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less of the back biting and acting the jackass on the foro guys n' gals.
As the late and may i say great Ron Mitchell said, this place is like a pub, be nice to each other, enjoy each others company, enjoy talking about flamenco and enjoy arguing about it - but being a jackass and coming out with some undeserved comments back-biting and holding other foro members up to ridicule and contempt aint cool.
i've seen the tone and the respect for each other go a bit wayward in the last few months, i ain't been as active due to trying to get my career on the road and trying to raise a family. but i do keep an eye on the foro and sometimes i feel things are going amiss.
try and keep it civil and less of "taking the mickey" out of each other and we can all continue to enjoy this place and get something out of our interactions online.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to edguerin)
Good on you Henry. I saw a truly dreadful attack on a newbie for asking an inexperienced question about Paco de Lucia. Glad to see someone's keeping to Ron's spirit of fairness.
Posts: 6444
Joined: Jul. 6 2003
From: England, living in Italy
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to Donald)
Good on you Henry. I saw a truly dreadful attack on a newbie for asking an inexperienced question about Paco de Lucia. Glad to see someone's keeping to Ron's spirit of fairness.
Agreed, this place is getting too big and such things can slip through. Please use the 'Report Abuse' link to alert us.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
I can't speak about the Foro forum, as I haven't done too much surfing here, but I DO notice that when a bunch of guys get together sometimes things turn in to a pissing contest. For instance, I enjoy high end audio as well, and it's surprising when some A-hole puts down a product or person, A) when they haven't heard the product or B) makes a nasty comment by way of a put-down to some person. Perhaps it's human nature, perhaps it's the disturbance of youth, and a lot of people are angry and don't know it, or feel superior and do know it, but dude, listen to your old lady (girlfriend, wife, etc.) as most of us want the same thing, which means less DE-structive criticism and more CON-structive criticism, if it's asked for or warranted. Raining on someone else's parade sucks for everybody and then nobody wants go!
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
If you have rules and moderators who step in (not control) difficult situations, the members will adhere to a more respectful decorum. Personally, I think it is high time for a bit more moderator input in certain discussions. I also think that there is no place for certain subjects i.e., religion, politics, drug involvement, etc. I welcome a bit more regulation.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
Questioning and controversy are the pillars on which every bit of reason towards tomorrow has ben built on. Dispute as long as pragmatically conducted is constructive and precondition for comprehension.
Blinkers on the other hand are the means of retarded yesterday. Not wanting to hear something is always a sign of botch-up.
I you like taboos and censoring come overe here. You will love it.
A woman was fully hit by a car last night right before my house. The black blinker she was wrapped into must have not matched well with walking midst the street at night. ( A few of the folks here believe if they don´t look at the traffic it won´t effect them either, graphically presenting your way.)
It has 124 000 traffic deaths here yearly for blinker mentality, with last nights accident being of the moderate examples.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to El Kiko)
this is why ......
What is "this" supposed to mean? Please declare what you have in mind. -
Where I am people have been dragged out of their beds and killed in some isolated basements without a blink, for having uttered on the internet something not remotely as criticial as my comments about local conditions.
Otherwise I wouldn´t mind telling of my current location at all. In fact there are a number of people on this foro who know my address. -
It is really weird how we in the western hemisphere in the year 2013 have not yet all reached to understand that wishing to fade out topics and perspectives is a retarded attitude. Instead we have still the dumbness of calling for censoring. That is really amazing nearly 2500 years after Sokrates and over 40 years after the last period of philistine.
Posts: 3484
Joined: Jul. 12 2009
From: Washington, DC
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to Sr. Martins)
Ok, close this thread now.
Why close this thread? Ruphus, Kiko, and others are just discussing the limits of speech and censorship regarding various topics. No one is making "ad-hominum" attacks against anyone. No one is engaging in "backbiting" here. The discussion seems to me to be civilized.
And the end of the fight is a tombstone white, With the name of the late deceased, And the epitaph drear, "A fool lies here, Who tried to hustle the East."
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to Ruphus)
I wonder if you are using a translation program to communicate. It is not easy to decipher your thought process. I would like to suggest that you write shorter, less complex sentences since your translator is not as smart as you are.
