Aug. 9 2006
From: Iran (living in Germany)
Interesting Iranian/Spanish Flamenco...
Guess this is one of the more interesting ones, since we have totally different types of singing, sung on buleria compas and also instruments such as kamanche
I am pretty sure it will sound a little unfamiliar and probably a little weird for most of you who are not familiar with iranian type of singing, but for me who listens to both styles of music, its exteremly interesting and nice "fusion".
RE: Interesting Iranian/Spanish Flam... (in reply to Arash)
Nice! Really liked it.
At first I thought like: "She sings like true flamenco / a Spaniard". No wonder, hehe. :O) Great voice.
Nice combo. In the final I thought the Persian singer could had been a tad more flexible / given in a bit more to the genre, but it sure sounded good overall.
I just realized how long it´s been since I heard a buleria in its good old style. And I think they could had left out that aped ol´ PdL-ish transverse flute, even if it was a nice reed version. Who needs that one, really. ( I think if must be a letra of pan flute would do better; really.)