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RE: Ricardo Fernández del Moral (in reply to kudo)
well done man
Just in the last letras when you change to Am, you should have strum an F instead. Then wait with it until he resolves (I'm not sure btw. I'd go also for the cambio sequence, but I'm dubitative, stay on F might be good...).
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
RE: Ricardo Fernández del Moral (in reply to mezzo)
thanks man, i love it so much!!
Just in the last letras when you change to Am, you should have strum an F instead. Then wait with it until he resolves (I'm not sure btw. I'd go also for the cambio sequence, but I'm dubitative, stay on F might be good...).
I was also confused on that, I had one part of me saying to do what you said, but then i was not sure... leaving it to someone to tell me what it should have been
Posts: 15486
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Ricardo Fernández del Moral (in reply to kudo)
here I am accompanying him after his string broke:
No, your A minor was fine, (F also works but Am has more drama IMO), but you missed going to G7 right after (G7-C) then resolve as you did. Nice job over all.
RE: Ricardo Fernández del Moral (in reply to Ricardo)
but you missed going to G7 right after (G7-C) then resolve as you did.
In the first place I put these cambios chords but then I began to think too much about and became dubitative Too much thinking is not the way to go, it seems... Thanks for the clarification.
"The most important part of Flamenco is not in knowing how to interpret it. The higher art is in knowing how to listen." (Luis Agujetas)
Posts: 15486
Joined: Dec. 14 2004
From: Washington DC
RE: Ricardo Fernández del Moral (in reply to kudo)
but you missed going to G7 right after (G7-C) then resolve as you did. Nice job over all.
where did i miss the G7 , what minute? thanks
Right after your Am on 10-12 beats, the very next compas you should go to G7 on 3-9 (2:03 instead of F), C on 10-12 and the next compas as you played it.