Posts: 2697
Joined: Jun. 7 2010
From: The South Ireland
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to Ruphus)
I will tell you what 'this ' is suppose to mean ..... You cant say ' come over here. You will love it. ' unless you say where ' here ' is
what was discussed before was people putting the country on there profile to give some indication of where they are .. not your address ... good god ...
You will see even on this thread countries or cities to give some approximity .... like Portugal .. Cork . Washinton etc ... you dont have to, but you cant write 'come here' unless you specify where' here ' is ... I think this is a perfectly valid point
You may be reading too much into what is said here and missing the easy bits .....thats all
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
I just got back from a "here" called Coliseu dos Recreios. There was a dude playing guitar outside and then I went inside where there were more dudes with guitars, percussion, violin, flute...
The guy at the center was the leader for sure because he looked like the one in the posters outside. He was that fellow Vicente Amigo you guys usually talk about
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to El Kiko)
You may be reading too much into what is said here and missing the easy bits .....thats all
Yep, that might be the case. -
It was delivered in my post what relates to "here". Basically blinkers.
To me personally it isn´t of relevance where people are ( other than for special conditions like in this case ). I think what matters is their individual way.
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RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
I think what is relevant is that people strive to write direct sentences. Simplify unclear language, cull out unneeded verbiage, use dictionaries to find the correct term, all for the sake of clear communication.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
ORIGINAL: estebanana
I think what is relevant is that people strive to write direct sentences. Simplify unclear language, cull out unneeded verbiage, use dictionaries to find the correct term, all for the sake of clear communication.
This seems the take of who do not like the contents.
At least have I not one time received niggle about my language from anyone in accordance or in fair fencing.
In the opposite, do I regularly receive postive remarks about the language. Here the last one from February:
I always am amazed to read your english because it is so "colorful" in a way that is not possible for native speakers apparently. Well, I think actually I am very satisfied with the Lee, it is like any guitar, sometimes it sounds "perfect" and then sometimes I can't get it "just" right, ...
The positive takes won´t leave me unaware about my shortcomings in English language, but they confirm that I can be understood for who only cares enough.
Should I type something for someone despite of him not wanting to know in the first place I would take the time to make things easier to digest. But that has not occured yet, as far as I recall.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to henrym3483)
Who said I was writing about you? As long as you mention it, to be brutally honest your English is very difficult to understand. Your sense of English usage and syntax is baffling. It would help if you tried to read some books about English composition and practice editing your own writing. It's not really fair to blame others if you insist on saying you can be understood, yet when a native speaker mentions to you that your English language needs some work you deny there is a problem.
Working on your writing does not mean you have to lose your style, wit, intention or even the flavor of not being a native speaker, but it would be hell of a lot less wear and tear on the native speakers if you met them in the middle instead of insisting they come to you.
RE: less of the back-biting guys! (in reply to estebanana)
I think what is relevant is that people strive to write direct sentences. Simplify unclear language, cull out unneeded verbiage, use dictionaries to find the correct term, all for the sake of clear communication.
about all topics, by all members, all the time, here on the foro, because a lot of the time when arguments get heated to the point of becoming personal it seems that people aren't understanding what is actually being said.
like the interpretation of the request for less back-biting as censorship.....
....I think that misses the point....
....and i think the point is "play the ball, not the man" or in other words, discuss topics, feel free to express different points of view and ideas, but don't personally insult people for disagreeing or holding a different point of view.
I also think it would really help if instead of getting personal people actually tried to explain why they hold the point of view that they do, and backed up what they said. And if people tried to understand where other people are coming from and why, instead of ridiculing them.
And another thing, which is that in face to face interactions I rely so much on NVC, tone of voice, gestures etc., that tell me whether the person I am talking with is being serious or joking, sarcastic, ironic etc. etc. and here on the foro, with people I have for the most part never met, it seems communication is already complicated by all of those missing channels, so I feel that a lot more effort needs to go into the choice of the actual words used to avoid the all too common mix-ups.
Emoticons don't really fill the gap as several times I have realised too late that I have been using them incorrectly, this one particularly (didn't realise it meant eyes rolling comtemptuously). And insulting someone and following it with adds insult to injury. Emoticons might help a bit sometimes, but they are so limited when compared to the full gamut of NVC, and are a poor substitute for clear and direct communication.